Artifact Seeker – Ultimate Event Achievement Guide

This serves as a guide for all the events and accomplishments associated with each event.

How to Obtain Event Achievements

The Greed Soul (3 achievements)

You arrive at the lake and encounter a strange old man who claims to be the water god of the lake. The water god fishes out a golden axe from the lake and asks if you are the owner who lost it.

  • Encounter Map: Early and middle phase of Map 1.
  • Encounter rate fix: Greed and Demon Soul synergy can boost the rate.

Different Branches

  • Deceiving the water god and taking away the golden axe. -> Getting Axe of Greed and unlocking achievement Axe of Greed.
  • Honestly answer that the axe is not yours. -> Getting Rusty Axe and unlocking achievement Rusty Axe.

Different choices you make here will also lead to different branch of later event. If you choose honestly, you will be hunt down by the Greed. And you will get Soul of Avaritia and unlock achievement Soul of Avaritia by defeating Greed.

The Fortune Teller

You see a young fortune teller sitting in a tent, with her dark hair dancing wildly in the night wind, as though she has already been swallowed up by the darkness. Her gaze towards you is heavy and sinister, as if there is an indescribable force tearing at your heart. In front of her, a silver crystal ball emits a worn and deadly aura.

  • Encounter Map: Early and middle phase of all map.
  • Encounter rate fix: Destiny synergy can boost the rate.

Different Branches

  • Bravely accepting the fortune telling -> 50% chance good and 50% bad.
  • Believe in your good luck. -> If you pass the 20 luck check you will get a bonus of 500-1500 soulgems

Remain of Titan (1 achievement)

But as you approach gradually, the horrifying truth begins to reveal itself: this is not a mountain.Instead, it was the body of a fallen Titan, from which a spiritual aura flowed for thousands of years and still had not dissipated. What was chilling was that such ancient Titan remain always attracted infinite danger and power, and taking one step could lead to falling into an endless abyss.

  • Encounter Map: All maps.
  • Encounter rate fix: Defense synergy can boost the rate.

Different Branches

  • Bravely exploring the remains of the ancient Titan. -> About 33% chance to get The Titan’s Heart and unlocking achievement The Titan’s Heart.
  • No need to be so cautious, explore directly. -> If you pass a 20-Luck check you will get The Titan’s Heart, unlocking achievement The Titan’s Heart and also a 500-1500 soulgems bonus.

The Forbidden Knowledge

The traveler fixed his gaze on you, as if seeing something from within you. He made an unusual breathing sound and moaned, “Do you want to know?”

  • Encounter Map: All phases of all Maps
  • Encounter rate fix: Magic synergy can boost the rate.

Different Branches

  • Accept the knowledge. -> random skill gain 1 lv up.
  • Endure the pain and continue to receive knowledge. -> If you pass a 20 intelligence check, you will get another random skill lv up.

The Arena of The Past (1 achievement)

You have discovered a dilapidated ancient arena that has been abandoned for thousands of years. Within this abandoned arena, twisted corridors, shattered stone pillars, and remnants of holes are scattered throughout; massive arches have collapsed, leaving only scattered rocks and rusted rings.

  • Encounter Map: All phases of all maps
  • Encounter rate fix: Physics synergy can boost the rate.

Different Branches

  • Close your eyes and feel the atmosphere in the arena. -> Start a fight.
  • You feel the power of the spirits in the arena. -> If you pass a 50 strength check, you will get Champion Belt and unlocking achievement Champion Belt and get a 500-1500 soulgems bonus.

The Wishing Well (1 achievement)

You courageously leaped into the bottom of the well and delivered a ferocious beating to the monster residing there. As the monster fled, you managed to forcefully tear off one of its tentacles.

  • Encounter Map: all phases of all maps.
  • Encounter rate fix: Physics synergy can boost the rate.

Different Branches

  • Fulfilling the well’s wish, throw an artifact into the well. -> Switch an artifact with the well.
  • Hahaha, he wants to give me an artifact. -> If you pass a 50 strength check, you will get Kraken Tentacle and unlocking achievement Kraken Tentacle.

Peculiar Elder

A peculiar elder, dressed in an unusual manner, passes by you and pauses to scrutinize you.

  • Encounter Map: Middle and Late phases of Map 1 and Middle and Early phases of map 2.
  • Encounter rate fix: Physics synergy can boost the rate.

