Walkthrough and guidance for obtaining 100% achievements!
Table of Contents
How to Get All Endings and Obtain All Achievements
- Take the mask and enter the kitchen. Pick up your phone.
- Leave the house [Home alone].
- Go to the left and use your phone on the QR code (1/10).
- Give the photo to Mark and click on all five wine bottles [Drunken master]:
- Go to the left and find another QR code (2/10). Head to the left.
- Reach the front of the castle and take a picture of the third QR code (3/10).
- Enter the castle and go through the leftmost hallway.
- Interact with the bush on the right and inspect the suitcase.
- Leave the scene and go through the central hallway. Take a picture of the QR code (4/10).
- Head back to the cow pasture and wait for 39 seconds [Discovery channel]:
- Backtrack to Mark. Exhaust all dialog options.
- Go to the left and talk to Julie.
- Backtrack to the front of your house and take the bottle of vodka.
- Enter your house and pick up the empty sanitiser.
- Head to the kitchen and use the vodka on the juice [Cocktail].
- Now, take some aloe vera.
- Use the vodka and the aloe vera on the empty sanitiser [DIY expert].
- Give the hands sanitiser to Julie.
- Give the corkscrew to Mark.
- Use the pliers to open the suitcase in the castle.
- Unlock the suitcase: 1374 [Code breaker].
✘︎ Save the game.
Good Endings
- Don’t take the gun [Pacifist].
- While facing the monster, click on the red button.
- Head north and use your phone on the QR code (5/10).
- Use the remote control to switch between nighttime and daytime.
- Talk to Larry at night.
- Head back to Mark and talk to him during daytime.
- Exhaust all dialog options [Never give up].
- Switch to nighttime and interact with the shelf.
- Use the crowbar to open the gate during daytime [Freeman did it first].
- Talk to Larry.
- Switch to nighttime and take a photo of the QR code (6/10).
- Talk to Larry again.
- Switch to daytime and enter the barn on the right.
- Switch to nighttime and give Laurent’s phone to Larry.
- After talking to Julie, pick up the bow and the arrow:
- Combine the arrow with the bow.
- Switch to nighttime and try to shoot your shadow [Schattenjäger].
- Take a photo of the QR code (7/10) that’s hidden on the left.
- Enter the cellar and switch to daytime.
- Interact with the oil cloth on the right and switch to nighttime.
- Leave the cellar and switch to daytime.
- Shoot the kite in the tree twice.
- Obtain the map [X marks the spot].
- Take a picture of the QR code (8/10) and use the crowbar on the thickets.
- Go south and use the crowbar on the axe head.
- Combine the axe head and the stick.
- Use the axe on the post on the previous screen.
- Combine the rope with the crowbar and use the grapping hook to climb the wall.
- Head north and find another QR code (9/10).
- Use the map on the path.
- At the stone gate, take a photo of the QR code (10/10).
- Examine the small panel and read the text.
- Switch to nighttime and examine the sign.
- Enter the final code: 632303 [Good ending].
The final log will play after watching the good ending – if you’ve found all QR codes [True ending].
Now, you can access the prototypical visual novel via the bonus section. Simply repeat most of the above-mentioned steps to finish it [Mirai no sekai].
Bad Endings
- Take the gun [Gunslinger].
- While facing the monster, click on the red button.
- Head north and talk to Larry during nighttime.
- Visit Mark and talk to him during daytime.
- Switch to nighttime and interact with the shelf.
- Use the crowbar to open the gate during daytime.
- Talk to Larry.
- Switch to nighttime and talk to Larry again.
- Switch to daytime and enter the barn on the right.
- Switch to nighttime and give Laurent’s phone to Larry.
- After talking to Julie, pick up the bow on the right and the arrow in the middle.
- Switch to nighttime and combine the arrow with the bow.
- Enter the cellar and switch to daytime.
- Interact with the oil cloth on the right and switch to nighttime.
- Leave the cellar and switch to daytime.
- Shoot the kite in the tree twice.
- Obtain the map.
- Use the crowbar on the thickets.
- Go south and use the crowbar on the axe head.
- Combine the axe head and the stick.
- Use the axe on the post on the previous screen.
- Combine the rope with the crowbar and use the grapping hook to climb the wall.
- Use the map on the path.
- At the stone gate, examine the small panel.
- Read the text and switch to nighttime.
✘︎ Save the game.
- Examine the sign and enter the final code: 632303.
- Kill yourself for the bad ending and the monster for the very bad ending.
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