Feats Guide: Siku Priest Angiok of Agara (C19)
For the ice purity challenge. I tried to make geistform and masterfreeze work in C19. Geistform receives nothing from being able to free everything as its speed locked to 10. Masterfreeze is kinda useless cause you will have maps where you need to get off the ground quickly (I coudn’t think of any ways to stall out for long enough).
This shit just does damage by praying. Like a lot of damage. Aurora chant and then put some into cryomancy because even though it has a 3 tile range, it will eventually save your ass.
- Siku – Having the any range ice damage is great. Everything else I didn’t really care. I just chose this mainly though cause its thematic
- Priest – More stacks of everything, though you could have done something else like ascetic. I think at a certain level of aurora chant, Priest wins out. You could even do baghatar
- Agara – Mandatory. You need this to proc all your standstill actions really quickly.
You need speed. At a certain point, I didn’t bother moving from the ground aoes because everything would die before it went off due to freeze.
Also getting just enough dex to dodge ranged attacks saves your ass.
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That concludes the guide, hope you found it helpful!
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