Different Branches

  • “Is this for real? I’ll take it!” -> spend 5000 gold coins to level up 1 random skill.
  • “Give me the book.” -> If you pass a 50 strength check, level up 1 random skill for free.

A Price for Your Soul (2 achievements)

The strange man claimed to be a “merchant of soul” and promised to offer a price for your soul.”5000 gold coins as an appetizer”He said.

  • Encounter Map: Map 1.
  • Encounter rate fix: Dexterity and Demon Soul synergy can boost the rate.

Different Branches

  • Say yes for 3 times. -> You will get Wings Cloak and unlocking achievement Wings Cloak.
  • Say yes for the first time but deny the merchant after that. -> you will be attacking by the Gula. And you will get Soul of Gula and unlock achievement Soul of Gula by defeating Gula.

Different choices you make here will also lead to different branch of later event. If you get the cloak, you will be hunt down by the Gula later. And you will get Soul of Gula and unlock achievement Soul of Gula by defeating Gula.

Portals (1 achievement)

As you touched the stone door, the entire ruins seemed to come to life. The inscriptions on the door frame burst with dazzling light, which forced you to close your eyes involuntarily. When you opened your eyes again, you were pleasantly surprised to find a blue portal appeared in the middle of the stone door, shimmering with flowing energy.

  • Encounter Map: Middle phase of all Maps.
  • Encounter rate fix: Physics and Magic synergy can boost the rate.

Different Branches

  • Getting through the blue portal. -> Travel reverses back to 1-3 nodes before.
  • Getting through the green portal. -> Travel to 1-3 nodes Infront and get a random artifact.
  • Getting through the red portal. -> Getting Time and Space and unlocking achievement Time and Space. But you will travel directly to the boss.

Drenched Man

He greeted you politely and then pulled out a small hammer from his pocket, causing you to instinctively move back in response.

  • Encounter Map: Map 1.
  • Encounter rate fix: Trap synergy can boost the rate.

Different Branches

  • He looks like an honest person, so you decide to help him. -> Spend 5000 gold coins to get artifact hammer rock.
  • The hammer rock can lead to a future event which can craft the hammer rock into other artifact.


You hear the clanging of metal not far away and hurry there to find a young woman in combat with a cold-faced man.

  • Encounter Map: all Maps.
  • Encounter rate fix: Physics synergy can boost the rate.

Different Branches

  • Observe calmly and not interfere with their fight. -> Get some exp.
  • Jump in between the two to stop the duel. -> Get a bonus of 500-1500 soulgems.

Moonlight Shower (1 achievement)

In the center of the lake, you see a young girl with cascading blonde hair and several curly locks dipped in the water. Moonlight falls on her delicate skin, making her look like a living sculpture.You feel as if you yourself are also being watched.

  • Encounter Map: map 1/2.
  • Encounter rate fix: Can not be encountered if you are using Lux.

Different Branches

  • Follow your Lust. -> You will get Bracelet of Lust and unlock achievement Bracelet of Lust.
  • This event can also increase Lux’s reputation.

The Greedy Ranger

As you followed the footprints, you arrived at the demons’ camp. While observing from outside the camp, you were suddenly startled by the presence of a beautiful elven ranger who appeared behind you, aiming her bow directly at you. She asked why you were lurking outside the demons’ camp.

  • Encounter Map: map 1/2.
  • Encounter rate fix: Can not be encountered if you are using Stella.

Different Branches

  • Replied that you were here to kill the demons. -> You will get a quiver artifact
  • This event can also increase Stella’s reputation.

Vina the Arch Mage

You approach the vicinity of the crash site and notice traces of destruction caused by frost magic. As you turn around, you spot the girl right behind you. She places a finger on her lips, signaling for you to remain silent.

  • Encounter Map: map 1/2.
  • Encounter rate fix: Can not be encountered if you are using Vina.

Different Branches

  • Stay quiet. -> You will get Artifact Wizard Hat.
  • This event can also increase Vina’s reputation.

Nun In blood

Eleena rushed to your back, you had no time to react, you didn’t understand how the blind nun sensed your presence. Eleena raised her scythe, but she stopped at the last moment before hitting you. “I recognized your smell, you once went to the church to study the cyclopedia, I beg you not to reveal my secret, I trust that you are a good person, if you can promise me, I will give you a gift.”

