MIR4 – Basic Training Guide

A core character upgrading system that improves your character’s basic attack/defense abilities with Constitution, Inner Force, and Solitude Training. After leveling up, your character can grow further through promotion.

Basic Guide to Training


  • Tap Train – Constitution tab in the Menu or click the Constitution tab at the top left of the Inner Force window.

Constitution can be promoted every 5 levels, and the level of every Constitution has to be the same for promotion.

  • 1. View the Power Score increased by upgrading Constitution.
  • 2. Check the current Constitution level and the stats applied.
  • 3. The success chance of Constitution enhancement.
  • 4. Information about gatherables, special materials, and Copper required for Constitution enhancement.

Inner Force

  • Tap Train – Inner Force tab in the Menu or click the Inner Force tab at the top left of the Constitution window.
  • 1. View the Power Score increased by training Inner Force
  • 2. Inner Force can be promoted every 5 levels, and the level of every Inner Force has to be the same for promotion. Each Inner Force is unlocked by using appropriate items.
  • 3. The success chance of Inner Force training and the chance of triggering Tangled Inner Force
  • 4. Information about materials required for unlocking Inner Force.
  • 5. Tapping the i button shows the stats applied by each level of Inner Force.

Solitude Training

  • Tap Train – Solitude Training tab in the Menu or click the Solitude Training tab at the top left of the Constitution window.
  • 1. There are 4 Inner Force Loci and each locus has 8 stats.
  • 2. You can view the stats that can be gained at each slot.
  • 3. Power Score gained by Solitude Training and the achieved level based on overall enhancements are shown. You can gain additional stats based on the achieved level.
  • 4. View the stats increased by promotion and the success/Tangled Inner Force chances. Enhancement level decreases by 1-3 levels if you are afflicted by Tangled Inner Force. Each time Tangled Inner Force is triggered, your resistance increases by 0.1%.
  • 5. Information about materials and currencies required for stat enhancement.
Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 4444 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

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