This is a guide to improving textures in the game.
Guide to Texture Reshade
- Install reshade from their site to install in game folder, while installing reshade choose directx11.
- Get adaptativesharpen.fx Curves.fx and Cas.fx and paste in the “shader” folder in your game folder.
- In game press home key on your keyboard to open reshade.
- Check the three desired filters.
- Once done check the performence mode and quit Reshade by pressing the home key again.
- I advise you to only use: Cas.fx from AMD, AdaptativeSharpen.fx from Nvidia and Curves.fx
You have finished, Enjoy the most beautiful textures.
Warning: Choose the intensity according to the sharpness setting of your monitor.
Note: You will find the necessary resources on the Reshade site, when u have finish, you can also delete the other shaders that we don’t use.
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