  • Encounter Map: map 1/2.
  • Encounter rate fix: Can not be encountered if you are using Eleena.

Different Branches

  • You felt that she was not an evil person, but just affected by some kind of power. You decided to keep her secret. -> You will get Artifact Pearl Earring.
  • This event can also increase Eleena’s reputation.


You are walking in desolate highlands as nightfall approaches. You need to find a safe place to spend the night. Upon careful examination of the surroundings, you find two options.

  • Encounter Map: all Maps.
  • Encounter rate fix: Scholar synergy can boost the rate.

Different Branches

  • The dark cave. -> Level up for a random skill.
  • The abandoned mine. -> 20% chance to get demonic ore and 80% to get mithril ingot.

Both ore can be forged into other artifacts in the blacksmith event.

Old Church (2 achievements)

You walk closer to take a look, a silver dagger on the nearby altar suddenly emits a faint glow. A mystical and mysterious feeling pervades the whole chamber.

  • Encounter Map: Map 2.
  • Encounter rate fix: Death and Demon Soul synergy can boost the rate.

Different Branches

  • Take the exquisite dagger. -> You will get an artifact Sealing Dagger and unlock the achievement Sealing Dagger. Later you will free a demon and attack you. After defeating the demon you will get Soul of Superbia and unlock the achievement Soul of Superbia.

Orphan and Broken Sword

My ancestor was a great swordsmen, and this broken sword is the ancestral sword passed down through generations. If you are interested in it, it can be yours for the price of 2,000 gold.

  • Encounter Map: Map 1/2.
  • Encounter rate fix: Physics synergy can boost the rate.

Different Branches

  • This should be a fine sword. Just buy it. -> Spend 2000 gold to buy the artifact broken sword.
  • The sword can be forged into other artifacts in the blacksmith event.

Legend Blacksmith (7 achievements)

The blacksmith’s movements possessed an indescribable grace and strength. Each strike of his hammer resonated with echoes, as though he was not merely crafting weapons, but shaping destinies.

  • Encounter Map: Map 2 and 3.
  • Encounter rate fix: Can be encountered only if you have something to forge.

Different Branches

  • You remembered the broken sword that the orphan had sold to you earlier. -> Forge the Broken Sword into Long Sword and unlock achievement Long Sword.
  • You remembered that there was a piece of mithril ingot in your backpack. -> Forge the mithril ingot into Mithril Armor and unlock achievement Mithril Armor.
  • You recall the rock hammer you acquired earlier. -> Forge the Rock Hammer into Master’s Pickaxe and unlock achievement Master’s Pickaxe.
  • Agree to pay, infused with wind elements. -> Spend 20000 gold to forge the Demonic Ore into Dark Wind and unlock achievement Dark Wind.
  • Agree to pay, infused with Fire elements. -> Spend 20000 gold to forge the Demonic Ore into Dark Fire and unlock achievement Dark Fire.
  • Agree to pay, infused with Ice elements. -> Spend 20000 gold to forge the Demonic Ore into Dark Ice and unlock achievement Dark Ice.
  • Agree to pay, infused with Lightning elements. -> Spend 20000 gold to forge the Demonic Ore into Dark Lightning and unlock achievement Dark Lightning.

This event will also increase Nargoth’s reputation.

The Voice

As you travel along a stream, you suddenly hear a magnificent voice, a captivating melody that fills the air. The voice is pure and enchanting, impossible to resist.Intrigued, you decide to follow the mesmerizing song, in search of its origin.

  • Encounter Map: Map 2.
  • Encounter rate fix: Magic synergy can boost the rate.

Different Branches

  • Try to identify the owner of the voice. -> If you pass a 50-Intelligence check, you can avoid some damage taken and start a fight.

Goblin’s Hideout

While wandering through a dense forest, you stumbled upon the tracks of goblins.

  • Encounter Map: all Maps.
  • Encounter rate fix: Destiny synergy can boost the rate.

Different Branches

  • Launching a assault on the treasure vault and do not spare these goblins. -> Enter a special fight which will has 20 golden goblins.
  • The defenses of the treasure vault appear formidable. Attempt to infiltrate stealthily and pilfer some treasures. -> Get a bonus of 500-1500 soulgems.

