In ATOM RPG Trudograd game, you can use cheat codes. Using this codes doesn’t block you from getting achievements.
How to Activate Console
To open the cheats console, press Numpad * and Numpad 0 together. This will open the console box, in this box you need to enter the code youshallnotpass!
Cheat Codes
- UnlockMap – Unlocks the entire map.
- UnlockCraft – You learn all recipes available in the game.
- KillAll – Kill every NPC in the game. This will prevent you from completing any quests.
- Teleport – You can teleport to any place on the map.
- Hero – Your every Characteristic is at level 10. You also get 100 points in every skill.
- AddLevel [NUM] – Increase your character’s level. Enter the desired number.
- AddXP [NUM] – Add any number of XP. This will also increase your current level.
- Toxic [NUM] – Increases or decreases toxins in your character’s body. Depends on the value in the brackets.
- AP [NUM] – Gives you an additional number of Action Points per turn. Use this cheat to become undefeatable.
- Hunger [NUM] – Regenerates your hunger.
- Radiation [NUM] – Increases or decreases your radiation level. Depends on the entered number.
- AddItem [ITEM] [AMOUNT] – This cheat allows you to spawn any item in the game. Simply enter its name and the amount.
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