A brief guide on classes, roles, companions and groups.
Guide to Companion Builds
This took me awhile but I felt this was necessary to do. This was made for myself, but thought it would be helpful and cool for others to see. In advance, I will say that this is suited to my play style, thus my opinion on what I think fits best with whatever. You can always change what each characters classes and roles are. Whether you change from what I’ve recommended (as I do have multiple options for some companions) or you change them entirely. That is fine, suit your play style. Anyway, on with the guide.
In this guide, you will see:
- Classes and what weapons the classes will use.
- Roles and the aligned skills with those roles.
- Companions with their class and role.
- Companion group builds.
Classes / Weapons
- Archer / Bow and Arrow or Throwing Weapons, Shield, One Handed Weapons.
- Cavalry / Lance, Shield, One and Two Handed Weapons.
- Infantry / One and Two Handed Weapons, Shield and Pole-arm.
- Horse Archer / Bow and Arrow and Two Handed Weapon or One Handed Weapon with Shield.
Roles / Skills
- Engineer / Engineer and Looting
- Tracker / Tracking, Path-finding and Spotting
- Trainer / Trainer, Looting and Tactics
- Doctor / Would Treatment, Surgery and First Aid
- Trader / Prisoner Management and Trade
Companions – Class / Role
- Alayen – Cavalry / Anything
- Artimenner – Infantry / Engineer
- Baheshtur – Horse Archer / Anything
- Borcha – Infantry / Tracker
- Bunduk – Cavalry / Trainer – Doctor
- Deshavi – Archer / Tracker
- Firentis – Infantry / Anything
- Jeremus – Anything / Doctor
- Katrin – Anything / Doctor
- Klethi – Archer / Tracker
- Lezalit – Infantry or Cavalry / Trainer
- Marnid – Anything / Trader
- Matheld – Infantry / Anything
- Nizar – Cavalry / Anything
- Rolf – Archer / Anything – Doctor
- Ymira – Horse Archer or Cavalry / Doctor – Trader
Companion Groups
10 Safe Companion Group
- Alayen – Cavalry / Trader
- Artimenner – Infantry / Engineer
- Baheshtur – Horse Archer / Trainer
- Borcha – Infantry / Tracker
- Bunduk – Cavalry / Trainer
- Katrin – Archer / Doctor
- Matheld – Infantry / Engineer
- Nizar – Cavalry / Tracker
- Rolf – Archer / Doctor
- Ymira – Horse Archer / Trader
Infantry Companion Build
- Alayen – Cavalry / Doctor
- Artimenner – Infantry / Engineer
- Baheshtur – Horse Archer / Tracker
- Borcha – Infantry / Tracker
- Firentis – Infantry / Trader
- Matheld – Infantry / Tracker
- Lezalit – Infantry / Trainer
- Rolf – Archer / Doctor
Cavalry Companion Build
- Artimenner – Infantry / Engineer
- Borcha – Infantry / Tracker
- Katrin – Cavalry / Doctor
- Lezalit – Cavalry / Trainer
- Marnid – Cavalry / Trading
- Matheld – Infantry / Tracker
- Nizar – Cavalry / Tracker
- Rolf – Archer / Doctor
Archer Companion Build
- Alayen – Cavalry / Doctor
- Baheshtur – Horse Archer / Tracker
- Bunduk – Cavalry / Trainer
- Deshavi – Archer / Tracker
- Firentis – Infantry / Engineer
- Jeremus – Archer / Doctor
- Klethi – Archer / Tracker
- Ymira – Horse Archer / Trader
Horse Archer Companion Build
- Bunduk – Cavalry / Trainer
- Deshavi – Archer / Tracker
- Katrin – Horse Archer / Doctor
- Klethi – Archer / Tracker
- Jeremus – Horse Archer / Doctor
- Marnid – Horse Archer / Trader
- Nizar – Cavalry / Engineer
- Ymira – Horse Archer / Trader
Other Remarks
All previously listed are what I think fits best from what I have gathered from looking through each companion’s character sheet. You can always change what class or role a companion has that fit your play style.
As for group builds, again, they are very interchangable. I encourage experimentation on what group builds are the best. These builds are just something that I think are best.
bunduk katrin nizar and ymira are dogshit companions
matheld, rolf, arti, lezalit, baheshtur, borcha, alayen and firentis
So I have done the 10 companions and the only time i have had any issues is when i’ve failed missions for the guild masters or the marshal of the realm.
I use to equip a horse for each companion – it makes possible a quick rush, better speed on a map, especialy if I leave normal foot troops anywhere in castle and roam with cavalary and companions only. All of them have a crossbow and a melee weappon, better with crash damage. You dont skill nobles to vassals.
well had no choice but to look this up, because the game doesn’t offer enough tools to determine this without painstaking experimentation with so many combinations. Thank you for simplifying and making it easier for us noobs
I use to equip a horse for each companion – it makes possible a quick rush, better speed on a map, especialy if I leave normal foot troops anywhere in castle and roam with cavalary and companions only. All of them have a crossbow and a melee weappon, better with crash damage. You dont skill nobles to vassals, which is suboptimal too. So, it is not really a guide, its just a list of possibile build, which are far from optimum, unfortunately.
You should pick companions based on dislike prevention and whose stories most align with your character, for example some companions are sort of disgraced/irrelevant nobles while others are outcasts/commonfolk or wanderers. Btw some of the best dialogue in the game comes from re-meeting companions after they’ve left your party for certain reasons, its rare but you get to see a little more depth to each character
Making Firentis an Borcha Infantry are lame as hell. Klethi with worst strenght as archer and Rolf (bigest two handed skill at start) beaing a doctor ? The guide was written by someone who doesn’t know the game leveling mechanics and characters lore.