Serpent Temple (1 achievement)

In the deep interior of the lush forest, you discovered a solemn and gigantic temple. Its entrance resembled an open-mouthed venomous snake’s head.

  • Encounter Map: all Maps.
  • Encounter rate fix: Poison synergy can boost the rate.

Different Branches

  • Find the correct path. -> You will get the artifact Teeth of Venomous Tyrant and unlock achievement Teeth of Venomous Tyrant.
  • It’s fine to go in any direction. -> If you pass a 50 luck check you will get the artifact Teeth of Venomous Tyrant, unlock achievement Teeth of Venomous Tyrant and get a bonus of 500-1500 soulgems.

Frozen Palace (1 achievement)

You entered amid biting cold that defied endurance. Looming within stood the pallid form of the dragon, sheathed in tiny icicles.

  • Encounter Map: all Maps.
  • Encounter rate fix: Frost synergy can boost the rate.

Different Branches

  • You grasp the ice crystal with both hands and pull it outwards. -> About 30% chance to get the artifact Eternal Frost and unlock achievement Eternal Frost with a cost of hp.
  • Utilize your knowledge of the ice element to manipulate magic and slowly extract the ice crystal -> If you pass a lv 4 ice synergy check you will get the artifact Eternal Frost, unlock achievement Eternal Frost and get a bonus of 500-1500 soulgems.

Thunderspire (1 achievement)

Braving the lashing winds and whips of light, you passed through tottering colonnades and fragments of walls. Suddenly, a twisted form of metal caught your eye amidst the ruins.

  • Encounter Map: all Maps.
  • Encounter rate fix: Lightning synergy can boost the rate.

Different Branches

  • Ignoring the lightning, remove the lightning rod and take it with you. -> About 30% chance to get the artifact Lightning Rod and unlock achievement Lightning Rod.
  • Utilize your knowledge of the lightning element to remove the lightning rod. -> If you pass a lv 4 lightning synergy check you will get the artifact Lightning Rod, unlock achievement Lightning Rod and get a bonus of 500-1500 soulgems.

Fountain of Youth

Amidst this beautiful scenery, a fountain flows peacefully, like a hidden treasure, awaiting those brave explorers who will unveil its mysterious veil.You recall the story of Fountain of Youth.

  • Encounter Map: all Maps.
  • Encounter rate fix: Scholar synergy can boost the rate.

Different Branches

  • You focused on the restoration of your body. -> Recover full health.
  • Deeply sense the magical power of the Fountain of Youth. -> level up 1 random skill.

Unicorn Racing (1 achievement)

He asked if you’d like to wager 5000 gold coins and guess which unicorn would win the race.

  • Encounter Map: all Maps.
  • Encounter rate fix: Destiny synergy can boost the rate.

Different Branches

  • Close your eyes and place a random bet. -> If you pass a 50 luck check you will get the artifact Unicorn Horn, unlock achievement Unicorn Horn and get a bonus of 500-1500 soulgems.

Katherine’s library

As you were about to pick up a book of ancient magic to peruse, a furry hand reached out and took the book away.

  • Encounter Map: all Maps.
  • Encounter rate fix: Catnip and cat teaser wand can boost the rate.

Different Branches

  • Paid 5000 gold coins to have a look at the magic book you were interested in. -> Level up for 1 random skill.
  • Spend 5000 gold coins to have Katherine enchant your artifact. -> High quality guarantee affixes reroll
  • You remembered the cat teaser wand that you had obtained earlier. -> Orange quality guarantee affixes reroll

This event can also increase Katherine’s reputation.

One Piece of Map (1 achievement)

After several days of trekking, you finally crossed the mountain range, and on the other side, there was a vast sea. At the seaside, you eventually discovered the cave depicted on the map. On the sea surface outside the cave, there was even a sunken pirate ship.

  • Encounter Map: Map 2 and 3.
  • Encounter rate fix: Can only be encountered if you carry Treasure map of penguin king.

Different Branches

  • Treasure storage room. -> You will get the artifact Hat of Penguin King, unlock achievement Hat of Penguin King and a bonus of 3000 soulgems.
  • Armory. -> You will get the artifact Hat of Penguin King, unlock achievement Hat of Penguin King and an additional random artifact.

