ARK: Survival Evolved – How to Survive in the Redwoods

In this guide i will show you how to survive in the harsh Redwood biome for both the center and island.
There will be kibble/tame trees, base locations (2 for each map) and basics for survival.

Other ARK Guides:

Redwood Kibble / Tame Tree

When you Get to the Redwoods you will want to start by taming a megaloceros (if you are on the island there are some dimorphodons to get some kibble for the megaloceros) to gather berries for the other tames.

Now you will want to tame Lystros to make kibble for Diplodocus, to make kibble for a high level Allo. This will be your good tame to start going around killing the tough creatures. now with the eggs you get from the allos you can make kibble for a high level Tapejara and this will be your good flier.

Redwood Survival Basics

Start by making a small house out of wood next to a large tree then surround it and the tree with spike walls and a gate to keep out predators like terror birds, allos, purlovias, troodons and dire bears. There will be plenty of wood in the area to make all of this so dont worry 🙂

You will want to make a smithy and get metal production active as soon as you can, you can do this by taking trips on your stater tame the megaloceros and using its weight to carry more metal.

once you have enough metal keep 200 ingots tucked away for the tree platform for the tree next to your base (do this after you get a flier) this will make your base a lot safer from ground predators.

this is a my tree platform you can customize your platform to your liking.

ARK: Survival Evolved - How to Survive in the Redwoods

The Center Part 1 Creatures / Getting There

For the center for a start to get to the area you can either spawn in “Redwoods East” or
“Redwoods West”

The creatures you encounter in this area are tough because they are mostly aggressive.
Here is a list of the creatures with their rarites as well.

Very Common:

  • Carnotaurus 
  • Diplodocus 
  • Microraptor 
  • Pegomastax 
  • Pteranodon 
  • Terror Bird 


  • Achatina 
  • Coelacanth 
  • Compy 
  • Direbear 
  • Gallimimus 
  • Gigantopithecus 
  • Paraceratherium 
  • Troodon 


  • Archaeopteryx 
  • Beaver 
  • Doedicurus 
  • Megaloceros 
  • Pachyrhinosaurus 
  • Purlovia 
  • Thylacoleo 
  • Titanomyrma 


  • Alpha Carno 
  • Equus 
  • Titanosaur 

The Center Part 2 Base Locations

The first base location is located at Lat 87.0 lon 49.5

ARK: Survival Evolved - How to Survive in the Redwoods

This area has beavers which allows for beaver dam resource colection, Large trees to build tree bases on, plenty of water to drink and to irrigate crops and also it has a large amount of flat land to build on if you can`t make tree platforms yet.

The Second location is located at Lat 92 lon 36.

ARK: Survival Evolved - How to Survive in the Redwoods

This area has very good resources in large amounts like Metal and Crystal in the caves that surround it,water and dung beetles to help with farms, and flat land to build on.

Unfortunatley there are no large trees for Tree Platforms if you want to live at this spot.

The Island Part 1 Creatures / Getting There

To get to the Redwoods on the island you have to spawn at one of the areas on the coast and head inland to reach the biome. The safest way to get here is by spawning at west coast 3 and then head inland avoiding the predators.

The creatures you encounter in this area are tough because they are mostly aggressive.
Here is a list of the creatures with their rarites as well.


  • Allosaurus 
  • Brontosaurus 
  • Carbonemys 
  • Carnotaurus 
  • Coelacanth 
  • Dilophosaur 
  • Direbear 
  • Gallimimus 
  • Gigantopithecus 
  • Lystrosaurus 
  • Megaloceros 
  • Mesopithecus 
  • Microraptor 
  • Moschops 
  • Oviraptor 
  • Pachy 
  • Paracer 
  • Parasaur 
  • Pegomastax 
  • Pteranodon 
  • Purlovia 
  • Raptor 
  • Sabertooth Salmon 
  • Stegosaurus 
  • Tapejara 
  • Terror Bird 
  • Thylacoleo 
  • Troodon 


  • Achatina 
  • Archaeopteryx 
  • Compy 
  • Diplodocus 
  • Doedicurus 
  • Giant Bee 
  • Piranha 
  • Procoptodon 
  • Pulmonoscorpius 
  • Rex 
  • Sabertooth 


  • Alpha Carno 
  • Alpha Raptor 
  • Argentavis 
  • Giganotosaurus 
  • Quetzal 
  • Sarcosuchus 
  • Titanosaur 

The Island Part 2 Base locations

Sorry there are no coordinates for the island.

This is the first location it has a lake to get easy water, large trees for bases and a clear amount of land around it, other than that it does not have very many resources around it.

ARK: Survival Evolved - How to Survive in the Redwoods

This is the sceond location that i personally prefer as you can see i have built here on the large tree. This location has metal, crystal and good tames like argys and rexes.

ARK: Survival Evolved - How to Survive in the Redwoods

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 8045 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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