F1 2020 – How to Play on Keyboard and Mouse

Guide about how to compete on keyboard.

How to Compete on Keyboard

Assists to Be Used

  • Braking assist: Medium
  • Traction control: Full

If assists are turned off in few online lobbies then it’s really hard to play on keyboard, but you can get through with it.

If traction control is off just tap the acceleration few times for 1 or 2 sec only until your car starts moving ad gains momentum so that it’s wont spin away (Try and learn to use medium traction or no traction gradually it’ll help you go faster without traction assist).

Custom Car Setup

Best way to have a slightly faster pace is to use a custom setup. It’s for everyone whether the person uses keyboard/controller/wheel.

For people using keyboard try custom setups that are available for d-pads and try various setups in time trail mode and choose the best one you feel comfortable with and you think you can get a good lap time.

Also try you rival setups in time trial, sometimes they might help you for good custom setup.

Save those setups and use them for multiplayer or career mode races.

Key Bindings

Use arrow keys for controlling because you feel more confident using that compared to WASD keys, bind the WASD side to MFD menu or for gear shifts so that it’ll be easy accessible.

But if you feel more comfortable with WASD it’s up to you.

  • Acceleration: arrow key up
  • Brake: arrow key down
  • Steer right: arrow key right
  • Steer left: arrow key left

  • Gear up: A
  • Gear down: Z
  • Clutch: L Shift

  • DRS: W
  • ERS: Q

MFD menu using the numpad.

Keyboard and Mouse

It’s a shame that Keyboard and mouse is not officially added in the game.

But there are few ways by which you can install them to work with keyboard and mouse. It’s kinda easy to control the car with mouse cause at few corners we don’t need to slow down a lot and use the keyboard keys which makes us loose some time.

And using mouse feels a little realistic while steering.

Link to install and use keyboard and mouse:

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 8015 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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