Muv-Luv Alternative – 100% Achievement Guide (Spoiler Free)

This guide will give you all the achievements for this game with little, if not no spoilers. Just follow the walkthrough, and you’ll be good!

Introduction to Guide

A destiny tossed about, in an insane world—
A flame of life blazing forth, in a dying world—
And now, one more future that is spun—

This is the alternative ending unable to be told before:

  • A very great, a very tiny, a very precious…
  • Tale of love and courage.

Muv-Luv Alternative continues the story of Shirogane Takeru after the events of the original Muv-Luv. This is a tale of a love so deep it breaks all barriers; about courage in the face of adversity and overcoming hardships. Takeru encounters and conquers insurmountable odds while his entire world is turned upside down around him.

This game requires five playthroughs to get all the achievements, but thankfully, there is chapter select, so as long as you do the first playthrough correctly, you won’t have to restart the game from the very beginning. I’ve rephrased the choices as to prevent spoilers, but this should definitely not confuse the choice required. The achievements in the walkthroughs after the first one are incredibly repetitive, so the guide will seem that way as well. Sorry about that.

Playthrough #1 (Kasumi’s Ending)

The choices are as follows for Playthrough 1: (Kasumi’s Ending)

  • Request to meet Yuuko 
  • Grope that character 
  • Lie down in wait 
  • Ask them to tell you 
  • Tell Yuuko that that’s not good enough. 
  • Wait for the water level to lower 
  • Target Class Rep 
  • Talk to Class Rep 
  • Talk to Meiya 
  • Talk to Ayamine 
  • Talk to Tama 
  • Talk to Mikoto 
  • Agree with said plan 
  • Tell Yuuko you’re interested 
  • Meiya 
  • Meiya 
  • Talk to her 
  • Tell her you remember 
  • That’s not it 
  • There’s no point in deliberating over this

Playthrough #2 (Kei’s Ending)

After clearing playthrough 1, go to Chapter Select, and click the fourth option under chapter 7.

Auto-skip, and for the next two choices, do as follows:

  • Ayamine
  • Ayamine

Then just pick whatever choices you like, and finish the game. Auto-skip is probably a good route to go for this.

Playthrough #3 (Sakaki’s Ending)

After clearing playthrough 2, go to Chapter Select, and click the fourth option under chapter 7.

Auto-skip, and for the next two choices, do as follows:

  • Class Rep
  • Class Rep

Then just pick whatever choices you like, and finish the game. Again, auto-skip is best, unless you want to play it again.

Playthrough #4 (Miki’s Ending)

After clearing playthrough 3, go to Chapter Select, and click the fourth option under chapter 7.

Auto-skip, and for the next two choices, do as follows:

  • Tama
  • Tama

Then just pick whatever choices you like, and finish the game. Auto-skip again is probably a good route to go for this.

Playthrough #5 (Mikoto’s Ending)

After clearing playthrough 4, go to Chapter Select, and click the fourth option under chapter 7.

Auto-skip, and for the next two choices, do as follows:

  • Mikoto
  • Mikoto

Then just pick whatever choices you like, and finish the game. Auto-skip is probably a good route to go for this.

Warning Theater

After clearing all routes, choose “Premiere” from the main menu, and then the second choice. After completing this short scenario with no dialogue choices, you’ll unlock this achievement, which should be your final one.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3640 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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