Super Mecha Champions – Guide to Doomlight Basics

The aim of this guide will be to provide some basic strategies and uses of the “Mech Without A Pilot,” Doomlight.

Doomlight Basic Guide

All credit goes to Dephotic!

Introduction to Doomlight

Doomlight is sometimes called the “Mech Without a Pilot” because while every other mech as a pilot associated with it (i.e Ning and Firefox, Rom and Arthur, etc.), there is no pilot that lists Doomlight as their mech. Even without a designated pilot, that doesn’t mean it can’t be used strategically and effectively. In fact, it causes quite the uproar when on the field. Doomlight has a unique skill set that can successfully counter most mechas in a one-on-one match up, and provide incredible support with a team.

Doomlights kit consists of:

  • Primary – Photon Cannon: 3 shot burst weapon with a small area of effect splash on impact.
  • Secondary – Photon Turret: able to launch pylon turrets from it’s back with 3 being allowed up at a time.
  • Tactical Ability – Photon Shield: Creates a barrier in which you (and allies) can fire through, but it blocks all incoming enemy fire.
  • Jump Type – Hold jump to maintain upward movement until jump button is released or fuel is depleted.
  • Core I – Scatter Beam: “Undeployed backside Photon Turret can automatically attack nearby targets.” (In-game description)
  • Core II – Photon Wall: “Deployed Photon Turrets can link with one another to launch more powerful Cluster Beams (In-game description)”.

It’s primary fire has a bit of an arc at longer distances, so try to aim a little higher if trying to hit targets far away, but otherwise the shots will land where the pilot aims. The primary fire projectiles move rather slowly, so the pilot will have to lead their shots a bit to get a hit, but the splash effect of each shot makes that challenge a bit more forgiving.

The pylon turrets (pylon, as in cannot be moved once landed: stationary tower like turrets) are unique to Doomlight. the damage they provide is minimal, but enough to be annoying to the target and give them incentive to take them out. Each turret has low health so a shot from Hotsteel or Aurora will take them out quickly. The cool down is relatively quick so if a turret is destroyed, it won’t be too long before you can launch another.

The photon shield sits where the pilot plants it, it cannot be moved after deployment, nor does it protect the user if they move away from it. The shield itself doesn’t have much health by default, but it provides cover from big attacks, enough time to get a reload in, or launch another turret. The cool down is rather lengthy, but it starts as soon as the shield is deployed so that can cut the time a bit depending on the situation.

Below are some strategies on how to use each Core effectively.

Core Uses

Both cores can be useful in several situations, but I personally see Core I to be to be the most beneficial.

  • Core I Uses: This core is best for solo matches, but also works well in any given situation. Photon Turrets appear on the back of Doomlight in a handy pack when they are ready to launch. If all desired turrets are launched, the others will stay in the pack until use. With Core I, the turrets in the pack will actually target and attack enemies within a close enough radius, dealing small damage, but with a noticeable beam that one can use to quickly locate the nearby enemy and counter attack. In a squad, this Core can be useful in locating enemies near Doomlight so allies can come to help. I like this core because it offers a means of attack when unable to find the enemy or if they come to close like in the CQC section down below.
  • Core II Uses: This Core is harder to make full use of since the Photon Turrets have such low durability, but if used correctly, can create some major damage opportunities. While it may seem intuitive while using this Core to launch all turrets at once right next to each other, that actually makes it really easy for the enemy to destroy them all at once with ease, leaving Doomlight vulnerable and without turrets while they cool down. Instead, try to place the turrets in areas the enemy is most likely to go, or set them up as a trap to lure the enemy into for some good damage that pairs nicely with some primary fire.

Basic Strategies For Playing Doomlight

Height Advantage

A basic and effective way to succeed as Doomlight is to get higher than the opponent. This strategy is best utilized in a space with more buildings, like West Villa (Alpha map) or Downtown (Origo Island). If one can make it onto a roof top, one can use their primary fire to rain down some splash damage on the enemy below. If the enemy tries to attack, Doomlight can place their shield and use a repair kit or continue to attack without the worry of being damaged.
Being on top of a building also provides issues for most enemy mechs without the same jump as Doomlight, like Arthur or Trio of Enders: if Doomlight is on a high enough rooftop, an enemy with a basic jump cannot reach them.

Control The Terrain

What I mean by this is to take control of the environment around you to take control of the battle. While this goes without saying, stay in the ring and move towards the ring during the fight or down time. I cannot stress that enough because the ring does massive damage to mechs, especially at later stages of the match, and it is imperative that one who wishes to win stays in the ring and watches the map for where it’s moving next. A strong Doomlight strategy is to use it’s Photon Turrets to control where one wants the enemy to go, or to block off certain areas.

