Deceive Inc. – Useful Tips and Tricks for New Players

The winner comes down to who gets the first shot most of the time. Uh yeah. Isn’t that how guns work? If someone gets the drop on you, oops.

Beginners Tips

All credit goes to Deadeye Donny The Dealer!

Get health bonuses from perks. Land more headshots. Jump and duck and dive during shootouts. You are assuming your gun does more dmg than theirs but it requires you to hit shots. If you land 2 bodies and a head in the time they land 3-4 headshots from a even something like a Larcin’s gun, its GG for you. This post reads like a skill issue like you said. Lower your mouse sensitivity if you have trouble tracking someone through movement while aiming, or speed it up if you can’t keep up with them while aiming. Make sure your hip fire mouse sense and aim down sights mouse senses are comfortable for you. Aim for the upper torso before firing and fire in small bursts if possible. Use a sentry gun to supplement your gun output if you feel like you are missing a lot or not doing enough. Sentry auto targets and shoots anyone hostile to you for a bunch of free dmg over the course of a fight.

Watch out for guards as well, I can’t tell you how many people I see die to guards because they just ignore them during fights. Each bullet from a guard is 10+ health gone for you, and when they are grouped up they can shred you and make it seem you just got blasted by someone else when in fact they might have only landed one ore two shots on you proper. That doesn’t mean shoot every guard around either when a fight breaks out, it means pick your battles as much as you can. Wait until there are very few blues walking around to make your play, wait until they are in an office or apt alone, wait until they walk down some alley that most NPCs avoid. Patience is paid off in this game more than almost any other online shooter I’ve played.

Fire from the hip more as well, if you don’t already. Point shooting is very, very accurate in this game for a lot of characters in small bursts. Also don’t be afraid to run away and hide if you think you can. This is a game about spies, not honorable gunfights. Personally I wait until I know for certain that someone is a spy and then I try to bait them into attacking me by being obvious with my tells. But yes, this is a FPS meaning that winning gunfights is, unfortunately for many boomerAPM players (like myself), crucial to winning in most cases.

I suck at shooters and I win a lot of fights in this game so I couldn’t tell you what’s so different.

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 7691 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

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