A core character upgrading system that improves your character’s basic attack/defense abilities with Constitution, Inner Force, and Solitude Training. After leveling up, your character can grow further through promotion.
Basic Guide to Training
- Tap Train – Constitution tab in the Menu or click the Constitution tab at the top left of the Inner Force window.
Constitution can be promoted every 5 levels, and the level of every Constitution has to be the same for promotion.
- 1. View the Power Score increased by upgrading Constitution.
- 2. Check the current Constitution level and the stats applied.
- 3. The success chance of Constitution enhancement.
- 4. Information about gatherables, special materials, and Copper required for Constitution enhancement.
Inner Force
- Tap Train – Inner Force tab in the Menu or click the Inner Force tab at the top left of the Constitution window.
- 1. View the Power Score increased by training Inner Force
- 2. Inner Force can be promoted every 5 levels, and the level of every Inner Force has to be the same for promotion. Each Inner Force is unlocked by using appropriate items.
- 3. The success chance of Inner Force training and the chance of triggering Tangled Inner Force
- 4. Information about materials required for unlocking Inner Force.
- 5. Tapping the i button shows the stats applied by each level of Inner Force.
Solitude Training
- Tap Train – Solitude Training tab in the Menu or click the Solitude Training tab at the top left of the Constitution window.
- 1. There are 4 Inner Force Loci and each locus has 8 stats.
- 2. You can view the stats that can be gained at each slot.
- 3. Power Score gained by Solitude Training and the achieved level based on overall enhancements are shown. You can gain additional stats based on the achieved level.
- 4. View the stats increased by promotion and the success/Tangled Inner Force chances. Enhancement level decreases by 1-3 levels if you are afflicted by Tangled Inner Force. Each time Tangled Inner Force is triggered, your resistance increases by 0.1%.
- 5. Information about materials and currencies required for stat enhancement.
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