Shady Lewd Kart – How to Find All Hidden Character and Unlock Them (Key Locations and Hints)

This guide will help you find all the 5 secret characters hidden in the tracks. To Unlock them, you must find a key and get in the top 3 karters. Note that it is possible to find them in free play, making the task easier.

Key Location Hints and Location

Terry Trash Dome

Character: Trashette

This key is found early in the track.

  • Hint 1: It is located in the Zone where you go down a long slope.

Location: If you go down early from the slope and check behing you, you should find the key.

Flambeau’s Manor

Character: Flambeau herself!

This one is tricky too find, it follows the same rule as a Mario Boo mansion!

  • Hint 1: One of the walls is a fake one.
  • Hint 2: It is located in the room with the minecarts coming out of the paintings, the green room.

Location: At the right, right bellow the torch is the fake wall location.

Leazure Sleaze Alley

Character: Artemis

You might want to find a back alley for this one.

  • Hint 1: When the road forks and gives a descision between right and left, take left.

Location: After taking the left side, jump on theramp and pass the wall inside a little car lot, it will be sitting on a truck. You can also find a alley leading to it towards the right if you miss the jump

Sexy Island Resort

Character: Carmilla

Extra unlock: Mantis Kart

It took me the longest to find this one! It is NOT in one of the huts.

  • Hint 1: It is next too a long beach chair.

Location: The beach chair is right after a slope, to the left.

Uncharted Wild Woods

Character: Ingrid

If you very lightly stray from the normal path, you might find it!

  • Hint 1: The location is the room with the big pillar you can boost on.
  • Hint 2: It is located behind a rock.

Location: Behind a rock on the right side, very early in the pillar room.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3757 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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