Covering best graduations, placeable items in school and decision making for better outcomes.
Decision Guide
In this guide i will try to cover some general advanced decision making and the reasons, some of the most powerful graduations and why, Some of the best items to place in rooms. hope this helps players that feel they still don’t know what to really do to build a good school.
So here is a list of all the top Graduations i have found, i have now gotten almost every single graduation with only about 3 or 4 shot and these are the most useful ones.
Note: Some graduations have a modifier and i think if you meet modifier condition then it increases likelihood of getting that result but it is not necessary, the game does not give any explanation for it.
- Graduation Name – Requirements – Effect
- Comments
- Magic Teacher – sum of magic levels: 12 – Modifier; has trait Unbreakable – teachers have 1% chance of better education.
- This is somewhat easy to get so should never be something you aim to get but it is something worth getting if RNG rolls it as just makes earlier game so much faster at getting better graduates, later on it is easy to fix teachers.
- Archmage – 4 types of magic at lv 4 – Mana gain while studying +1%.
- This often appears as an objective for a mission to get one and many players fail it as its no so much hard to get as it is tricky, easiest way to get it is either making use of Guardian teacher buff or delaying the evil army enough that you have managed to get enough upgrades to classrooms to about +100% efficiency, once that is done you will be getting plenty of graduates with this graduation. This graduation is not very powerful until you have had quiet a few graduates with this, but it is not hard getting +20 graduates with this in 1 school.
- Scholar – sum of magic levels: 14 – Modifier; has trait worker – 2% chance of Well-behaved trait.
- Easy to get and you should not aim to get it but whenever it comes up as an option by chance then take it until you have about 20 of them as this trait realty helps making more students causing less havoc in your school.
- Midwife – Herbalism lv 2 + Sacred Magic lv 1 – 3% more new students.
- This is kind of hard to get outside the mission of needing to get 20 of them and you should aim to do this mission within first 3 schools as it makes the rest of schools so much more productive when you have so many more new students.
- Calligrapher – Runes lv 3 + herbalism lv 1 – 0.5% chance of smarter students.
- You will need quiet a few of these to really see the difference, main issue is that it is almost impossible to aim your education to get this especially past early years, my best advice is assign a house to only do alchemy with only having class for Runes from alchemy and then have a Green Bed so your students get that 1 herbalism while they sleep.
- Vampire Count – Vampire Trait + sum of magic levels: 14 – 1 Shadow Mana each season.
- Each graduate with this is about 40-80 Shadow mana per school, seems not much but once you got a few its becomes a reasonable number especially when combined with other bonuses
- Dark Elf – Elf Trait – Assassination lv 3 + Necromancy lv 2 + Demonology lv 1 – Modifier; has trait aggressive – 10% more Shadow mana from events.
- Relatively easy to get as long as you assign an elf to a house that only does Shadow education, i would not aim for it but whenever i get it i would take it as it makes the satrt of next school year give you a massive boost in shadow mana when the first peasant event lets you lose peasant reputation in exchange for shadow, mana, with enough of these it becomes a substantial boost in early game shadow mana.
- Conscripted Mage – Heroism lv 1 + Elementalism lv 1 – King reputation gain + 1%.
- Bit tricky to get but you want a bunch of these as they will make delaying evil army so much easier using the King.
- Assassin – Assassination lv 4 – Modifier; has evil alignment – Reset lowest faction reputation to 0 + 100 gold.
- Has limited use but in the forest map this can be used to keep the ogre happy without spending mana, or when you upset the peasants too much you can reset their reputation with this.
- Shaman – Druidism lv 3 + Elementalism lv 2 – 4% chance to lose Allergic to pollen trait.
- Natural mana is one of the most useful mana in the game and decreasing the penalty on students with this is a big boon, just 10 of these graduates would make a massive difference as allergic to pollen is a very common trait.
