- At least half of the choices are timed, make sure to be fast while choosing.
- Letting the timer run out will lead to new routes.
- Timer in choices is always running, even when game paused.
- Loading a save in a choice will reset its timer. This is useful if you run out of time while saving.
First Playthrough
- Start a new game
- You’re quite informed, Margret.
- I believe we should go.
- Nod seriously.
- Pull Bemelle forward.
- Kick it off!
- The current format has been working good so far.
- Wait timer
- Encourage her to keep going.
- Put out a hand to stop him.
- I will stay.
- You’re important as well.
- Save 1
- Lu, wait.
- Thank you for caring about me.
- Save 2
- I will come.
- I am glad.
- Save 3
- Throw the lantern.
- Save 4
- Now.
- Save 5
- Wait timer
- I won’t go. Let someone else stay.
- …Take Lu.
- Of course. Please do.
Stepped foot on the bridges of Sinnlos
The price one must pay
Hearts were eased with someone special
Escaped the void and returned to light
Found one’s pride
- Load Save 5
- Move to pull him back.
A fearful and reckless conclusion
- Load Save 4
- Wait timer
Protecting what matters until the end
- Load Save 3
- Wait timer
- Now!
- Please. Do.
- Try to help.
- Save 6
- I can’t
- Load Save 6
- I want a chance.
- Save 7
- I can still help.
- Load Save 7
- I couldn’t leave Lu.
- Load Save 7
- Do not answer him.
- Load Save 2
- Margret and I will come.
- Watch.
- Now!
- Save 8
- Say nothing
- Say nothing
Spirits were lifted together
Persevered through all the hurt
- Load Save 8
- Perhaps you should take a full dose.
- Say nothing.
Drowning in every drop
- Load Save 1
- I have to see Margret.
- I offer her my arm.
- We will come back soon.
- Gaze back.
- Fewer than those who have died without him.
- Turn back.
That is all he ever says
It almost could have been
Second Playthrough
- Start a new game
- You’re quite informed, Margret.
- I believe we should go.
- Place my hands over his.
- Pull Bemelle forward.
- Kick it off.
- The current format has been working good so far.
- Wait timer
- Encourage her to keep going.
- Do nothing.
- Margret, wait.
- I offer her my arm.
- I would not mind walking.
- Gaze back.
- Throw the lantern.
- Now!
- Wait timer
- I won’t go, let someone else stay.
- …Take Bemelle.
- Wait timer
Created a miracle
Third Playthrough
- Start a new game
- I’m sure you are forgiven Bemelle.
- I believe we should go.
- Place my hands over his.
- Pull Bemelle forward.
- Kick it off.
- The current format has been working good so far.
- Wait timer
- Encourage her to keep going.
- Do nothing.
- I have to see Bemelle.
- Then I will continue to support you.
- After we speak to Margret.
- Walk closer to Bemelle.
- Watch.
- Now!
- That could work.
- Let me carry him.
- Balance!
Became true partners
Fourth Playthrough
- Start a new game
- Say nothing
- Say nothing
Remained sheltered from the reach of Nixi
Fifth Playthrough
- Start a new game
- You’re quite informed, Margret.
- I believe we should go.
- Nod seriously.
- Wait timer
- Turn!
- Say nothing.
- I’m going to speak with the guide.
Suffered in silence
Continued forward no matter the loss
Sixth Playthrough
- Start a new game
- Say nothing
- I believe we should go.
- Nod seriously.
- Pull Bemelle forward.
- Kick it off!
- The current format has worked so far.
- Turn!
- Do nothing.
- I’m going to speak with the guide.
- Sadness.
- It’s not your fault.
- I do not agree.
- Oh… Yes.
- Save 9
- Guide?
- Wait timer
The only path
Yet a way was found
- Load Save 9
- Guide?
- If you’d like to speak, please do.
The dead cannot be revived
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