Infernal Shroudstone Rush
- Send hexen to scout where opponent is, try not to let it die.
- Send 1 imp to hidden place across the map to proxy iron vault.
- Build imps when charges are available only on luminite until saturated.
- Meat farm before opponent gets scout in to prevent harassment.
- If luminate is saturated, send a few imps to mine thorium.
- Send 3 imps to spot out of vision on low ground outside of opponents main base.
- Build 2 shroudstones and keep one imp for later.
- While the shroudstones are about to place, distract with the hexen away from where the shroudstones are.
- Build a second proxy, either iron vault or conclave.
- Build the 3rd shroudstone in the highground in opponent’s main base in vision of the 2 other stones.
- Rally any units you can afford from the proxy buildings, usually brutes and gaunts within vision of the shroudstones.
- Build another shroudstone near the worker line.
- At this point you either win or they stopped you and you’re in a very bad spot.
Note: Haven’t worked out the exact timings, but it’s most important to get the proxies up fast so you unlock the shroudstone building and also keep army near the shroudstones except when distracting attention away while they first build.
I hope this was helpful to you!
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