Doomsday Volcano (1 achievement)

The giant’s skull looms at the end of the cave, while its eyes still burn with fiery flames. These fiery eyes seem to symbolize the boundless strength and fury of the giant in its prime, forever ablaze.

  • Encounter Map: all Maps.
  • Encounter rate fix: Fire synergy can boost the rate.

Different Branches

  • Climb onto the remains to get the eyeball. -> About 30% chance to get the artifact Orb of Doomsday Volcano and unlock achievement Orb of Doomsday Volcano.
  • Utilize your knowledge of fire to manipulate flames and push out the eyeball. -> If you pass a lv 4 ice synergy check you will get the artifact Orb of Doomsday Volcano, unlock achievement Orb of Doomsday Volcano and get a bonus of 500-1500 soulgems.

Unfortunate Adventurer

In the shadows of the dungeon, you discover a set of bleached bones. This adventurer once treaded upon this place, but now his life has faded away. His skeletal remains lie silently on the stone floor, becoming a part of this ancient castle. What brought him here? What circumstances claimed his life? Perhaps he was in pursuit of treasure or plagued by a curse.The bony fingers seem to point towards a certain direction, but it no longer matters.

  • Encounter Map: all Maps.
  • Encounter rate fix: Dexterity synergy can boost the rate.

Different Branches

  • Carry the bones out of the dungeon and find a place to give him a proper burial. -> You will get some exp and a random artifact.
  • Explore in the direction indicated by the bony finger. -> If you pass a lv 4 Dexterity synergy check you will get a bonus of 500-1500 soulgems.

Dwarven Vault (1 achievement)

This is the gate of a Dwarven relic, adorned with copper gears and cogwheels that intertwine like the veins of a machine. At the center of the gate, there is a massive rotating lock, engraved with symbols from Dwarven mythology. Only by correctly aligning the gears within the lock can this mysterious door be opened.

  • Encounter Map: Map 2.
  • Encounter rate fix: Trap synergy can boost the rate.

Different Branches

  • Utilize your knowledge of dwarf craftsmanship to attempt to crack this password lock. -> If you pass a lv 4 Trap synergy check you will get the artifact Master’s Pickaxe, unlock achievement Master’s Pickaxe and get a bonus of 500-1500 soulgems.

Gloomy Graveyard (1 achievement)

In the center of the graveyard, a solitary tomb emerges, its door adorned with strange runes. These runes are unlike any language known to mortals. They twist and writhe, their meaning elusive.

  • Encounter Map: all Maps.
  • Encounter rate fix: Summon synergy can boost the rate.

Different Branches

  • Try to smash the door. -> About 30% chance to get the artifact Book from Abyss and unlock achievement Book from Abyss.
  • Utilize your knowledge of interdimensional magic to break the seal on the door. -> If you pass a lv 4 Summon synergy check you will get the artifact Book from Abyss, unlock achievement Book from Abyss and get a bonus of 500-1500 soulgems.

Magic Mirror

The magic mirror suddenly spoke, its voice like a thousand people talking at once yet also like a single person, familiar yet strange. It said, “I have never seen a soul like yours before. Would you like to make a deal with me? I can draw out part of your soul and fill it with my magic.”

  • Encounter Map: Map 2 and 3.
  • Encounter rate fix: Physics synergy can boost the rate.

Different Branches

  • Accept the deal. -> you will loss some hp and clone a [S] skill.
  • Threaten the magic mirror and inject magic directly, otherwise smash it. -> If you pass a 50 strength check you will clone a [S] skill for free.

This event can also increase Talia’s reputation.

Zarus’s Labyrinth (1 achievement)

Zarus has designed countless traps and sealed numerous demons within the maze. Only the most intelligent individuals can pass his tests and discover his legacy.

  • Encounter Map: all Maps.
  • Encounter rate fix: Strength and Luck synergy can boost the rate.

Different Branches

  • Try to follow the magic within the maze and find the center of the magic. -> If you pass a 10 intelligence check you will get a random low tire artifact.
  • Believe in your luck and boldly explore the maze. -> If you pass a 50 luck check you will get a random artifact.
  • Oh, there’s a butterfly flying. Do you want to catch this little butterfly? -> If you pass a -10 intelligence check(-10 or less) you will get Zarus’s Tarot cards and unlock achievement Zarus’s Tarot cards.

