Scrutinized – Basic Guide (Tanner, Kidnapper, Tactics)

This guide will help you, with any doubts you have with the game. I already won in normal but haven’t tried nightmare, so i’ll tell you everything i know from my experience.

Guide to Basics


  • You have to go past 10 nights, in the main menu you can find the basic stuff (i suggest using detective mode to get familiar with them).
  • The things you don’t know how to deal with are the 2 killers in the game.
  • Tanner and The Kidnapper.


  • Tanner, the “this is awkward” guy, is probably the most annoying to deal with.
  • From what i’ve played Tanner has 3 sound clues.


if you hear grass, Taner is coming (you don’t need windows open to hear the grass), flash him on the right point and he will have a cooldown, so you won’t see him for some time


if you hear 1 single, only 1 footstep inside the house, same as the grass noises check the cameras and flash him away.


If you hear the Owl, 3 things can happen:

  • Tanner is outside coming.
  • Tanner won’t come.
  • Tanner is coming really soon.

The best strat is check the camera, if you don’t see him, do a report real quick and then check again, if he’s not there don’t worry.

Knocking at the window

Same as Grass and Footstep, check the camera and send him away.


There are 3 closet. 2 in each bedroom and 1 near the computer (the most important). Keep. Them. Open.

If Tanner comes inside the house you could see him lean at the end of the corridor, near the “pc closet” you are safe if you do 2 things:

  • Stay close to the corridor’s wall as far as possible to the closet.
  • Don’t open it, do as he wasn’t there, he will go away soon (i usually open it again when he appears on the camera again or the next night).


If Tanner jumpscares you while you are checking the camera, don’t worry it’s only a distraction, but watch out because if he appears as jumpscare he won’t be on cooldown, so he can still come right after it if you are unlucky.


  • He’s simple, he will only appear on dark rooms, unless you have open windows.
  • If you see a dark room press F for the flashlight and point at the window, he could be there lockpicking, after checking turn the light on and check the window to see if it’s closed.
  • Before going to sleep check if ALL windows are closed and all lights are on,or else the big boy will be in your bed to “kiss your forehead”.


The most efficient route i’ve used to win is:

  • Start by closing all windows (the 2 killers won’t start moving unless you interact with the pc, or after a certain amount of time).
  • After that open all icons and begin (i suggest to use a guide to check which report are true and which are false, practice on detective mode).
  • Tanner can come really early but usually with a sound clue.
  • Every once in a while check the cameras, and everytime you catch Tanner go to check the lights AS FAST AS YOU CAN, since Tanner won’t be active so no worries.
  • If Tanner doesn’t shows up and you haven’t checked the lights in a while, check them and pray to god that Tanner doesn’t show or goes to the closet.

So in summary:

  • Do a few reports, if Tanner shows up, send him away and then check the lights.
  • If he doesn’t show up, check the lights and then the cameras if he’s not in yet.
  • Keep the loop and you should be good to go.
Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3757 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.


  1. Also in my experience, tanner going in the closet is a good thing since you have time to do reports without tanner showing up

  2. Bruh tanner stayed in my closet til the next day when I played today. Was on 6 out of 7 reports so I went to check lights before filing the final report, tanner went into PC closet on my way back so I filed the report. Upon the next night, I went to flip the light in the hallway on and accidentally opened the closet door only to be killed by tanner. I was shook I didn’t think he’d be in there the next night. I did, however, blame that on a bug because I have never seen it before.

    It wasn’t until one night on a different run, I was on the fifth report out of seven and tanner went into my PC closet. So I just finished the last two reports, one was innocent, the other guilty (easy one tho, so it didn’t take long). The next night after turning the lights on I opened the PC closet door to be killed by tanner who was still in there from the previous night 🙁 so that confirmed, for me, tanner can still be in your closet if he goes in there before you end the night

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