A basic guide to all of the ships available in the game. Just a quick reference for purchase locations. riggings/type, specs for each ship, and maps with ship unlock locations and landmarks. Also some notes, trivia, and/or subjective commentary from me if I have any.
All Ships by Location, with Price (and Type)
Dennis Point
- Follabuen – $150,000 (Longline)
- Full Throttle – $975,000 (Harpoon, Deepline)
- Knots Guilty – $1,150,000 (Crab/Lobster)
- Legend – $675,000 (Crab/Lobster)
- Tobie – $35,000 (Longline, Net)
- Hermes – $19,950,000 (Trawler)
- No Yankee – $450,000 (Crab/Lobster)
- Scarlet – $4,950,000 (Snow Crab)
Ingalls Head
- Fix – $95,000 (Longline, Net)
- Knots Guilty – $1,150,000 (Crab/Lobster)
- Vibeke Cathrin – $895,000 (Longline, Net)
- Ocean Runner – $695,000 (Crab/Lobster, Deepline, Longline, Net)
- Nova Scotia – $8,895,000 (Snow Crab)
- Sharky – $115,000 (Longline, Net)
- Snarset – $550,000 (Longline, Net)
- Arctic Pioneer – $6,450,000 (Crab/Lobster, Longline, Net)
- Atlantic Catcher – $29,950,000 (Snow Crab)
- Lunar Bow – $20,495,000 (Trawler)
- Sjarken – $85,000 (Longline, Net)
- Backstabber – $375,000 (Harpoon, Deepline)
- Borge – $10,000 (Longline, Net)
- Coastern – $6,550,000 (Snow Crab)
- Deckster – $12,950,000 (Trawler)
- Lenore – $295,000 (Crab/Lobster, Deepline, Longline, Net)
- Mikki – $8,000 (Harpoon, Deepline)
- Moby D – $1,250,000 (Longline, Net)
- Selfy – $395,000 (Crab/Lobster, Longline, Net)
All Ships by Type, with Price (and Location)
I’ve included the maximum deeplines for boats that have that capability, because that information is not included in the in-game descriptions for those ships, for some reason.
Also, all ships that have multiple riggings will have the same maximum number of pots/longlines/deeplines/nets.
- Knots Guilty – $1,150,000 (Dennis Point, Ingalls Head)
- No Yankee – $450,000 (Digby)
Crab/Lobster, Longline, Net
- Arctic Pioneer – $6,450,000 (Lunenburg)
- Selfy – $395,000 (Yarmouth)
Crab/Lobster, Deepline, Longline, Net
MD = Max deeplines
- Lenore – $295,000 (Yarmouth) MD 12
- Ocean Runner – $695,000 (Lockeport) MD 40
Harpoon, Deepline
MD = Max deeplines
- Backstabber – $375,000 (Yarmouth) MD 12
- Full Throttle – $975,000 (Dennis Point) MD 12
- Legend – $675,000 (Dennis Point) MD 10
- Mikki – $8,000 (Yarmouth) MD 8
- Fix – $95,000 (Ingalls Head)
- Follabuen – $150,000 (Dennis Point)
Longline, Net
- Borge – $10,000 (Yarmouth)
- Moby D – $1,250,000 (Yarmouth)
- Sharky – $115,000 (Lockeport)
- Sjarken – $85,000 (Lunenburg)
- Snarset – $550,000 (Lockeport)
- Tobie – $35,000 (Dennis Point)
- Vibeke Cathrin – $895,000 (Ingalls Head)
Snow Crab
- Atlantic Catcher – $29,950,000 (Lunenburg)
- Coastern – $6,550,000 (Yarmouth)
- Nova Scotia – $8,895,000 (Lockeport)
- Scarlet – $4,950,000 (Digby)
- Deckster – $12,950,000 (Yarmouth)
- Hermes – $19,950,000 (Digby)
- Lunar Bow – $20,495,000 (Lunenburg)
All Ships
Arctic Pioneer
Purchase in Lunenburg.
Atlantic Catcher
Biggest crab boat in the game. Also by far the most expensive ship in the game.
Purchase in Lunenburg.
Harpoon/deepline. Max deeplines: 12
Purchase in Yarmouth.
Your initial boat from Barents Sea.
At $10,000 it’s the cheapest vessel in the game, besides the Mikki (which you already own at the beginning of the game).
Purchase in Yarmouth.
Crab boat, based on the F/V Northwestern from Deadliest Catch.
Purchase in Yarmouth.
Purchase in Yarmouth.
Longline only.
Purchase in Ingalls Head.
Longline only.
Purchase in Dennis Point.
