MARVEL SNAP – GaLad to Meet You! Deck Build

GaLad to Meet You!

By Tavern Painter.

From the moment I saw Pixie’s design I knew I would be spending a lot of time with the card building strange brews.

It’s rare when I can shove multiple favorite cards into a deck and it actually performs for me. I started this season with 2 decks – MonkeyBounce & PixieGalactus – and over the last two weeks have smushed them together to my surprising enjoyment.

Click to enlarge…

Without further ado the card-by-card breakdown:

  • America Chavez – STATS! I realized after playing Nico in the deck for so long and I liked the +2 spell the most.
  • Martyr – I just wanted a 1-cost that had good power. Her downside isn’t always relevant…
  • Titania – Combos nicely with Kate’s Acid Arrow, and another 1-cost for Swan+Monkey
  • Pixie – The “force multiplier.” She makes the deck go from a Monkey spam deck to a “oh it’s also a weird deck too.”
  • Hawkeye Kate Bishop – A reasonable body that helps MonkeySwan? Sign me up.
  • Scarlet Witch – Can’t do anything about Sanctum or Crimson Cosmos, but the witch is still great in a pinch.
  • Hit-Monkey – Half the reason to play the deck. This is the main win-con when paired with a hand of 1-costs, and Black Swan on turn 4 or 5.
  • Beast – Another way to get your 1-cost cards to zero so you can get a bigger Monkey. Also can pick up a monkey if played earlier (as well as just being a good generic “tech card” for clog or annoying locations).
  • Black Swan – You can “combo off” without playing Swan or Beast, but it is harder to do win with just Monkey & 1-costs.
  • Iron Lad – I like to run my Pixie decks with a singular 4-cost. Getting to Lad->Galactus is a feeling I can only describe as “awesome.” On the flip side, Lad copying Martyr or Titania unexpectedly can be a good way to throw a game. Hit% needs to be calculated.
  • Galactus – The half reason. Being a Galactus player requires courage. You will whiff, but the times when you get to see the animation pretty much always make up for it. Even if it’s just for a single cube.
  • Alioth – This deck can do ok with getting and keeping priority because of its 1/5s etc. In addition to that, getting to Pixie into an early Galactus means Alioth is almost assuredly your finish to the game.

Deck Code:


Hopefully this guide helped you!

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 7966 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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