League of Legends: Wild Rift – Jungle Tips

Tips for Jungle

Quick notes

  • Arm efficiently.
  • Make plays when your ults or summoner spells are up.
  • Limit test dives.
  • Also make plays after item spikes.
  • Pay attention to lvls early game when you spot enemy jungle.

General tips

  • Know the matchups, for example in your champ pool
  • Vi is very strong early game and wins almost every 1v1 and has very fast clear speed early game so you can look for lvl3 or level1 invades.
  • Also because of vi dashes you can ward enemy red side raptors (no one control wards on raptor so you have knowledge where enem jg starts)
  • Whereas hecarim is very weak early game and loses almost every 1v1 , only good in teamfights and ganking unless fed so you have to be careful of inavdes.
  • Having information of where your enemy jg is rn allows you to change the whole laning phase with counterganks.

Note: Counterganks > ganks most of the time unless your teammates just die under enemy turret.

Also just check which dragon spawns for first objective. If it is mountain drake then just go for baron side objective, ice fire souls are the best amd negotiable for geirilla turrets or the purple minions.

How to counter enemies

Figure out how to counter the enemy jg, you should know where the enemy jg is likely rotating at all times. Use that information to steal their jg before they rotate to it or to ping your teamates or to counter gank a lane they are likely to gank. Counter ganking is a bit more advanced but knowing when it’s safe to steal is fundamental. You can also use your jg tracking to make sure u don’t get counterganked. Basically know where the enemy is going at all times in the early game. The better the player the more predictable their movement will be so this is even more important as u rank up.

Bottom line tho efficiency is everything. Think of urself as a pin ball, u can’t stop anywhere u can only bounce around from farm to gank to obj to more farm. A good rule of thumb especially if you’re new to the role is always clear your camps as soon as their up, the longer you let them sit the longer they will take to respawn again and the more likely they get stolen.

For champs with fast clear. Any champ that can’t clear 4 camps before skuttle is not viable. I also don’t recommend tanks in jg, clear is too slow on most, if you’re playing jg you should be trying to carry since jg has the most gold so play someone that can do that.

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 4444 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

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