Total War: Three Kingdoms – Resources / Campaign Map

In this guide, I willt talk about each type of settlement: small settlements with resources and regional capitals.

Other Total War: Three Kingdoms Guides:

Resources Map

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Total War: Three Kingdoms - Resources / Campaign Map

List of Resources

Each small settlement has its own resource, some are common, others are unique and rare. Based on this, I divide all resources into four types:

  • Common resources.
  • Rare resources.
  • Urban resources.
  • Unique resources.

Common Resources

Copper 6.

Grain 15.

Rice 9 (icon is the same as for the grain, the difference is in the localization (the grain is in Northern China, rice – southern).

Fishing 8.

Iron 7.

Livestock 13.

Lumber 14.

Salt 6.

Tools 9.

Trade port 8 It allows you to build a trade port in the commandery, which at 5 tier can be specialized to Coastal, Industiral or Spice.

Rare Resources

 Horses 4 are produced in the northernmost part of the map in the border areas.

 Jade 2 are produced in the center of the map.

 Silk 3 are produced in the North-Western part of the map.

 Spice 3 are produced in the South-Western part of the map.

 Tea 3 are produced in the South/southwest.

Urban Resources

Urban resources do not have a specific location, access to them is opened in certain buildings of the capital of the commandery:

 Artisans are available after the construction of 4 tier Labour, Private workshops.

 Entrepreneurs are available after the construction of 4 tier Marketplace.

 Industrialists are available after the construction of 4 tier Labour, State workshops.

Unique Resources

 Temple (Commandery: Pengcheng).

  • Satisfaction: +10 (faction-wide) / research Rate: +20% (faction-wide)
  • Economic buildings construction cost reduction: -10%

The otheres buildings bring items for our characters. The chance of getting the best quality items depends on the tier of construction.

 Armourers 2 (Commandery: Chengdu, Changsha).

 Weaponsmiths 2 (Commandery: Shangyoung, Poyang).

 Animal tamer 1 (Commandery Shuofang).

Campaign Map

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Total War: Three Kingdoms - Resources / Campaign Map
Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3753 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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