- Inventor – Temporal magic lv 2 + Druidism lv 1 + Sacred Magic lv 1 – Alchemy cards cost 5 less.
- This is extremely powerful, takes a lot of micro or luck to get them but it makes a massive difference and with enough of these you can make your first few Alchemy cards cost zero mana.
- Plane Shifter – Enchantment lv 3 + Portal Magic lv 3 + Retribution lv 3 – Arcane magic 1% faster.
- This is tricky to get as its spread across 3 categories, my best advice is to while trying to get Psionic Graduation if you meet Psionic requirements then send the student to house specialising in light and hope to get this if a roll for psionic fails.
- Bloodhound – Werewolf trait + Retribution lv 2 + Beast Magic lv 2 – Playing artefact card gives 1 rep with Inquisition.
- Getting several of these are actually very powerful and with some luck you may not even need to send the pig to the Inquisition at all to max their reputation, which can save you 4 piggies and 400 shadow mana in the first few years.
- Divine Fertilizer Assistant – Potion lv 2 + Druidism lv 2 + Sacred magic lv 2 – Natural magic 0.5% faster.
- You will need quiet a few to make a notable difference but as it affects all 3 Natural magics it is worth getting when you can.
- Sigil Master – Heroism lv 3 + Demonology lv 3 + Runes lv 3 – Modifier; has trait diligent – Alchemy 1% faster.
- Another tricky to get Graduation as it is so spread, my best advice is doing some micro of moving between houses and not having any classrooms you dont need.
- Barbarian – Heroism lv 4 + Assassination lv 4 – Modifier; has trait athletic and chaotic alignment – 3% chance to get Athlete trait.
- This feels like it is hard to get and i think it is because the modifiers requirement seems to have a big influence on this showing up. this is very useful, even a few of them will make enough of your students far more effective at getting around.
- Werewolf – Beast magic lv 4 + Assassination lv 1 – 2% chance to get Light Sleeper trait.
- This can be useful if you got too many students, but can be counterproductive if you are trying to make use of sleeping character to passively teach them using placed items. somewhat easy to get as you only need a stable to teach them and then make use of Weapons Rack item to teach them assassination.
- Main Career Counsellor – Sacred Magic lv 5 + Retribution lv 4 – 15 Light mana for each delegate interaction.
- Just Light focused house so not so hard to get and very useful bonus for early years.
- Time Monk – Temporal magic lv 3 + Sacred Magic lv 2 – 2 Arcane Mana when playing a room card.
- having a few of these makes early school year so much easier as that is when you need mana and doing all your room placement, in my experience it is tricky to get as other graduation options always seem to get higher %.
- Lord of the demonic planes – Demonology lv 1 + Portal Magic lv 3 + Necromancy lv 1 – 2.5% more Lord of Evil reputation gains.
- Every one of these will help getting your Lord of evil reputation faster to 75 to slow down the evil army.
- Sylvan Protector – Potions lv 4 + Assassination lv 3 + Druidism lv 1 – 15% more Natural mana from events.
- Tricky to get, I recommend sending to alchemy class and once potions at 4 move to shadow house and use Green Bed for the Druidism
- Ulfhednar – Werewolf trait + Runes lv 3 + Heroism lv 1 – 10 gold when you draw Alchemy card.
- Every one of these will help make a difference as gold is harder to earn than mana so any extra gold always helps.
- Corrupted Pyromancer – Elementalism lv 4 + Demonology lv 3 – Demonology 1% faster, 15 reputation with Lord of Evil.
- The reputation with Lord of Evil is only for current school but in early years it can be useful.
- Shapeshifter – Runes lv 3 + Beast Magic lv 3 – Modifier; has trait ugly – 2 Natural Mana each season.
- Natural mana is very useful so any passive free mana is always welcome.
- Zombie – Slow trait + Necromancy lv 2 – Teacher salaries reduced by 1%.
