A guide on how to beat the third formicarium challenge.
The preparation
(Please note that this guide is based on my personal experience).
In order to beat the third formicarium challenge you will need the following:
- 24 lvl 3 black ants with meat wall and self preservation upgrades.
- 21 lvl 3 wood ants (mortar) with high pressure and crippling upgrades.
- 14 lvl 2-3 leafcutter majors (taunt) with sharp and shockproof upgrades.
- At least 1,000 food stored.
- Speed tiles leading from brood chambers to exit.
The Strategy / Action
After you have the basic preparations done you will need the following plan:
- Put your majors in a separate group and set them up in the middle of the connection tube.
- Bring your wood ants and black ants right behind major group in the tunnel.
- Wait for the enemy to attack.
- Once they start attacking bring fourth your majors then the rest. The idea is that the majors will distract the ants and your wood ants and black ants will finish them off.
After you deal with the first few ants and the army ants start pouring in, hold off as long as you can, once you notice that your ants are suffering heavy losses, pull back to the nest entrance, this should give enough time for the army ants to cool off and stop doing so much damage allowing you to finish off the first wave.
Then rinse and repeat until all ants have died. After that all you need to do is invade the nest and you’re done.
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