Warcraft Rumble – Cenarion Festival Ticket Math

Quick Guide to Cenarion Festival Tickets

By TheWort.

Here is a spreadsheet to run some quick math on the Cenarion Festival Tickets!

Ticket Amounts available:

In total there are 341,300 Cenarion Tickets available (which is ~60,000 more than is necessary to 100% the reward tree).

Some of these challenges are going to be much more difficult without spending real money on the game, or having hoarded gold before the event. Notably:

  • Very difficult to upgrade any Cenarion minis to Rare
  • Very difficult to upgrade any Cenarion minis to Epic
  • Very difficult to gain a lot of Honor (PvP rank) with Cenarion Leaders
  • Very difficult to complete Heroic Moonglade levels

If we assume a F2P players completes all other available challenges, and none of the difficult ones (highlighted in red in the image) – they will have 227,300 Tickets available.

Ways to spend tickets:

There are a total 280,250 Tickets required to obtain every reward on the tree. This is less that the total available tickets, but higher than tickets available to most F2P players.

If you forego:

  • Emote
  • Modest & Major tomes that don’t unlock other options
  • Arclight Energy
  • Epic & Legendary Core

You can obtain all other rewards (Minis, Gold, Mega Tomes) on the tree for 184,050 Tickets, leaving F2P Players with 40k tickets to spend flexibly.

Total Arclight Energy and Gold Available:

There is a total 16,500 Arclight Energy available on the Festival Reward tree for 28,900 Tickets. And a total 2400 Gold (Pre-Booster) available on the Festival Reward tree for 34,000 tickets.

Feel free to check the spreadsheet for more information, or make a copy yourself to calculate which rewards on the tree you want to buy!

I hope you found this useful. Wishing you luck!

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 8015 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.


  1. The daily offer ist actualy very difficult to do too.
    But the Honor ist pretty easy. Ist counts as Honor gained. So If you loose honor and regain IT still towards the quest

  2. Very nice, thank you.
    Although the first 3 rank of the PvP honor task should be easy to obtain for anyone. The first 19 games of any new leader are against bots. And they match your levels

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