Observer: System Redux – How to Obtain All Achievements

This is a 100% achievement guide for Observer: System Redux.

Complete Achievement Guide

I am an Observer

  • Complete your first Dream Eater sequence.
  • This achievement requires you to finish Amir’s mind sequence.


  • Find 10 nanophage patient cards.
  • This is pretty straightforward, you need to collect 10 nanophage cards.

Body Snatcher

  • Decide the fate of the merging minds.
  • This achievement requires you to finish Pieta Sagan’s (Room 114) mind sequence after you speak with Paulina (Room 113).

Drug Trail

  • Interrogate Amir’s clients.
  • After you finished Amir’s dream sequence, you need to speak with the tenants in Room 112 and Room 209. After you have spoken with them both, the achievement will pop.

KPD! Open up!

  • Interrogate 20 tenants.
  • You need to interrogate 20 tenants. If you have not managed to do this before getting into basement, there are still tenants in basement (After Tattoo Parlor) and those will easily get you over 20.

Altered states

  • Overdose on synchronization pills.
  • You need to use 2-3 sync pills over and over to get this achievement. It can be done in the beginning of the game when you first enter Adam’s apartmant where you found your first pills.


  • Decrypt Adam’s figurine.
  • First, you need to get Adam’s Data storage unit in Adam’s apartment in the beginning of the game. It’s located in the rightmost cupboard in the kitchen. After that, you need to reach the basement of the Tattoo Parlor after Helena’s dream sequence. Use the decrypting station in the basement and the achievement will pop.

Errant Signal

  • Find the source of the distress call.
  • Part 1: You get a signal says that you should investigate Room 108.
  • Part 2: Go to Room 108, The door will be open. Investigate the computer. Computer password is: 5232
  • Part 3: Go to Room 018 at Basement. Room Password: 2689. When you enter the room, get the hard disk from the drawers behind the work table.
  • Part 4: Insert the hard disk to the computer. Enter disk C: Password: 12345.
  • Part 5: Follow; System -> Portkey.EXE. First password: 1944. Second Password: 0123
  • Part 6: Open disk V. Enter: OPENDOOR.bat. Weird ♥ happens.
  • Part 7: Leave that ♥ room.

Pearls before swine

  • Decide the fate of the organ farm.
  • In the second floor, when you speak with room 206, she tells you that something shady going on at room 205. Then you go investigate room 205 to see a lot of organs being stored in there. After that you need the access to basement. When you are in the basement, go to Room 028 and decide what to do with what is going on there. Room password is 7441.


  • Analyze 100 objects.
  • This achievement requires you to analyze 100 different objects by using Electromagnetic vision or Biovision throughout the game. There are a lot of objects in this game so you won’t be missing this achievement.

Tears in the Rain

  • Witness the lost moment.
  • When you are in the Attic, you will come across an area with bird cages, that can be reached by a ladder. When you go upstairs the ladder, you will see a white Dove inside a cage. Interact with it and let the cutscene play.

Her Fearful Symmetry

  • Find out the lovers fate.
  • Part 1: When you first arrive to Lobby, near Room 016, there’s a shrine. Interact with it and it triggers the case. Next, plug the cables and read the message. Now you need to find 3 more shrines.
  • Part 2: Shrine 2 is located near Rooms 106 and 107, in the first floor.
  • Part 3: Shrine 3 is located in a bathroom near Room 109. Be alarmed, weird ♥ happens in here.
  • Part 4: Shrine 4 is located near Room 211 in the second floor.
  • Part 5: After you read all messages in shrines, Go to Room 207. Room Password: 3092. Then, investigate the computer.
  • Part 6: Computer sends you to Room 037 at Basement. Room Password: 8394. There will be a new mind sequence with some puzzles. I have shown the easiest way through the mind sequence in the video below.
  • Part 7: As soon as you leave the room, you get the achievement.

A death in the family

  • Reject Adam.
  • You can reach this ending by rejecting Adam at the end of the Sanctuary. The achievement will pop when the credits end.

It’s a trap!

  • Survive Adam’s trapware.
  • You need to finish all 3 games when you are in Adam’s mind. There’s no winning in these games so you can just skip it by dying. After all games are finished, you will get the achievement.

The prodigal son

  • Embrace Adam.
  • You can reach this ending by embracing Adam at the end of the Sanctuary. The achievement will pop when the credits end.