  • Terrain Strategy: Turret Blocking – If the ring is moving, use the Photon Shield or the environment to block the enemy from hitting you as you make your way to the new ring. Once in the new ring, find a tall point to sit on and watch the enemy, as well as your map, to see where they’ll most likely move. Try to place turrets (keep them spread out) in the area the enemy is moving, or key entry points to the ring, to slow them down and give you the opportunity to lay down some primary fire while the enemy scatters to destroy the turrets and make it into the next ring with you.
  • Terrain Strategy: Path Denial – Another method of controlling the area is to get that height advantage and place turrets in places the enemy could use to reach you. If the building you’re sitting upon has a couple other buildings that could be used to jump onto and ultimately used to get to the building you’re on, place turrets on those smaller buildings to give the enemy a nasty surprise, and you an opportunity to lay down some primary fire or make a break for it. One could also use their turrets to deny access to areas of advantage to the enemy. If an Arthur or Hotsteel want to get onto a building close by and use it as a means of getting to you, placing turrets on those buildings or turrets around you, cuts off their path and leaves them with turrets to distract/damage them, creating risk for their advance.

Keep Your Distance

Doomlight is best used at mid range, leaving it with several options for retreat, attack and position changes. If the enemy is sniping, it’s usually not too hard to find somewhere to hide for a bit or, if one is feeling reckless, going in for an assault. If a Gabriel is striking from afar, try to find cover behind a building and make them reposition. If that’s not an option, launching turrets in their general direction as a distraction, while using the shield to heal, reload, or think for a bit during the advance, it is possible to close the distance and give Doomlight a fighting chance, albeit with most likely less health. Overall, though, Doomlight works best keeping itself at a distance to better make use of it’s turrets and primary fire, as well as leaving room to retreat if need be.

Close Quarters Combat

Imagine an Arthur or Ventorus breaking through and now you, the pilot in your Doomlight, have to combat them. First of all, I wish you luck and hope for the best because that’s usually a defeat right there, but here are some things to try when backed into a corner.

  • CQC: Keep High – Use that jump to hover above the enemy while using primary fire on them and placing turrets in areas around them (remember to keep them spread out) so they take damage and have those turrets to adjust their focus on. If it goes well, the enemy will back off due to the turret damage and can give Doomlight a chance to think, retreat or get onto a building, giving you many more options in the battle going forward.
  • CQC: Shield Dance – I have only ever used this strategy once at the time of writing this and I’m not very good at it (takes a lot of practice), but it got me into a position in which Doomlight was destroyed, but I was able to blast the enemy mech during my ejection and destroy it. This strategy is essentially as so: if a Firefox, for example, is in close quarters and you have no means of escape, you can throw down your shield and face it at a sideways angle, hopefully getting the enemy to do the same, and move left to right, getting behind the shield with every movement, forcing the enemy to try to track your movements in order to hit you, hence the “dance” of this strategy. Remember, you can shoot through your shield, the enemy cannot.

Squad Strategies

The strategies above were created in a solo free for all setting, but can still be applied during squad matches, or even Team Deathmatch. Doomlight is a powerful asset to the team and being able to use your shield to defend a downed ally or rain down turrets from a rooftop, also using the strategies above can make a strong addition to any team. Below are a couple more ideas for using Doomlight to help the squad or some ideas to form one’s own strategy!

  • SQ: Protect Allies – Being a heavy mech means Doomlight can take some serious damage before going down. With this in mind, use the durability and shield to protect allies if one is out of their mech, or distract the enemy while an ally flanks them from the side. Doomlight functions best as a support mech, meaning it works better when backing up allies or distracting the enemy with turrets and a well placed shield.
  • SQ: Harass The Enemy – A Doomlight on a rooftop or high cliff launching turrets and photon blasts from a distance can create a huge problem for an enemy squad. Doomlight can effectively damage all members of an enemy squad with well placed turrets and primary fire while it’s allies come in to finish the job. Doomlight is not to be used as an attack type, meaning the mech to deal the final blow, but instead as a damage mech with harassment abilities that give allies the opportunity to move in and strike. Use the turrets to isolate a member of the enemy squad so your allies can move in to finish them, or place turrets in areas around your allies to keep them protected while they get into position. One could even use the turrets to direct the enemy towards a specific ally or area of the map so their squad could ambush them. Turrets are a great harassment tool with many possibilities.

Basic Strategies Against Doomlight

Now that we’ve talked about how to play this mech with no pilot, let’s discuss methods of taking down such a powerful adversary. Doomlight excels at range, has high durability, can move to higher points on the map with little issue, and can deal some serious damage. So, how does one beat a Doomlight?

Take It’s Advantages Away

This is mostly circumstantial, but if the odds are in your favor, can make a big difference. Doomlight will want to find high places to lay down some suppressing fire and use those turrets to harass you. If the ring is moving to an area of open spaces and mostly flat surface area, that will put Doomlight at a severe disadvantage and give you the chance to fight back.

