Oranos Guide
Oranos 4:30 Build Order
- Easy to learn and execute
- Effective at all levels of play
- Balances Economy and Aggression
- Also works for Kronos and Gaia
- Is the most commonly used Build Order for 1V1s
- Works on all land maps
Archaic Age (4:30 Build Order)
- Auto-queue villagers
- Build economic guild and upgrade to hunting dogs
- Send free scouts around the map
- Get 2 food villagers
- Get 1 wood villager
- Get 1 gold villager
- Build house with gold (or wood) villager
- Get 2 more food villagers
- Build temple with gold (or wood) villager (Time should be around 3:05)
- Get 1 more gold villager
- Stop auto-queuing villagers
- Start advancing to classic age (Prometheus)
- Move 1 food villager to wood
- Upgrade to hand axe and pickaxe
- When you got 120-150 gold move 1 gold villager to wood
Note: Don’t build sky passages too early.
Classical Age (Prometheus)
- There should be 2 food, 3 wood and 2 gold villagers
- Auto-queue Prometheans (Not necessarily and only until 115 population)
- Build 2 counter-barracks
- Build 1 house
- Build 1 barrack
- Auto-queue Turma, Murmillos (until 115 population)
- Use the Valor god power on one villager and 3 military units/oracles
- Harass your enemy’s hunt sources and guard your own hunters
- Harass your enemy’s wood and gold sources
- Build more houses (until you have 115 population space)
- Try to get 3 town centers early on
- New villagers all go to wood
- Put 8 citizens on farms
- Build an Amory
- Start advancing to the heroic age (Theia)
- Build 3 or 4 barracks for Arcus
Heroic Age (Theia)
- Place the tree god power near the town center (to protect from other god powers)
- Get economic upgrades
- Build a palace
- Train Destroyers and Arcus
- Build market (trade wood for gold, gold for food, if necessary)
- Quickly start advancing to mythic age (Hekate)
Mythic Age (Hekate)
- Quickly get the titan and/or attack the enemy with the help of Tartarian gate
- Get Mythic Rejuvenation for your titan
General Tips
- Take a 2nd Town Center (around 8:30 if you don’t lose too many soldiers, take it even earlier against Egyptian, right after you harass him off hunt.)
- Attack your enemy on his 2nd Gold Mine (His first 3000 gold runs out at about ~10 minutes in game usually, a bit later for Greeks.)
- Your goal: Either gold starve your opponent, secure a 4-2 TC advantage or gain a large economy advantage and win in the mythic age with Tartarian Gate and a push or build a Titan Gate
- Stymphalian Birds are very powerful against Norse, and Lampades can be used to counter big myth units such as Fire Giants and Colossus
- Try denying your opponent gold by controlling gold mines and their trade route
- If you choose to go for a Titan Gate, place it next to Hesperides Tree to protect it from God Powers
- Controlling your oracles to constantly be walking instead of standing still is better for collecting pigs/goats/cows
- After advancing, try to hide your oracles near settlements and gold mines to get vision of them
- It is often worth using Shockwave just to pick off one or two units
- Turma can dodge most projectiles while moving (this is only the case for Oranos, and not for Kronos and Gaia)
nice guide
water build would be good
also the 4:00 variants for water, land no hunting dogs, and land hunting dogs