- Teachers are one of your biggest gold sinks so anything that reduces it is amazing, only downside is the requirement of slow trait as it is hard to not accidentally purge that trait with a teacher or a bed.
- Apothecary – Herbalism lv 3 + Potions lv 3 – students rest 0.75% faster.
- Very useful as it means beds are freed up faster so you can support more students.
- Famous Bard – Druidism lv 5 + Portal magic lv 3 – Modifier; has trait chatty – gain 5 gold and Natural Mana every time you interact with peasants.
- This is great for early years as its extra gold and you get some mana back as you spend first your or 2 sending pig to peasants anyway so might as well make a profit while at it.
- Arcane Advisor – Elementalism lv 5 + Temporal Magic lv 4 – 10 Arcane Mana each time you interact with King.
- You will be visiting the King a lot either to improve rep or push back evil army so every game this will add up. Both Arcane requirements so not so hard to get.
- Time Warrior – Temporal magic lv 4 + Heroism lv 2 – 2 Arcane Mana each season.
- Free mana but bit tricky requirements.
- Bat Breeder – vampire Trait + Beast magic lv 2 + Elementalism lv 1 – 6 Arcane Mana each time you draw a Natural Magic card.
- I find this really hard to get but it is very useful, its just very hard by the time you get vampires not to quickly bypass there requirements for higher graduations.
- Wild Lord – Werewolf trait + Beast Magic lv 4 + Herbalism lv 4 – 1.5% more reputation with Peasants and Adventurer’s Guild.
- Peasants reputation is very useful as you will interact with them in every school.
- Magic Club Manufacturer – Half-Orc trait + Heroism lv 1 + Elementalism lv 1 + Enchantment lv 1 – 10% more gold from events.
- Very tricky to get due to low level requirements but any gold gains will be very useful.
- Thaumaturge – Jack of all Trades trait + 15 types of magic at lv 1 – new students start with 1/4 of one magic already learnt.
- One of the most powerful graduations in the game, you will probably need to do a lot of micro with moving student between classes to get this, i also recommend only doing with students that enrol for at least 5 years and have Jack of all trades trait, it says in game that its only a modifier but from my testing it seems without it the chances of getting this is too low.
- Psionic – Temporal lv 5 + Portal Magic lv 5 + Enchantment lv 5 – Reduce cost of all cards by 5.
- One of the most powerful graduations in the game as with enough of these you can reduce first few cards cost to zero, allowing for a super strong start of each school. i recommend specifically only making the 3 required classrooms from Arcane and Alchemy to get this.
- Blood Lord – Vampire Trait + Potions lv 3 + Demonology lv 3 – 5 Shadow Mana each season.
- Free Shadow mana each season, not much else to say. You can get Demonology taught using Demon Tapestry wall decorations by placing them in Trophy room next to bedrooms.
- Elf King – Elf trait + Druidism lv 5 + Sacred Magic lv 4 + Temporal Magic lv 4 – Modifier; has trait pretentious – 15% Prestige from events.
- Tricky to get as need high levels from 3 different categories but the prestige gains are really powerful first few years of new school.
- Spirit Speaker – Half-Orc trait + Necromancy lv 5 + Herbalism lv 2 + Elementalism lv 2 – Career Counsellor Efficiency increased by 5%.
- Tricky to get but makes Career Counsellor useful from earlier years as normally you need few efficiency upgrades before you start seeing it work well.
- Plague Druid – Druidism lv 5 + Necromancy lv 4 – 6 Natural mana when you draw a Shadow Card.
- Star Gate Manufacturer – Portal magic lv 5 – Runes lv 5 – 10 Arcane Mana each season.
- Extremely powerful but the runes class will make it harder getting psionic graduation that this partially overlaps with.
- Magic Historian – Runes lv 4 + Temporal magic lv 4 – Push back evil 1%.
- This is only an immediate gain but its hard to say no to it if you do end up getting it by chance.
