Best Team Combo Tips (Mid / Late Game)
My squad consists typically of 2 Gunners, a Medic, a Sergeant, and a Recon unit.
The Gunners have Smart Guns, the Recon and Medic have a Plasma Gun, and the Sergeant has a regular rifle (the grenade is useful in many situations). I then have a flamethrower, shotgun, sniper rifle, and RPG for secondary options to cover all bases. Sometimes I’ll bring mines instead of a shotgun, but it depends on how I feel.
I personally like my current squad and think it is fairly optimal. Gunners give you a lot more DPS, but having a medic lets me buff my entire squad (increased hp), heal faster, reduce stress when I heal, and they can use a plasma gun anyway which is quite good. A Sergeant is a no-brainer for their command point buffs and the like. Recon allows you to more easily sneak through levels by silently sniping lone Aliens.
Teckers I find to be less useful, but you could replace the Medic with a Tecker if you are very good at using the Drone as a decoy into things like turret ambushes and the like.
Or you could replace the Medic and Recon with Gunners or Sergeants and play the game without worrying about stealth or sustainability – just pure damage output.
moje četa je lepší 2 gunery=brokovnice a rpg recon=plazma puška odstřelovací puška s tlumičem seržant=granátomet plamenomet hack=má drona s smg a miny