Bastide – Getting Started Guide

This guide aims to give some tips to start your village well, understand the operation of certain game mechanics, so as to be able to go from a village of a few villagers to a city of a hundred inhabitants (and more).

Starters Guide

Whats on Start

Start by observing what you have on the screen. What do you have?

1. The game shows you 6 constructions to think аbout: Forester, Mine, Wooden hut, Pasture, Forge, Tailor.

We will come back to this subject.

2. You have 6 villagers, divided into 2 houses: a wooden house inhabited by 4/4 and a thatched hut, inhabited by 2/3.

It is therefore obvious that one of the priorities will be to create a new house in order to be able to bring in new settlers and expand your colony.

Tip: It is important to always make sure you have empty dwellings, to accommodate new settlers: always think about creating new houses before all your dwellings are used.

3. You have a water well: each well contains 50 water units.

Tip: the more your village grows, the more wells you need to build. And it makes sense: the more inhabitants you have, the more water you will need.

Wells are also useful for extinguishing fires.

It is very important to remember to regularly create new wells, otherwise your population will quickly be thirsty.

4. You also have an open storage which holds 80 stones, 60 woods and 12 copper.

Open storage allows the storage of raw materials: wood, planks, copper, iron, stone, dressed stone.

5. You finally have a warehouse.

The warehouses contain food and various manufactured goods.

Your warehouse contains: 45 global foods divided into: 10 wheat, 3 eggs, 2 milk, 20 meat, 5 berries, 5 mushrooms.

Your warehouse also contains: 5 tissue, 15 raw hides, 20 firewood, 14 clothing, 10 herbs, 3 medicines, 6 tools, 4 swords, and 3 armor.

Each construction has a cost in goods (wood, stone, etc.). And each build requires a certain number of employees to be able to produce goods.

Initially, your villagers all have the status of worker (available to build, collect stones, fell trees, etc.) until you assign them to a job: they will then become forester, shepherd, baker, tailor, etc.

These jobs provide them with income and it is this income that allows your villagers to stock up on food, clothing, tools, etc. in the warehouse.

Let’s go back to the list of suggested constructs that appears at the start of the game, and take a look at each of these constructs in detail:

  • Forester: it allows to produce wood, costs 12 wood to build, requires 2 employees to produce a maximum. Built with workers.
  • Mine: It can produce stones, copper and iron, and requires up to 3 workers. The mine is built instantly, it costs 15 wood and 5 stone.
  • Blacksmith: he makes tools, swords and armor (1 employee). The blacksmith must be built by workers and costs 15 wood and 10 stones.
  • Tailor: it makes it possible to produce summer clothes and warm clothes (useful for your population to spend the winter without suffering from the cold). Built by workers. It costs 15 wood and 5 stones.
  • Wooden cabin: it is an economical, uncomfortable accommodation. Built by workers. The log cabin costs 11 lumber. Contains 2 inhabitants.
  • Pasture: it costs nothing to build and it will be built instantly. It takes a worker (who becomes a breeder) to exploit it. Depending on the breeding produced, you get food and basic products (wool, eggs, milk, etc.).

What to do then?

Tip: As a first step, you need to make sure that you can increase your population (new houses), allow enough structures to produce enough food (fields and pastures), and have structures to stock up on basic materials (wood , stone, then later, copper and iron).

This is what we are going to see now.

Build New Houses

The first thing to do is to build a new house, to allow the arrival of new settlers, and to see your village develop.

Tip : You must always have empty dwellings to allow the arrival of new inhabitants.

Build a wooden cabin (cost: 11 wood). Place this wooden cabin near the others and close to your warehouse.

Tip: When positioning your homes, always remember that the warehouse is a vital area: this is where food is stored, and this is where locals will come to collect food. Make sure your villagers are never too far from a warehouse, otherwise they will go hungry.

Tip: to speed up the construction of your first maion, build a cart.

The cart costs 5 woods and it is built instantly: it is a very profitable investment.

With a cart, a single worker will load all the lumber needed to build your new home, instead of workers going back and forth between open storage and the construction site carrying one lumber each time.

At the Same Time, Think About the Production of Food

At the same time that your first wooden cabin is under construction, you must think about producing enough food for your villagers.

For this you have pastures and fields.

1. Pastures

They don’t cost anything to build, and they’re built instantly (you have to trace them, then create a portal). A pasture requires an employee (breeder).

Each type of pasture produces different foods and commodities:

Name – Product

  • Cow – Meat, Skin, Milk
  • Pigg – Meat, Skin
  • Sheep – Meat, Wool
  • Chicken – Meat, Egg

Tip: Start by creating a pasture for the cows and a pasture for the sheep, and send the breeder to capture the animals nearby.

