This guide will help you find all the 5 secret characters hidden in the tracks. To Unlock them, you must find a key and get in the top 3 karters. Note that it is possible to find them in free play, making the task easier.
Key Location Hints and Location
Terry Trash Dome
Character: Trashette
This key is found early in the track.
- Hint 1: It is located in the Zone where you go down a long slope.
Location: If you go down early from the slope and check behing you, you should find the key.
Flambeau’s Manor
Character: Flambeau herself!
This one is tricky too find, it follows the same rule as a Mario Boo mansion!
- Hint 1: One of the walls is a fake one.
- Hint 2: It is located in the room with the minecarts coming out of the paintings, the green room.
Location: At the right, right bellow the torch is the fake wall location.
Leazure Sleaze Alley
Character: Artemis
You might want to find a back alley for this one.
- Hint 1: When the road forks and gives a descision between right and left, take left.
Location: After taking the left side, jump on theramp and pass the wall inside a little car lot, it will be sitting on a truck. You can also find a alley leading to it towards the right if you miss the jump
Sexy Island Resort
Character: Carmilla
Extra unlock: Mantis Kart
It took me the longest to find this one! It is NOT in one of the huts.
- Hint 1: It is next too a long beach chair.
Location: The beach chair is right after a slope, to the left.
Uncharted Wild Woods
Character: Ingrid
If you very lightly stray from the normal path, you might find it!
- Hint 1: The location is the room with the big pillar you can boost on.
- Hint 2: It is located behind a rock.
Location: Behind a rock on the right side, very early in the pillar room.
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