How to use a new Arma 3 feature to change the rain to snow without a mod.
Add the Code to Change the Rain to Snow
Put this code in the initServer.sqf file. This will work just fine.
0 setOvercast 1;
0 setRain 1;
0 setFog 0.1; // snow affects visibility at distance
setHumidity 0.9; // don't want to see dust clouds
enableEnvironment [false, true]; // don't want to see snakes and butterflies either
"a3\data_f\rainnormal_ca.paa", // rainDropTexture
1, // texDropCount
0.01, // minRainDensity
15, // effectRadius
0.3, // windCoef
0.5, // dropSpeed
0.7, // rndSpeed
0.5, // rndDir
0.01, // dropWidth
0.01, // dropHeight
[0.2, 0.1, 0.1, 1], // dropColor
0.1, // lumSunFront
0.1, // lumSunBack
5.5, // refractCoef
0.3, // refractSaturation
true, // snow
false // dropColorStrong
call BIS_fnc_setRain;
This will change the rain drops into snowflakes. This is a neat trick!
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