Here you can find few useful tips for hardstuck gold.
Tips for Hardstuck Gold
By mystic
For gold i would say first have a champ pool of 2-3 champions that you would play.
The one you will main/one trick , 2nd one if it is banned , 3rd one as backup for 2nd.
Learn the combos/tricks for your champions. Know the matchups of your champion.
Be aware of objectives timer spawn.
If your champion has a stronger early game than your enemy jgs champion look for early game skirmishes / scuttle fights.
Best example
After clearing your blue side you can kill red buff and look for scuttle fight at bottom and win the 1v1.
For weaker early fame champs try to fight for the scuttle only when your lane has prio, your main objective as late game champ is to perma clear your camps and late game 1v9.
I’d recommened learning fizz or master yi for lower elos like gold plat.
Short advice: Switch your role. If you are stuck on gold, your main is not your best option.
More tips
Aatrox and Morde are baron laners by default so you should be able to play toplane but you will need to learn about toplane’s tricks/rules like freezing wave, knowing about minion waves, when to crash wave (this will come in as experience once you play it and watch some YT videos).
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