How to Optimize FPS
I have a weak computer, but even on it I was able to make a good FPS, I will write to you everything I did for this, I hope this will help you too!
What You Need to Do
- Go to:
C:\Users\User\Documents\Battlefield 2042\settings open PROFSAVE_profile (i opening with notepad)
- Find the line:
GstRender.AmbientOcclusion (ctrl+f for search bar)
Including this line select everything in the downward direction.
Insert this data:
GstRender.AmbientOcclusion 0
GstRender.AnisotropicFilter 0
GstRender.AntiAliasingDeferred 0
GstRender.AntiAliasingPost 0
GstRender.Brightness 0.500000
GstRender.ChromaticAberration 0
GstRender.ClampGpuMemory 0
GstRender.ColorBlindCustomColorEnemy 190/55/50/255/2.0/0.583/0.470/1.0
GstRender.ColorBlindCustomColorNeutral 77/77/77/255/0/0.0/0.30/1.0
GstRender.ColorBlindCustomColorSquad 75/155/45/255/104.0/0.551/0.392/1.0
GstRender.ColorBlindCustomColorSquadMember1 176/44/207/255/288.6.0/0.65/0.49/1.0
GstRender.ColorBlindCustomColorSquadMember2 20/142/216/255/202.65/0.83/0.46/1.0
GstRender.ColorBlindCustomColorSquadMember3 95/228/54/255/105.86/0.76/0.55/1.0
GstRender.ColorBlindCustomColorSquadMember4 219/143/52/255/32.7/0.7/0.53/1.0
GstRender.ColorBlindCustomColorSquadMember5 132/100/159/255/273/0.7/0.37/0.62
GstRender.ColorBlindCustomColorTeam 65/120/200/255/216/0.55/0.519/1.0
GstRender.ColorBlindMode 2
GstRender.ConsoleAntiAlias 0
GstRender.Contrast 0.500000
GstRender.CrosshairThickness 1
GstRender.CyclicCrashPrevention 0
GstRender.DLSSEnabled 0
GstRender.DRSEnabled 0
GstRender.DRSRefreshRateTarget 2
GstRender.DisplayMappingHdr10PeakLuma 1000.000000
GstRender.Dx12Enabled 1
GstRender.EffectsQuality 0
GstRender.Enlighten 0
GstRender.FieldOfViewScaleADS 1
GstRender.FieldOfViewVertical 88.000000
GstRender.FieldOfViewVerticalVehicle 88.000000
GstRender.FilmGrain 0
GstRender.FullscreenEnabled 1
GstRender.FullscreenMode 1
GstRender.FullscreenRefreshRate 360.000000
GstRender.FullscreenScreen 0
GstRender.FutureFrameRendering 1
GstRender.HUD-Enemy -10604289
GstRender.HUD-Friendly 654303231
GstRender.HUD-Neutral -1059004161
GstRender.HUD-Squad 16711935
GstRender.HighDynamicRange 0
GstRender.HighDynamicRangeMode 0
GstRender.HighResUIScaleFactor 0.500000
GstRender.LensDistortion 0
GstRender.LightingQuality 0
GstRender.MaxVariableFps 4
GstRender.MeshQuality 0
GstRender.MotionBlur 0.000000
GstRender.MotionBlurEnabled 0
GstRender.NvidiaDLSSMode 0
GstRender.NvidiaReflex 2
GstRender.NvidiaReflexFlashIndicator 0
GstRender.OptionHudBackgroundOpacity 0.500000
GstRender.OverallGraphicsQuality 5
GstRender.PostProcessQuality 0
GstRender.RTAO 0
GstRender.RaytracingAmbientOcclusion 0
GstRender.ResolutionHeight 1080
GstRender.ResolutionHertz 360.000000
GstRender.ResolutionScale 1.000000
GstRender.ResolutionWidth 1920
GstRender.ScreenSafeAreaHeight 1.000000
GstRender.ScreenSafeAreaWidth 1.000000
GstRender.ShaderQuality 0.000000
GstRender.ShadowQuality 0
GstRender.SignificanceQuality 0
GstRender.SoldierCompassVisibility 1
GstRender.StereoConvergence 1.000000
GstRender.Stereoscopy 0
GstRender.TerrainQuality 0
GstRender.TextureFiltering 0
GstRender.TextureQuality 0
GstRender.TransparentShadows 0
GstRender.UndergrowthQuality 0
GstRender.VSyncEnabled 0
GstRender.Vignette 0
GstRender.WeaponDOF 0
GstRender.WindowBordersEnable 1
GstRender.uiUpscaling 0
- Here we make the minimum graphics, after applying these settings you will need to adjust the graphics in the game again.Set permission that requires 59Hz.
- Disable the invidia in-game overlay.
- Every time before starting the game, go to the folder:
C:\Users\User\Documents\Battlefield 2042\cache - Delete all files, this will save you from unnecessary FPS drops.
- Go to the root folder of the game and find the BF2042.exe icon.
- Right click on the icon – properties go to compatibility tab.
- Disable fullscreen optimizations.
- Click change the hight DPI settings chick on override hight dpi scaling and chose aplicalion. Click ok-apply-ok.
- Copy the address that leads to the root folder of the game.
(my example E:\steam\steamapps\common\Battlefield 2042) - In the search for windows write “graphics settings” click on it.
- Hardware accelerated – ON.
- In the section “graphics performance settings” in the “select an application for graphics settings” select desktop app.
- Click browse and past ur address that leads to the root folder of the game.
(my example E:\steam\steamapps\common\Battlefield 2042) - Double click on BF2042.exe icon – click options – hight prefomance and save.
- Off xbox game bar.
- On game mode.
- OFF steam overlay.
This is all that I did in order to have a high FPS, now the game for me does not lag as much as before and gives me more FPS. I hope this helps you.
Does this work without any issues ?
this really did wonders, thank you for this guide
I checked the nVidia overlay settings and found that it had on a battery saver capping FPS at 30!? WOW!
well you forgot to mention change fullscreenrefreshrate and Resolutionhz from 360 to 144 or 60 depending on what monitor refreshrate is on monitor.. I think you topok this from a youtuber but thats OK it works..