Room Furniture/Pets
These are some of the most useful furniture and pets for the rooms. Note that the Floor placement items have an icon of a sword but I called it floor as they are usually placed on floor as they have a stand.
Name – Deck category – Placement Location – Effect
- Elven bow – Alchemy – Wall – Gives Elven focus which doubles immediate gains when student graduates, this means the mana or gold you get or reputation or items
- De Vermi Tentaculi – Shadow – Floor – Non humans working in room improve magic they already know
- Eternity vase – Light – Desk – Higher chance of new elf students
- Royal Banner – Arcane – Wall – Active people in room have chance to increase reputation with King
- Painting – Gold – Wall – Active characters have reduced growth rate of needs for some time
- Herbalist Boards – Natural – Wall – Active students learn herbalism
- Library – Gold – Shelf – Room 35% more efficient
- Grotesque Statuette – Shadow – Desk – Higher chance of new Deepfolk Students
- Demon Tapestry – Shadow – Wall – Active students learn Demonology
- Crystal Ball – Arcane – Desk – Active Teachers have chance to lose negative trait
- Door Between Worlds – Arcane – Floor – Students working learn Portal and Enchantment 25% faster for few minutes – Event
- Large Hourglass – Arcane – Wall – Active students learn Temporal Magic
- Window to another World – Arcane – Wall – Active students learn Portal Magic
- Chains – Shadow – Wall – Students misbehave less for few minutes – Helps bypass several negative events
- Drooler – Alchemy – pet – Cleans rooms like janitor
- Unfinished Golem – Alchemy – Floor – Reduces room upkeep by 25% (max 4 for 100%)
- Evil Banner – Shadow – Wall – Active people in room have chance to increase reputation with Lord of Evil
- Rune Stone – Alchemy – Floor – Active students learn Rune Magic
- Skull – Shadow – Desk – Active teachers may lose Unionised status
- Terrarium – Natural – Shelf – Active students learn Herbalism
- Criticality Prism – Light – Desk – Techer can do critical hits for teaching
- Manavore Snake – Natural – Pet – Increases efficiency of all rooms on this floor by 15%
- Green Bed – Natural – Bed – active students learn Druidism and Herbalism
- Repentant Bed – Light – Bed – Active students can lose a negative trait
- Heatbox From the Future – Arcane – Stove – Active students decrease hunger
- Weapons Rack – Light – Floor – Active students learn Assassination and Retribution
- Armed Chest – Alchemy – Desk – Active students learn Enchantment – only seen this in dungeon and event rewards
- Tribal Bed – Natural – Bed – Characters who sleep here don’t become tired for a long time
- Fairy Dragon – Arcane – Pet – increase chance of non-human new students
- Ivy – Natural – Wall – Increases adjutant room Efficiency by 15%
- School Coat of Arms – Gold – Wall – Active characters increase Prestige
- Totem – Nature – Floor – Active students learn Druidism
- Wooden Set from the World Tree – Natural – Stove – Active characters increase Prestige
- Magical Hat – Arcane – Desk – Techers have chance to improve their Pedagogy
- Sword in the Stone – Light – Floor – Active students learn Heroism
- Aquarium – Alchemy – Pet – Active students generate money
- Medical Bed – Light – Bed – sleeping student Heals heath and generates gold
This is far from complete list as i only wrote down ones i come upon today.
Curses to avoid:
- Farvning curse – Reduce reputation gains with all factions by 25% and increases Lord of evil reputation gain by 25% (one of the worst curses in the game)
Curses to take:
- Mediocracy Curse – Your students start with 2 extra Flaws
- Anti-Magic Curse – Reduces all mana gain by 10% but increases all gold gains by 20%
- HR Curse – All new teachers start with one or 2 extra flaws
- Bloody Curse – any attack on your school is joined by 3 extra enemies, Faction relationships worsen 10% faster.
- Stupidity Curse – New students already want to misbehave as soon as they arrive. Fires and portals take longer to be handled.
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