It Runs In The Family

  • Find out the true reason behind the hanged man’s death
  • Part 1: Get the key for Room 208 in the backroom of the Tattoo Parlor. It’s located on the table as soon as you enter the room.
  • Part 2: Go to Room 208. Check the other room and examine the hanged man. Set up the crane using the switches near the computer and use the other switch in the other room to lower it.
  • Part 3: Check the hanged man’s neck, there will be a lock. Password is “ANNA”. Break it and proceed with the mind sequence.
  • Part 4: After the mind sequence ends, open the computer and read the mail “Goodbye, Dad”. The mail is password protected. Password is 160464. (Anna’s birthday.) End the case by informing the daugther about his father’s death.

Noble Sword

  • Complete all With Fire and Sword: Spiders arcade games
  • This achievement requires you to finish all Fire and Sword: Spiders games. There are 17 levels in different computers spread through the game. The last 2 will be in Victor Maderski’s Hideout in the Attic, so make sure you enter the Attic with 15 levels unlocked. If you are having trouble finding computers, I suggest you check the rooms related to new achievements (Errant Signal, Her Fearful Symmetry, It Runs in the Family)

A work in progress

  • Find all RC cars and recall a memory of Adam.

This achievement requires you to find all R.C Cars in the game. There are 4.

  • R.C Car 1: When you first arrive to lobby you will see a RC Car racing around.
  • It will turn left and stop in front of the Room 017.
  • R.C Car 2: This one is located in the Kitchen/Dining room area at the second floor.
  • As soon as you enter, check under the table in front of you
  • R.C Car 3: When you enter the courtyard after you get the second R.C Car, third one will be running around in the courtyard. It will stop near the dumpsters left of the Tattoo Parlor.
  • R.C Car 4: In Helena’s Mind sequence, where you walk with the TV, go directly to door in front of you, follow it to a room and interact wıth the final RC Car.
  • (This door will be closed if you haven’t collected all three cars before Helena’s mind sequence)

By any other name

  • Find all roses and discover the final resting place.
  • Rose 1: In the entrance of the basement where you enter the building through the courtyard.
  • Rose 2: In the catwalk near Room 208
  • Rose 3: In the attic where you are following Victor, you see a wooden plank going upstairs. Check the left-most bird cage.
  • Rose 4: In Victor’s dream sequence, where you see a Tattoo parlor, hug to the left and proceed. You will see a grave and it will pop the achievement.


  • Finish the game without dying.
  • Most of the game you can’t really die but in dream sequences there will be monsters following you. You need to avoid them and not get caught during those encounters. You can just start from a previous save and continue from there if you get caught.

Voxel runner

  • Earn 3000 points during a single trapware run.
  • You need to score over 3000 points combined in the first 2 games of Adam’s mind sequence. (Dropping Bricks and Voxel Runner).

The root of all evil

  • Find and listen to all patient interview recordings.
  • Patient record 1: In the third floor entrance, inside the cables.
  • Patient record 2: First floor, Enter the door with 105-110 rooms in it. After room 110, check your left for a bathroom. Unclug the toilet and you will see the recording.
  • Patient record 3: Basement, Room 020
  • Patient record 4: Check for a sign with “Nanophage Infected Area” in the Sanctuary, when you arrive look on top of the table for the last recording.


  • Find all nanophage patient cards in a single playthrough.

There were 69 Nanophage cards in the original game, 7 new ones are added. Here are the locations for the new ones and the ones that are replaced.

  • Nanophage card 70: Room 207(Her Fearful Symmetry), as soon as you enter the room, turn left. It’s on the fridge.
  • Nanophage card 71: Room 037(Her Fearful Symmetry). As soon as you enter the room, you will see a hole, go through with it, when you reach the end, turn left and check the wall.
  • Nanophage card 72: Theodore Witkiewicz’s dream sequence (Her Fearful Symmetry), Ground floor, check for a drawer with a mirror on top of it, near Rooms 004-005.
  • Nanophage card 73: Theodore Witkiewicz’s dream sequence (Her Fearful Symmetry), Attached to the basement door before you exit through the hole, at the end of the sequence.
  • Nanophage card 74: Room 108 (Errant Signal), Enter the room with red/pink light coming from it, turn right and check the ground.
  • Nanophage card 75: Room 018, (Errant Signal), in one of the drawers behind the work table.
  • Nanophage card 76: Stanley Tkaczyk’s dream sequence (It runs in the family), When you enter the long corridor in the hospital, check your left for a drawer with a nanophage symbol on it.

Nanophage card in Room 017 is moved to Room 208.

Nanophage card in Pieta’s dream sequence is now behind the machine, where the mini game is supposed to be.

Nanophage card in Amir’s dream sequence (4th card) is now under the column when you reach the final area with showers. Interact with the column and it will move, check the ground and card will appear.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3757 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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