Clicker Heroes 2 – Let’s Build a Bot (Automator)


Automator works like a priolist. 1st come, 1st gets.

You have to follow some rules.
Do not follow em and you can get stuck with automatization!

For example have a look on this stuck build: Placing at 1st automator “always” with a gemstone which has no cd (cool down time) is a realy bad idea! All other automations behind 1st place would never trigger!

Rule #1

And now the way to the final automator in my build. (When ever i tell you from “my build” then i mean the “multiclick/clickstorm build”).

Place automators descending with cd…

Rule #2

Place gemstones with your prio but be aware of skill cd.
This works but is not optimal.

It could happen that “always” never or a long time not trigger because automators before “always” triggers.

Rule #3

Forget all rules before – WTF >> or in another words >> prio is bigger then cd!

Lets explain!

Clickstorm >> Always.
I want to have clickstorm on cooldown.
In my build => clickstorm has at the moment a cooldown from 180 seconds – so there is enough time to trigger following skills.

Reload >> Energy less then 10%.
Energize >> 40 s cooldown.
In my build => energize has a runtime from 40s+ >> In this case i will have energy+ as long i got 25+ mana!

Now comes my damage skills descending order.
Huge click >> 10 s cooldown.
Big Clicks >> Monster Health Less then 50% (this needs to be replaced with a 8s timer).
Multiclick >> 4 s cooldown.

And why replace “Monster Health Less then 50%” against “8s”?

Because if each monster has less 50% life after a click the “multiclick” would never trigger!


  • You can turn on/off automators by standard default key ‘t’.
  • You can have more then one automator build.

Example for an AFK-Automation Build

“Always” goes from 1st place to last place and is replaced by a 90s automator at 1st.

The last 2 skills allow us to purchase new items from the shop and level them too. This will happen if no other skill will be triggered before.

Have fun!

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 8042 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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