Full Throttle
Harpoon/deepline. Looks slick, but not as fast as it looks like it should be. Max deeplines: 12.
Purchase in Dennis Point.
Top-of-the-line trawler from Barents Sea.
Purchase in Digby.
Knots Guilty
It’s a pun! Lobster boat.
Purchase in Ingalls Head. Also can be purchased in Dennis Point. One of these might be a glitch.
Harpoon/deepline. Max deeplines: 10.
Purchase in Dennis Point.
A very versatile boat, but slow. You will struggle to reach 10 knots, even empty. Max deeplines: 12.
Purchase in Yarmouth.
Lunar Bow
Trawler. Longest, heaviest ship in the game.
Purchase in Lunenburg.
Your initial ship. Basic harpoon/deep line boat. Max deeplines: 8.
You own this at the beginning of the game, but if you sell it, it can be purchased again at Yarmouth.
Moby D
Longline/Net. You might need level III or IV radar to unlock this one, or a very small, nimble boat (see maps at end of guide for exact location).
Purchase in Yarmouth.
No Yankee
Lobster boat.
Purchase in Digby.
Nova Scotia
The big crab boat from Barents Sea.
Purchase in Lockeport.
Ocean Runner
A very versatile boat capable of rigging for crab/lobster, deepline, longline, or net fishing. Max deeplines: 40.
Purchase in Lockeport.
Crab boat, based on the F/V Saga from Deadliest Catch.
Purchase in Digby.
Crab/Lobster/Longline/Net. Still the fastest vessel in the game.
Purchase in Yarmouth.
Purchase in Lockeport.
Purchase in Lunenburg.
Purchase in Lockeport.
Purchase in Dennis Point.
Vibeke Cathrin
Longline/Net. Has a covered work area. Nice for the crew!
Purchase in Ingalls Head.
Landmarks and ship unlock locations.
Thank you for the 18:40 rule tip!! I know this rule well for everything except deepline. I had to restart my game since a bug from an update ruined my main save game (no fish on sonar) Until i saw your tip i thought at best i could only get 1 tune at a time. Since following i’ve had 2-3 tune on every line. Thanks again!
Has ‘Cape Roseway Lighthouse’ been removed as a point of interest? Been there plenty of times and I never see any question mark symbol even when I go right up to the lighthouse.
It has been moved to halfway between where it used to be and Lockeport.
First of all, Thank you for this guide, but after the newest patch there is a new boat in the game and also I noticed that some prices have changed, the Deckster for example now cost (for me) 4.950.000$…
i only use this guide for boat locations, both where to discover them and where to buy them once they are discovered, as a lot of the boats have had their stats and price changed, and they added a new boat as you said.
I have a notepad next to me when playing and write lists of the stats of the boats, so i can compare them.
Oh man, at least this is the first thing i’ve seen explaining there is a “Dock at Port” button for first person view. Thank you!
Awesome guide, thanks! I played Barents Sea for a bit and enjoyed it, but both seem to be a bit lacking on in-game information.
Just got the game 2 days ago in the summer sale. Looks like they nerved some of the boats a lot.
Ocean Runner is now 20 Deeplines, 20 Longlines, 20 Nets, 50 crab pots.
Double Trouble got even more nerved – 20 Deeplines, 15 Longlines, 15 Nets, 80 crab pots.
So if you do deeplines and upgrade from Ocean Runner to Double Trouble you won’t get more lines, the more of cargo is useless all you get is 1/3 more speed. 15 knots instead of 10.
For Longline you get even less on a 1.2 million ship.
a lot of the boats are adjusted, both in stats and price, and they have added one more boat to the vanilla game, a pelagic (mid water) trawler. this review came out 3 days after the release of the game. It is now 2 years later
Brilliant Guide thank you it’s been helping me out loads much appreciated
Thank you so very much! I was swordfishing the first year sped ahead to season two. Can’t find any swords. So I am going to start over again!
The scallop gutting is a real skill. I think in between the 4 and 5 o’clock position of the shell. You will see a maybe 2 cm round etch. If you go to the lower corner of the etch. Not the shell itself but inside that etc and then sweep on a 45 degree North East angle you can get a 5 star gut. But I haven’t quite mastered it yet. But the damn knife having the blade facing away instead of the sharp edge towards the cut just screws my mind up. I can’t understand why you would release a product and give no damn instruction on how to master it. Here kids, go get some gunpowder, manure and some diesel. And get a garbage can and see if you can make a bomb. lol I just don’t understand what they think when putting and end product together. And I am on my second season. I time skipped. Haven’t found one swordfish swimming on the surface not a one. What a pain in the aft that is! I need help lmao