Other Outward Guides:
- Equipment and Skills.
- Legacy Chest Locations.
- Health, Stamina and Mana.
- Skills and Trainer Locations.
- Chest Locations (Enmerkar).
- Labelled Map of Hallowed Marsh.
- How to Get the Biggest Backpack in 5 Minutes.
- Strange Apparitions / Where Are the Ghosts?
- Where to Find and How to Kill a Manticore.
Table of Contents
Dev Menu
- Great tool to do build crafting with out having to restart.
- If you are one of those people who want fast travel this has a form of it, but i recommend that you only teleport to the main cities.
- If you want to reset your mana hit F2 and uncheck the “enable mana”.
Adding Dev Menu
Here is how to add the Dev Menu.
- Go to the “Outward” folder.
- Go in to the folder “Outward_Data”.
- Add “DEBUG.txt” empty.
- Start game!
Hot Keys
Menu Hot Keys
- F1) Spawn items “does have a search”.
- F2) Cheat Menu “god / fast travel / skip time / etc…”.
- F3) Skill Cheat “Add/Remove Skills / does have a search”.
- F4) Quest Events Cheat “Add Remove Quest flags / does have a search”.
Other Hot Keys
- Num /) Gives Raw Stat Numbers on you and targets with health bars.
- Num .) Inverts up/down camera.
- Num 1) Slow-Mo.
- Num 4) Kills ones self.
- Num 6) Gives indigestion debuff.
- Num 7) Removes ALL Buffs “Doesn’t remove lifedrain”.
- Num 8) Resets Cooldowns.
- Num 9) small amount damage to self.
- -) “animation” does pick up.
- 9) “animation” Sit.
- 0) “animation” Arm a Cross.
- Left Ctrl + Left Alt + S => Force Environment Save.
- Left Ctrl + Left Alt + L => Skip Environment Load and Reload.
- Left Ctrl + Left Alt + X => Open Photon Network Room.
- Left Alt + Page Up => Set Next Graphic Settings.
- Left Alt + Page Down => Set Previous Graphic Settings.
- Left Alt + Numpad Divide => Show Debug Info.
- Left Shift + O => Open GUI.
- Left Shift + U => Player Ragdoll.
- Left Shift + H => Hide UI.
Warnings / Notes
- If you break your save go to main menu and when you hit continue you can select older saves.
- Fist play-through I would recommend that you don’t fast travel to places you haven’t been.
- The “misc” map has one teleport in spot but all the “misc” dungeons are really in the same map and that goes with “cities” and its different Interiors.
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