So you want to flash eh? You want to get those big numbers on the scoreboard? You’re in luck ya git because Gork and Mork have told me to personally teach you.
Foundations and Tricks of the Highest Skill Car
By Hackerjacks
Basic Snazz Info
- HP: 120
- Speed: 80
- Damage per bullet: 1ish
- Firing Speed: Dakka Dakka Dakka
- Effective Range: Short
- Speshul Moves:
- Smokescreen – 4 seconds of glorious pollution. Hides your health bar and obscures vision of anything inside it.
- Burna Bomm – Low cooldown AOE dps grenade. Always throw it when its off cooldown! It’s low enough to just chuck it in the general direction of enemies even far away. You’ll be surprised how quickly you get good with it and nail people across the map.
- Firing arc: 180 frontal
How to Waagh
Playing da SNAZZ effectively takes da most brainpower of any other car. Your kit allows you to be an effective generalist on the battlefield. You gots decent health and average speed but ya need to get CLOSE to Krump people. You WILL take damage and you WILL be outnumbered. A true 1v1 starting on equal terms is RARE! Driving ability and target priority are going to be da split second decisions that determine if you win da fight or get that bomm into da enemy stompa. If you make a mistake you get KRUMPED and lose. Simple as.
Driving to Krump
Da SNAZZ has da smallest effective firing radius of all the cars. (The trike is not a car, fight me). 180 frontal on primary and secondary and no rear or 360 weapons. You must always be facing your enemy. Da tradeoff for this is you will absolutely Krump anyone at close range DPS wise with some basic positioning. Da E-Brake is your best friend here. You need to master da smooth 180 at any angle and speed. Tap da E-Brake at speed and use your directional input to re-orient yourself. You also need to learn where da enemies weapons are so you can position yourself in their weakest arc to win da fight.
A good general rule is always be Krumpin. If you have da choice between Krumpin and Runnin, always Krump! First to da bomm and two of da enemy gits show up? Krump! Reach da bomm with one team mate vs 2 enemies and you picked up the bomm? Krump! Running will only expose your non firing side to them for an easy Krump on you. If you have ta run do it driving backwards so you can SHOOT AND DRIVE!
What you should be doing
Your entire life revolves around da bomm. This can be divided up into three primary tasks. Getting da bomm, running da bomm, and stopping da bomm.
Getting da bomm: When a new bomm spawns immediately start heading to it. You want ta get there first and lock it down. If you are alone with no boyz grab it and take it back to your stompa and wait so you can group up. BE KAREFUL! You do not want to run it back to your stompa if you are da only one and under fire from multiple enemies. This is essentially running da bomm for THEM! If you are in this situation DELAY!
Boost back into them and start driving the opposite direction while firing. Hide and break LOS only to boost out in their opposite direction. Run to your boyz if they are close! Buy time for your team! Krump! Its okay to get KRUMPED if you are far enough away to respawn in time to fight again on their approach with da boyz!
Running da Bomm: Da SNAZZ is one of da most effective bomm runners since smoke immediately makes da stompa de-target you. It is only you though and anyone else in your smoke screen on your team will still be targeted. Always approach da stompa from an angle that will offer it da LEAST amount of sight on you until da last possible second so you can smoke and impact. If you can use a ramp so there is no chance to be blocked even better.
Make sure you have some boost in the meter as you make the approach. If you are not da actual bomm carrier stay with who is. In the event they die you want to be able to pick it up and impact. You also want to kill off enemies shooting at them while they run the bomm in.
Stopping da bomm: Da enemy at some point will get da bomm. You must immediately Krump them as fast as possible. If there are multiple bomms in play always prioritize stopping da enemy bomm over anything else. If there are two enemy bomms prioritize da closest that needs help. Da enemy is kunnin and will probably be in a pack of boyz so if their runner dies someone else can pick it up. If you are solo vs this your best hope is to get as close to the carrier at da moment of Krump and pick up the bomm before their team can and buy time for support to show up before you get KRUMPED yourself.