To do this, look around you in your village, you will see sheep and cows, click on the animal then on the “capture” box.

Grazing cows will give you meat and milk, in addition to raw hides.

Grazing sheep will give you meat and wool.

Wool and raw hides will be needed (later) by the tailor: it is useful to have stock already before building the Tailor, so that it is operational as soon as it is built.

Your ranchers will go and capture cattle on your orders. The more cattle you have, the more that cattle reproduce. This allows you to quickly arrive at a full pasture paddock and a full paddock producing goods.

Create the 4 possible pastures, they are necessary and very useful.

Tip: Later, when you create a new pasture, send your breeder to look for animals nearby AND ship animals from your pastures that are full.

For example: you are creating a new cow pasture. Your breeder can go and capture animals. And from your first cow pasture, you can ship animals to that new pasture.

This gradually allows you to fill your 2 pastures.

2. Farmhouse

Farms are built without any construction costs. Each farm (or field) requires 3 workers.

There are different types of crops:

  • Cereals that produce wheat
  • Cabbage that produces cabbage
  • Pumpkins that produce pumpkins
  • Onions that produce onions
  • Cotton which produces linen (which will be used to make fabric and therefore clothes for the tailor and shoes for the shoemaker).

Tip: The first field to build is a grain field with 2 farmers. The wheat field is used to harvest food, and later this wheat will be used by the mills to make flour, and by the bakers who use the flour to make bread.

Grain, meat and milk are brought to the warehouse by the employees. And it is therefore in the warehouse that your population will find its food.

Tip: Make sure you have multiple warehouses as your village grows to prevent workers in fields, farms, etc. from spending too much time bringing production to the warehouse instead of producing. The more they have to walk to get to a warehouse, the less time they spend producing.

Likewise, your inhabitants will collect their food from the warehouse: make sure that they do not have to walk too much.

Managing your warehouses and their location is therefore really essential.

At this stage, you therefore have:

  • 2 farmers (cereal field).
  • 2 breeders (cow and sheep).
  • 2 workers (who are building your first wooden cabin.

Additional Explanations About Food

You can also build orchards: they produce pears. The orchard needs an employee.

At the start of the game, it is important to produce food. Each inhabitant consumes units of food.

Each type of food (pear, grain, meat, mushroom, etc.) gives the same number of food units to your inhabitants.

If you want, you can only feed your people with pumpkins…

…except that your population will have a health problem. The richer the food, the less likely your population is to die from disease or suffer the vagaries of the cold.

So, if a unit of food is the same regardless of the food consumed to satisfy hunger, the food you provide to your people will influence their health and happiness.

It’s like in real life: a rich diet produces a healthy population.

Some foods are richer than others, and some foods influence the happiness of your population more than others.

Cheese, meat, etc. ensure good health.

Bread, beer, etc. ensure better happiness.

This point is very important.

And at the Same Time, Build a Forester

At this stage, you therefore have: 2 farmers (cereal field), 2 breeders (cow and sheep), 2 workers (who are building your first wooden cabin.

As soon as that first log cabin is built, start building a Forester.

A basic resource that you will always need is wood. The forester allows you to produce wood (by cutting trees in his area, and by regularly replanting trees).

The forester needs 2 employees.

Tip: place an open storage near your forester. This way the 2 loggers will spend less time transporting the logs and they will produce a lot more.

If your open storage is far away, loggers will bring their harvest log by log to this storage, which means they will produce little, because they will spend a lot of time transporting.

And After That?

It all depends on your style of play and the development you want.

You have the basics to get started without a hitch.

It is advisable to build a tailor (who will produce clothes, especially warm clothes) and a blacksmith (who will produce tools).

These 2 steps are absolutely necessary.

Building a tailor is also building a tannery (to process raw hides). All of this requires wood (hence the Forester).

Building a blacksmith requires having wood, metals and stone, in order for him to be able to produce, and that means building a mine (maximum 3 miners).

The mine is built automatically, if you have the resources.

At the same time as these constructions, continue to always make sure you have new empty dwellings to accommodate new villagers.

And as your population increases, build pastures, fields and industries (mill, baker, etc).

Tip: The Gatherer and Herbalist are very helpful in ensuring the production of herbs, which will allow your doctors to produce medicine.

This point should not be overlooked.


You now have all the basics to discover this wonderful game.

And to be able to go through the first years without problem while seeing his village prosper with 90% happiness.

Don’t hesitate to build a graveyard when your population increases: the graveyard reduces the happiness drop caused by each death. It is built instantly, if you have the necessary number of stones.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 7932 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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