Quick Guide to Boosters
To upgrade cards, you need boosters and credits. This article will go over obtaining boosters and how to use them.
Obtaining Boosters
The primary way to gain boosters is through playing games. After every Ladder or Conquest match, win or lose, boosters will be randomly given to a card that started in your deck. It will receive 1 booster for each turn started. For example, retreating on turn 5 will grant 5 boosters. Each card normally has an equal chance to receive these boosters, but if a card doesn’t have enough boosters to upgrade to the next rarity, it will weigh twice as much when the game selects which card gets the boosters. Infinite border and Custom Cards get this double weighting if they have less than 50 boosters.
For example, at the end of a game, if every card in your deck has enough boosters to upgrade to the next rarity, the chance of any given card getting the boosters is 1/12. If only one of your cards isn’t able to upgrade to the next rarity, the chance for that card is 2/13. If you only have two cards without enough boosters, each has a 2/14 chance, and so on.
Exception: If Agatha Harkness starts in your deck, she steals all boosters acquired through gameplay for herself.
There is a daily limit of 1,000 boosters earned from gameplay. Boosters earned from other sources are not affected by this cap. It resets each day at 2:00 AM.
Other Ways to Obtain Boosters
Almost every single system and shop in the game offers boosters, and new ways to get them are regularly added. The following is a non-exhaustive list of ways to acquire boosters:
- The CL track. Small amounts of random boosters are granted at regular intervals on the CL track.
- Ranked rewards. Achieving Bronze (rank 20) grants a reward of 40 random boosters each season.
- Season Pass. The Season Pass offers several ways to acquire boosters:
- Free random boosters are available for all players.
- The paid pass contains boosters for season-specific cards and additional random boosters.
- Season Caches also have a chance to contain random boosters.
- Upgrading Cards. When upgrading cards, if you don’t have enough boosters, they can be purchased at a rate of 1 booster for 4 gold.
- Bonus Boosters. The Bonus Boosters section of the shop gives free boosters. See below for explanation and tips.
- Bundles. Both gold and real money bundles frequently include boosters.
- Albums. Boosters are sometimes given as rewards for album completion. They are usually only given as rewards in the early tiers and/or in albums that are easier to complete.
- The Conquest Shop. Conquest can provide a high volume of boosters, but they cannot be targeted:
- The final tier of the Conquest shop provides repeatable purchase options for random boosters and boosters for the featured Conquest variant.
- Boosters are typically also available as one-time purchases in the earlier tiers.
- Leftover Conquest tickets and medals will be converted to boosters at the end of the season. Tickets are converted into the number of medals you would have received for starting a conquest with them (e.g. 20 medals for a silver ticket). Medals are then converted to boosters at a rate of 8.35%.
- Others. Boosters are usually included as free rewards in the following:
- Twitch Drops
- Login Rewards
- One-off in-game events
Bonus Booster Targeting
Many players do not realise that the Bonus Boosters section of the shop is an extremely efficient place to spend credits. They may be familiar with the previous version of this shop section, which was called “Fast Upgrades”, and was widely considered to be a bad deal for players.
In contrast, Bonus Boosters provides a lot of value. It will always show 3 variants for which you don’t have enough boosters to upgrade (as long as any variants actually meet this criteria), and will let you upgrade them even though you otherwise couldn’t afford to. The credit cost to upgrade one of these 3 variants is the same as a normal upgrade, which means the additional boosters are completely free, with no extra credit cost. This is extremely helpful if you are grinding a card for the perfect split, or want to upgrade a card you don’t play very often.
However, since the 3 variants are selected randomly, your Bonus Boosters section can easily be filled with cards you don’t care about. In order to optimise the shop, it’s worth booster farming for cards you don’t care about to get enough boosters to be able to upgrade them. You may find it helpful to play a deck in Proving Grounds made of cards without enough boosters, and swap in new cards as the old ones reach the cap. In this way, you can ensure that when the Bonus Boosters cards refresh every 8 hours, they are always cards you want to upgrade. While optimising your use of Bonus Boosters in this way may be initially annoying, it can save you huge amount of time in the long run, which is especially valuable if you don’t enjoy playing the card/s you are trying to upgrade.
Note that it is never suboptimal to use Bonus Boosters, even if you have some boosters for a card. As long as you can spare the credits, spending 49 boosters and 500 credits to upgrade a card is still a better deal than 50 boosters and 500 credits.
Thank you for your time and I hope this little tutorial was helpful to you.
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