Sometimes that extra couple seconds or Krumping on of the supporting gits DOES make a difference. If they are approaching you head on try to body block with da side of your car. If you are chasing shoot all targets in the konvoy as they appear prioritizing healers or the bomm runner. Unless you can kill da runner and are close enough to grab it immediately they all have to get KRUMPED to stop da impact so put out as much damage as you can.
Killing the git behind da bomm carrier over da bomm carrier might not make sense but look at their trajectory. Do you have other team mates that will be intercepting? Killing the git behind them now means you’re all Krumping one guy instead of two and the lead guy will be taking stompa fire and team mate fire. You don’t want a second fresh git to pick it up and impact it because the first git took all the fire. Use ya brain and fink!
TarGit Priority
Always shoot da lowest health enemy in range first. Enemies are as effective and deadly at 1% HP as they are at 100% HP. One of your main jobs is to finish off and Krump low HP enemies that your higher cooldown gun boys have to wait to Krump. You need to get close and Krump as fast and efficient as possible. In most situations do not chase!
If there are other enemies in range and one flees like a snotling at 1% HP out of line of sight move on to da next closest viable target you can see in da scrum. Staying in da larger fight to keep killing will end up with a larger mob of your boyz alive to complete da objective. Keep an eye out for your mates getting teamed up on around the map and assist to even the odds! Your trigger finger should never be released and your burna bomm always on cooldown.
Driving Taktiks: Sekrets from da boss
Smoke: This is your best ability to survive when stuck in. It hides your health bar and everything else inside it but you can still see theirs! Which means you always want to be INSIDE IT. If an enemy is on your side shooting and you pop smoke without changing direction they can see you and it isn’t doing anything for your immediate survival. Only a scrapjet, trike and dragsta can use their auto target weapons reticule to reveal your location inside the smoke to them. With this in mind here are some sick moves.
Smoke – Orktapuss: If you are under fire pop smoke and boost back into it and stop. Most orks will assume you are still driving in the direction you did when you popped it. Re-orient and shred anything that still has a red health bar.
Smoke – ZigZag: If youre being chased pop a 180 and hit smoke. Do not drive in a straight line! Snake back and forth and once you have completed one arc the enemy won’t know where you are. You can then re position in response to them and Krump.
Smoke – I’m Helpin!: If you see some enemy gits at range shooting into da big fight you’re in or if the big fight isn’t going so well pop your smoke and mess up the whole battlefield. Drive through everything! You might buy your team a couple extra seconds to escape or Krump.
Da Dune Bait: If you got some git chasing you pop over a dune staying as low as you can (slowing down before you go over if able) and immediately wait just under sight line for them to fly over you. Now you are chasing dem! There are several variations you can do with this including boosting back over the dune as soon as they launch off it to come after you to completely ditch your assailant. Combine with smoke for even more possibilities! An airborne enemy cant change their direction! Be Kreative!
Burna Trap: Da Burna Bomm lingers on the ground after impact for about a second. If you have gits chasing you throw it on the ground right under you as you pop a 180 and they will drive through it and be set on fire. Also works great in choke points!
Oppsie Doopsie: When you are fighting someone always boost in a random direction that makes sense to weaken their firing arc and enable yours. Hitting da brake and boosting to a completely new side is a great way to ruin some poor gits day trying to track you. Use choke points and line of sight breaks in the map to amplify this.
Taunting da Enemy
Make it personal. Frustrated gits are more likely to make mistakes and over prioritize you in fights. Hit em with a “Oi, is this your first scrap?” after a kill. My favorite is “Help! I’m being KRUMPED!” as you finish them off. I’ve had snotlings peel away from more important objective tasks just to try and Krump me. This will make you better having to fight people specifically gunning for you. Winning those fights makes it even sweeter.
Fighting to Win da 1v1
It comes down to engagement distance
As stated earlier a true 1v1 is very rare. Most of da time you will be fighting at a noticeable advantage or disadvantage on your target. You can use this knowledge to make an estimate of how much advantage you have or don’t have when engaging a git to determine if it’s worth it or if there is another easier target you can prioritize. Using terrain to block line of sight on enemies ranging you while dumping dakka onto your primary target is an awareness you will naturally develop.
