Dungeons & Degenerate Gamblers – General Tips for any Deck

General Tips & Strategies for any Deck

Healing and Shield

Playing without healing can be tough if you’re not using the Heart deck. When making your deck, try to find ways to reduce damage. Heart and Spade cards can help with this. If you see a good Heart card and your other choices don’t fit your deck, think about picking it.

Some good healing cards are:

  • Monterey Jack: High Heart card you can remove if it busts you
  • Queen of Drag: High Heart card that helps get blackjack
  • Valentines Card: Big heal for both players
  • Loyalty Card: Big heal when you get Blackjack
  • Pi of Hearts: Helps get blackjacks with less risk of busting

Some good shield cards are:

  • Jack and the Beanstalk: Adds 10 Spades, helps get blackjack even if you bust
  • Jack of All Trades: If you get Blackjack with it, it gives all suit effects, including 10 health and 10 shield
  • Report card: Low card that gives 4 shield when played and free aces if you use more shields

Making Your Opponent Bust

It’s important to make your opponent go over the Blackjack limit. This makes them take all your damage. Here are some cards that can help:

  • Four Mana Seven Seven: Adds a 7 to their pile, which often makes them bust. It also adds the 7 to their deck, messing up their plans. Be careful if you have lots of high cards, as you might bust too.
  • Queen of Chess + Jumping Jack: These let you move cards on the board and force your opponent to get 10 points, which often makes them bust.
  • Sweep the Leg: Makes Blackjack only work with 20 points. This can make some enemies’ plans harder, but easier for others who use lots of 10s.
  • Rules Card: Like Sweep the Leg, it changes the game rules. If used when the opponent has a 21 Blackjack, it makes them bust.
  • +2 Card: Makes your opponent play 2 cards. But be careful, it goes into their deck after you play it, so it can become a problem later.

Strategy Disruption Cards

Many enemies rely on a few key cards. The game gives you ways to deal with these cards. If an enemy keeps getting shield and hurting you with tarot cards, you can steal or remove these cards. These types of cards are good to add to your deck, even if they seem useless at first. Some good disruption cards are:

  • Gerald from Riviera: Removes a card in play, but only once per game.
  • Yellow Card: Marks a card, then lets you remove it with a Red card. You can remove multiple cards per game, unlike Gerald.
  • Dis-card: Makes your opponent discard a card in play right away.
  • Business card: Steals an enemy card in play and makes it yours for the rest of the game.
  • Lockpicking card and Key card: Many enemy tarot cards lock themselves to stay on the board. These two cards can unlock those cards, making them get discarded at the end of the round.

I sincerely hope this was helpful. Good luck to you!

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 7951 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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