The City Must Grow – Definitive Growth Guide (with Tips)

My findings so far on how to make your city thrive.

Guide to Growth

All credit goes to Desim!

Take a Turn

The game is turn-based and here is a collection of notes about that.

  • At each turn, you will get a chance to place a zone/road, this is selected randomly.
  • There is no time-limit to your turn so take that time to assess your situation fully before making a decision.
  • The turn only ends when you hit the big yellow arrow button or hit [Space].
  • You can always undo your actions during a turn with the other button next to the end turn button.
  • At the end of the turn, the game calculates if your decision has contributed to growth or if other active effects are affecting the end of the turn.
  • Resources usage will also be calculated at the end of the turn.
  • Your city growth bar goes down one point each turn if nothing gets built/zoned.
  • The game ends when the bar is depleted and your score will be calculated based on your total growth and turns survived.
  • Knowing this, in the end-game, try to combine negative effects at the same turn to mitigate the drop of growth (eg bulldoze a structure at the same time you expect another effect to be added at the end of your turn)

About Growth Points

Here are the things I took note of to manage my growth bar and stay alive for more than 2000 turns.

Growth point mechanics

  • The game will always remove a growth point at the end of your turn if there is nothing that would otherwise affect the growth positively.
  • Your Growth bar will only move at most 1 point either up or down, effects are not cumulative, hence don’t rushing it.
  • If you have a negative and a positive effect at the same turn, the growth will be counted as negative (to be double-checked).
  • Knowing this, in the end-game, try to combine negative effects at the same turn to mitigate the drop of growth (eg bulldoze a structure at the same time you expect another effect to be added at the end of your turn)

Neutral effects

  • Placing roads don’t give growth points, so the growth will go down no matter what.

Positive effects

  • Placing a field, forestry or mine will directly yield a point at the end of the turn if they can be built with resources available.
  • Placing a field is one the cheapest way in terms of employment and resources required to get a city growth point.
  • Residential homes will yield 2 city growth points: 1 once building starts/ is built (?) and one once people settle in.
  • Some structures don’t yield points right away and require to have a structure fully built on it first.
  • Most buildings take at least one or two turns to get built, that delay increases with higher tier structures.

Negative effects

  • Unemployed people leaving town.
  • Homeless people leaving town.
  • Unhappy people (aka starving) leaving town.
  • Collapsed buildings (when they remained unoccupied for too long).

Collection of Other Tips

Below is a mish-mash of remaining tips and findings, I’ll give a more structured shape when I get my head around everything I’ve written in it.

  • You always start in the middle of the map.
  • The map is about 57×57 squares tall.
  • The map is square except if a body of water is cutting through the edges.
  • The most important thing to keep in mind is to never rush placing a certain zone if there is not a very good reason to do so.
  • Always place as much roads as possible in early game to explore your map as fact as possible.
  • Roads are good for exploring and uncover 5 squares deep, so space your roads accordingly for efficient exploration.
  • All roads should make a single circuit, if a piece gets disconnected, buildings over there will get in trouble or your didn’t need the road to start with.
  • At the beginning, concentrate on exploring in straight lines from your starting point while maintaining development as balanced as possible until you unlock the resources view
  • As soon as you have resources view, start to locate the best 30% of your map where you’ll start you build your city centre.
  • Don’t rush the next objective either as this will give you another building.
  • City should as much as possible be installed only on plains or mid lands (except if you have an abundance of any other resource blocks).
  • Stone and coal resources blocks will be unusable once mined.
  • Because the mines can get depleted, stone and coal reserves are the only non-renewable resources on your map, so don’t go sell them.
  • Farm tiles develop depending on following conditions: on plain, next to water, very low ground. If none of those conditions are met you will get an orchard.
  • Farm tiles have 4 development types: dark green, light green, yellow and orchard with following respective yields per square: 48,36,24,24). This means placing a field tile on a plain does not guarantee maximum yield.
  • Maximise your farm yield by only placing them on plains + near water bodies.
  • There is always a 2 square wide strip of wet/low plains all around the edges of the map, optimise their usage for fields!
  • You start with a small set of resources (2.5k wood and 1.0k of crops).
  • Early buildings will need wood, hence don’t wait using your first reserve of wood to build at least one forestry to keep your budding city sustainable.
  • Forestries built on high Lands in the resource map yield 14 wood each turn, 10 on Mid Lands and on Plains it even falls to 8 and that makes sense because what the hell are you building it there after reading my notes on fields.
  • fields, forestries and mines don’t need roads adjacent, so remove them to squeeze out anything in the ground except if you need to keep a building connected.
  • Residences will start consuming food, as there are 3 people living in a 2-square house.
  • Each person consumes 12 food per turn.
  • Higher tier residents will also require dairy products and processed foods.
  • You can earn money through office buildings.
  • Seaports can also yield some money if you sell your resources there.
  • You can only sell/buy as many batches of resources at a seaport as there are workers available for it.
  • Seaports make for a good reserve of spare workers if you are not selling/buying much resources, use the worker slider when needed to manage employment demand.
Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 7719 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

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