KBB – If they start shooting you at range first you are probably going to get KRUMPED. A full 360 firing angle on all their weapons. Smoke is your best bet to get close and make them miss. They outrange you and this fight comes down to how close can you get without taking damage. Their jump and grenade will spin your car out and pop you up ruining your firing angle. One of the hardest matchups.
Dragsta – Another fight that comes down to proximity. 90 degree ish front left firing arc on their primary and 360 on their missiles. If they range you and get a couple hits in you’re going to get KRUMPED. The best chance at Krumping a dragsta is in closed terrain where you get the drop on them. This limits their ability to warp blink and escape and allows you to get consistent up close DPS on them. Out in the open even if you get da drop on them they will warp and boost away if the fight isn’t going well for them. Putting DPS on them and forcing them to run is your victory here. Almost impossible to Krump in a 1v1 out in the open unless they make a big mistake. Stay on their right side.
Looted Wagon: Their grot rocket and cannon will nuke you. 180 frontal machine guns, 360 main cannon. At range you are destroyed here. You have to get close and get behind them. The cannon has a 5 seconds cooldown so if you see it fire count to 5 and boost in a random direction to dodge. If you can close the distance they are free food. They are large enough too that you can dune/corner peak and spray into them without losing a lot of DPS to your weapon spread. If you see them fire a grot rocket you can safely rush and Krump since they can’t control their other weapons until it detonates.
GMT: One of the only fights you do not want to take at point blank range particularly from the side. 180 Front shotgun, 180 rear machine gun, 360 missile and 180 side machine guns. They can broadside you with all three guns from their side. You want to fight these beasts from da front or da back. Watch out for da plow (only damages you on the slam not the flip) and the missile every 7 seconds. These are great medium range spray targets since they are so large your weapon spread isnt an issue. If you have to get close pop smoke and direction change. You should be able to Krump them before they find you. Don’t forget about their heal!
Trike: These gits are so annoying when trying to run da bomm. 180 front shotgun and 180 front melle claw. Tracking grapple. Da tether will dead stop you and there is not much you can do about it. Aside from that they aren’t much of a threat. If being chased just pop a 180 and shred them. They have to get close and you should be able to kill them before they get a swipe off. Even if they do as long as they don’t get behind you out of your firing arc you can kill them before they get the second one off.
Scrapjet: Range! Range! Range! Front straight firing machine gun and secondary. Rear firing machine gun. Homing rockets from the front. There is a little play in their front and rear weapons but not much. From the front they just have to have their target reticule on you to fire missiles. Their homing missiles will grind you down and target you through smoke. Get close and watch out for their giant secondary weapon nuke. They have to be facing you with the nosecone to hit so you can try and bait it then boost at the last second. That attack suffers from heavy recoil and if it misses you win if you have closed the distance. Stay to their sides where they have no weapon arcs. A smart scrapjet will try to keep you at range. If they want to run you wont catch them in open terrain. Forcing them out of the fight is your victory in that case.
Squigg Buggy: The immortal buggy. 360 on all weapons. With higher than average health and good speed it is going to take you a LONG time to kill these things. Their dps will not compare with yours but you need to watch out for the MINES. If you get too close they can throw all three into you and you’ll be KRUMPED. The mines also spin you out if you run over them and ruin your firing arc. As long as you drive smart and watch the mines this is an easy albeit slow Krump.
SNAZZ: The mirror match. Comes down entirely to who engages first, driving skill and terrain. Stay behind them out of the weapon arc, use the burna bomm and smoke. Da longer you can keep your gun dumping dakka into them da more likely you are to win.
Da tee el dee arrrrr
Find yourself not knowing what to do in a match? Follow these simples guidelines to be effective and kontribute!
- Is there a bomm on the map? Go to the bomm
- Who do I shoot first? The lowest HP git in range
- Should I fight or run? Always be Krumpin!
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