HuniePop 2: Double Date – Girl and Stat Progression

Leveling up stats and getting more gift slots for girls.

The New Currencies

We now have four “Munies”, each limited to it’s own set of items in the store.

Every gift is organized so that each item in each category works best for any girl whose favorite affection token type matches the one in the store. For example, Jessie’s unique gifts are the “Alcohol” type, so they’re all sold in the Romance section, which is Jessie’s preferred affection type.

How do you get these currencies?

  • Going on dates! You even get some even if you fail depending on how close you were to winning! (they seem to be somewhat random this way, I think it awards mostly their preferred, then some that aren’t their least favorite type).
  • Selecting the correct dialog when talking to a girl. (Awards their preferred affection Munie).

Girl Progression

How do I get more slots for unique and shoe items? and what are those icons at the top of each girl’s profile for?

After every successful bang, you NEED to talk to both girls, after which they will introduce you to a new baggage, and open up a gift slot of each type (unique, style, AND DATE).

In other words, You have to accept her baggage for the extra date gift slot. the extra passion level and style help too, but the extra date gift slot is the most important.

Stat Progression

All non-food, non-date gifts are now unique to just one person! No more giving each girl every possible gift they kinda like to unlock more hairstyles for them!

In HuniePop 2 non-food, non-date gifts are used to increase your stats!

  • Smoothies work towards increasing your affection token value level, and you get double the XP for giving it to a girl who prefer’s it’s type.
  • Shoes increase your Style XP, which is the chance a 4 or 5 match generates a power token
  • Unique gifts increase the passion XP, the overall multiplayer level like the first game.

How much should I get per item.

So about 1/3 of a level for the affection levels (on easy or average) and about 1/6th of a passion or style level.

But who do I give what to? I’m glad you asked!

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2274 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

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