  • Height – Get above Doomlight if possible, this will make it a lot harder for it to defend itself or fight back effectively. The shield is one of Doomlight’s biggest assets, getting above it will make damaging Doomlight itself that much easier. A mech with the means of getting behind that shield will be crucial in taking down Doomlight. If you’re above it, it’s shots won’t hit well, the turrets will be less effective, and the shield almost useless.
  • Close in – Doomlight is at a major disadvantage at close range. If one can close the distance between Doomlight and themselves, the fight will be much easier. Doomlight has no means of escape, it has no dashes or dodges, it can only throw down it’s shield or try to fly away. The shield can be run around and Doomlight has a fuel limit so it’ll be grounded eventually. Getting in close will put Doomlight in a dangerous place and make it easier to damage and destroy.
  • Snipe It – Mechs like Gabriel and Raven have an advantage over Doomlight because they can hang back, away from the turrets range, and lay down some serious damage. Doomlight’s photon shots have an arc at range and travel slowly so they’re relatively easy to dodge, and the turrets can only be launched a certain distance and have a range of their own so they aren’t too big a threat if one is out of their range. If a Gabriel can get onto a rooftop at a distance and start sniping, the Doomlight can only run and hide. If the ring is still large enough, Gabriel can just find a new building or high area and repeat the process. Raven can actually deal significant damage at close range and can fire off fully charged rounds at a faster pace, giving it more options if the ring is getting smaller during the fight.
  • Corner it – If Doomlight found a great building to relax on top of, but the ring is closing and Doomlight would have to get off it’s building to make the new ring, a great strategy is to sit under that building and wait for Doomlight to come down. It may try to launch turrets at you, but one shot of most mech weapons and those are gone. Once the Doomlight jumps from the building, close in and strike. It will fire back and it will hurt, but hit it hard enough and block off it’s access to the next ring with either body block positioning (getting in it’s way so it has to move), or hit it enough times and it will fall before you do. If Doomlight is backed against a wall, or has no method of retreat, it will be a lot easier to destroy it. Cut off it’s means of retreat or getting to a higher area and it will be easier to take down.

Effective Mech Choices Against Doomlight

In this section I will mention mechs that I think work best against Doomlight and ones that can best implement the strategies I listed above.


This is the mech I have personally had the most success against a Doomlight with. Aurora is able to counter most Doomlight strategies and deal impressive damage in counter attacks. If a Doomlight is perched on a building, Aurora can fly up to it and force it to reposition, perfect for allies to attack or, if in solo, to fight on a more even playing field. Aurora can also provide high damage with it’s secondary attack, an attack Doomlight has no means of escaping if hit from the air. Aurora can also fly over Doomlight’s shield and deal significant damage before it can escape again. I think this mech is a great Doomlight counter and has the potential to take it down one-on-one.

Caramel (AKA Kuma)

This thing is an adorable beast against any mech, but has some high potential against a Doomlight. Caramel, also being a heavy with high durability, means the photon turrets won’t be as much of a threat, and it’s leaping ability can help it reach some high areas, as well as jump behind a Doomlight shield if close enough. Caramel boasts high splash damage as well, both in bear form and turret form, meaning the photon turrets, and even the shield to an extent, can be blasted through without too much issue. The leap is just the right amount of mobility needed to give this mech an edge in most situations, and the turret form has some decent sniping potential, especially if positioned on a high perch.


One of the newest mechs added in early 2022, Pulsar provides multiple methods of taking on a Doomlight, whether it be sniping from a tall roof, or dashing past it’s shield to deal some serious up close damage. Pulsar has low durability, even when compared to most other light weight mechs, but that also means it has high mobility. Pulsar can dash fast enough to close in on a Doomlight with relative ease, as well as dash past turrets without taking too much damage. Pulsar also has it’s sniping form in which it can shoot a high power beam at a distance for great damage. While not as effective as Gabriel or even Raven, it still has that distance advantage which may help in certain situations. In human form, it’s primary fire deals hard damage, enough to take down turrets quickly, as well as maintain high movement speeds, making it a great choice for getting behind Doomlight or into a more strategic position. It also has the same hovering jump style that Doomlight has so it can get in close even on rooftops!


Arguably the best starting mech in the game also happens to be a great match for Doomlight. It’s speed increase ability is perfect for dodging turrets or closing the distance, and it’s primary fire is strong and quick to shoot, meaning the turrets are easy to take down and when up close, can deal some major damage to Doomlight. I actually lost to this mech when using Doomlight because I didn’t have the height advantage and Skylark was able to close the distance fast enough to deal some serious damage. It’s secondary fire, launching the wings on it’s back, not only provides Skylark with health when hitting an enemy (making the turret damage seem like nothing), it has a wide enough area of attack that Doomlight, being so slow, can’t dodge without jumping. This onslaught of speed and power make Skylark a great combatant to Doomlight.

Final Thoughts

First of all, thank you for reading through my very first ever guide! It was a joy to make and I may even make more for other mechs. Doomlight is such an interesting mech in this game to me because it has no set pilot, has deploy-able turrets and shield, and seems to be such a strong presence on any battlefield. I wanted to make this guide because Doomlight has always been the bane of my games and when playing it I thought, “this thing is so ridiculous, it’s hard to beat this crazy turret thrower.” Regarding pilots to play, I’m not sure, I only have Rom and have been doing pretty well, but that’s another depth of strategy you can decide on, as well as mech modules, something I’ll admit I have little personal information on. But there is plenty of information in game and on different sites and guides to give you that extra edge on the battlefield.

Remember, always use the training ground when trying new mechs. It helps one to create strategies for playing the mech as well as going against it. Take notice of advantages and disadvantages while training.

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 7719 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

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