Deus Ex: Mankind Divided – All Weapon Mod Locations

This guide will help you to track down all of the various weapon mods and/or attachements that can be found in Deus Ex: Mankind Divided. This includes the Silencers, 4x Scopes, Laser Sights and Holo Sights.

Weapon Attachment Locations

Below you’ll find videos on where to go in order to track down the various weapon mods that you can find in-game.

4x Scopes

  • Prague –
    This one is found inside Adam’s Apartment Building in Apt. 21 at Tars the vendor. You can purchase it for 1500 Credits. 
  • Golem City – *MISSABLE* –
    This one will be found inside the Utulek Complex in Stedry Market on level 6 at Louis Gallois the Vendor for 1500 Credits. 
  • Prague (2nd Visit) – *MISSABLE* –
    This one will be found inside TF 29 in a safe in Jim Millers Office. There is a button underneath his desk on the left side near the wall that will raise a painting to reveal the safe. You’re going to get access to this while on the mission M9: Checking Out The Men In Charge. 
    This is going to be found in the Weapons Storage Room inside Hangar 2’s Shooting Range. The code to the weapons storage room is: 8935 


  • Prague –
    This one is found behind a breakable wall in the Konicky & Hracky courtyard. You will need the Punch Through Wall augment to get to it. 
  • Prague –
    This one is found inside 33 Hlvani Apartments in Apt. 301 at Mikael the vendor. You can purchase it for 1000 Credits. 
  • Golem City – *MISSABLE* –
    This one will be found on level 6 of The Throat. This is right after you extend the bridge and either take the elevator up to that level or take the alternate path. It is in a locker inside a small room that is up a set of stairs after you get to level 6 and exit the elevator. 
  • Golem City – *MISSABLE* –
    This one is found on level 5 of RVAC Row in a semi-hidden dormitory area that is just above the main dormitory on level 4. 
  • Golem City – *MISSABLE* –
    This one is found in Ridit Station inside a server room on level 3. 
    This one is found in Marchenko’s office inside Hangar 1. His office is on level 3 and accessed via the stairs in the NW corner of the hangar. 

Laser Sights

  • Prague –
    This one is found inside Adam’s Apartment Building in Apt. 21 at Tars the vendor. You can purchase it for 1000 Credits. 
  • Prague –
    This one is found inside Adam’s Apartment Building in Apt. 21. This is behind a locked door just to the left of Tars. If you really want in here you should be able to Glass Shield / Silent Walk your way in. Probably best done AFTER you’ve gotten some points into both of those skills to help with energy usage. 
  • Prague –
    This one is found inside a safe that is behind a locked level 2 terminal door in the basement of Hemmingway’s Fine Spirits. There are a number of ways to approach getting this. I show you the safest one in the video. 
  • Prague –
    This one is found inside a locked storage unit in the alley behind (to the left) of TF 29 headquarters. If you face the storage units, it is in the one on your left. The keycode to get in is 6354. 
  • Prague (not in video) –
    This one is found inside the 33 Hlvani Apartments in Jim Miller’s Apt. 203. If you head inside then walk up the stairs almost up to the landing and the stairs leading to the next level, turn to your right and you’ll find it on a large shelf near all the cubby holes full of books. 
  • Prague –
    This one is found inside Workshop Matej (i.e. Chikane’s Place). The code to get in is 4465. You want to head down to level 1 and interact with a poster by his bed, hit the button and head into the secret room. Once inside interact with the airplane model/trophy up on the shelf to your left and that will reveal the safe in which this can be found. 
  • Prague –
    This one is found inside the Tarvos Security vault at the Palisade Property Bank. In order to get in you’re going to need to track down the keycard as well as find the vault itself. 
  • Golem City – *MISSABLE* –
    This one is found inside the Utulek Complex down on level 3 behind a gate in the police lockup area. The code to the gate’s terminal is 6123. 
    This one is found inside Hangar 2 in the south eastern most pod down on level 1. 


  • Prague –
    This one is found inside TF29 up on level 2 in the Organized Crime Unit. Once up there go into Vincent Black’s office an there is a safe behind the door. The code is 7913. 
  • Prague –
    This one is found inside 33 Hlvani Apartments in Apt. 301 at Mikael the vendor. You can purchase it for 1200 Credits. 
  • Prague –
    This one is found inside the Tarvos Security vault at the Palisade Property Bank. In order to get in you’re going to need to track down the keycard as well as find the vault itself. 
  • Golem City – *MISSABLE* –
    This one is found in Mir Flats on level 3. It is behind a breakable wall in the apartment next to your quest objective apartment where you speak with Sokol’s wife. You’ll need the Punch Through Wall augment to get this. 
  • Golem City – *MISSABLE* –
    This one will be found inside the Utulek Complex in Stedry Market on level 6 at Louis Gallois the Vendor for 1200 Credits. 
  • Prague (2nd visit+) –
    This one is found inside the Church of the Machine God, level 2 in Apt. 92 on a shelf above the green couch/bed combo. 
  • Prague (3rd visit) –
    This one is found in the Dvali Theater down underneath the stage just outside the dressing rooms in a set of lockers up agains the wall.    
Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3641 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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