Quick tips you can do that will instantly make you better.
Tips and Tricks for Newbies
Don’t always just default to killing minions in lane, fight for neutral objectives (fangtooth, orb prime, jng camps), and play as a team.
More in depth for actual team fighting which is what I think the majority of players rn struggle with are:
- Learn the positioning of your role. If you are a tanky front liner, dont be scared sitting behind Gideon and Sparrow. Go out and protect them, bait engagements, go in yourself, or ANYTHING else but just standing around in the back. Same goes vice versa for my squishy friends.
- Goes along with #1 in looking at the map and knowing where your teammates are. Yes there is a lot going on, but nothing makes me more sad than dying to a team fight we could have won if my team 10 ft away from me just even walked towards the fight. Position yourself, and understand where you and your teammates are at all times.
Good positioning is everything in MOBAs
Bonus Tip: Try and hit lvl 2 faster than your opponent in lane at the start of the match and go for a heavy trade before they can hit lvl 2. Most laners aren’t ready for the aggression and most heroes can out trade down the early level. If you are able to hit lvl 2 fast enough and push them off their wave delaying their lvl 2 you will have a great laning phase.
What to do if you loose
- Well, if you’re the only one behind but the rest of your team equal to the enemies level, try to get the best out of your kit. Start focusing assists and farm more.
- I would try not to provoke any fights and stay close to allies. Every chunk of xp is worth Gold.
- Staying back, afk farming or my absolute favorite spamming ff, is not the right thing.
- Focus on the game and you’ll be good.
Sow hat the best thing to do is try your best to freeze your lane and play Defensively and not get caught out solo so you don’t feed enemy team, As you really wanna lay for objectives at this point in time. So freeze lane till about 30-45sec till an Objective is up then push your lane (hopefully with another teammate) then get set-up for the objective and if you can get a pick on enemy who is out of position (you want to get the pick as a 1v2 or even a 1v3) to burn down the enemy quick so you have the number advantage.
Defend or Group. You can farm a defended lane and gain levels plus gold from waves unbothered or you group with your team and participate in team fights that could yield you some shared takedown XP and gold while still lending your utility to your team.
where my launch drops v1.0 at??
Should be there. Make sure you’ve linked it properly
spray no skin
no player icon
Have you tried restarting the game?
Yes, it didn’t work
Try to reinstall