This event will also increase Suraz’s reputation. It will increase more if you can get the Zarus’s Tarot cards.

Eye of the Demon

You discovered a huge lake in the middle of the icy plains. The water emitted a nauseating green glow and waves of foul stench assaulted your senses. This must be the legendary Eye of the Demon.

  • Encounter Map: Map 2 and 3.
  • Encounter rate fix: Frost and poison synergy can boost the rate.

Different Branches

  • Bravely enter the Eye of the Demon and try to swim to the island. -> About 30% chance to get the a random artifact with a cost of hp.
  • Trust your knowledge of toxins and swim directly to the island. -> If you pass a lv 4 poison synergy check you will get a random artifact and recover some hp.
  • Use your understanding of ice magic to freeze the lake water. -> If you pass a lv 4 Frost synergy check you will get a random artifact.

The Last Paladin of Lausan (1 achievement)

You suddenly realize that this statue still has a slight vitality left. Could it be that even after thousands of years, she has still survived tenaciously? You try to remove the petrification of the paladin.

  • Encounter Map: Map 3.
  • Encounter rate fix: Can not be encountered if you are using Amelia.

Different Branches

  • Take a closer look at this statue. -> If you pass a lv 6 Magic synergy check you will free Amelia from her spell, get the artifact Spiked Shield and unlock achievement The Last Paladin of Lausan.

This event can also increase Amelia’s reputation.

The Library at the End of Time and Space

In the center of the library, you saw a mysterious lady. She wore a long red robe and a white mask that covered her face, revealing only a pair of deep eyes. She was sitting behind a huge desk, holding a thick ancient tome as if recording something. She sensed your arrival, looked up at you in surprise and said, “You shouldn’t be here! This is the end of space and time, a forbidden land.”

  • Encounter Map: Map 2 and 3.
  • Encounter rate fix: Scholar synergy can boost the rate.

Different Branches

  • Borrow book with gold coins -> Spend 30000 gold coins to choose 1 codex artifact.
  • Borrow book with souls -> Spend some hp to choose 1 codex artifact.
  • Use your knowledge to conquer the librarian. -> If you pass a lv 4 Scholar synergy check you can choose 1 codex artifact with no cost.

Man In Red

You walk to the door of the cabin, and find it unlocked, slightly ajar. You hear someone say: “Come in, it’s too cold outside.” You enter the room, and see a kind old man wearing a red hat sitting on the sofa reading a book, a gentle reindeer lying by the fireplace, radiating warmth. You feel a surge of surprise and comfort, as if you have entered a fairy tale.

  • Encounter Map: all Maps.
  • Encounter rate fix: Can only be encountered if you carry Christmas Hat.

Different Branches

  • You feel that the old man is trustworthy, and you have no other option. You decide to stay in the cabin. -> You will get 3000 soulgems.

Palace above the could

Above the cloud, an Eastern palace of unparalleled beauty emerges, suspended in the sky. The palace, with its intricate architecture and golden rooftops, seems to belong to a different realm, a realm that exists above the clouds.

  • Encounter Map: all Maps.
  • Encounter rate fix: Can only be encountered if you carry Red Envelope.

Different Branches

  • At the end of the day, you rest in a peaceful guest room. When you wake up, you find yourself sleeping in the cave again with a red envelope in your hand. Is this cloud palace just a dream? -> You will get 3000 soulgems.

Scout from Hell (1 achievement)

The scout added: “However, I must warn you in advance that in Hell there are not only powerful demons, but many of your enemies will also come to trouble you.”

  • Encounter Map: Map 2 and 3.
  • Encounter rate fix: Physics, Magic and demon soul synergy can boost the rate.

Different Branches

  • 1500 soulgems and 30,000 gold coins will not be enough to compensate for my losses. -> If you pass a 100 strength or intelligence check you will get the artifact Soul of Acedia, unlock achievement Soul of Acedia and get a bonus of 2000 soulgems.

Very tough fight.

Dragonborn Merchant

The dragonborn merchant holds a large basket of SoulGems and actively sells them to you. “These are all collected from distant mountains. They are absolutely pure. Do you want to buy a basket for only 50,000 gold coins?”

  • Encounter Map: Map 2 and 3.
  • Encounter rate fix: greed and physics synergy can boost the rate.

Different Branches

  • You have outstanding observation skills about treasures. -> If you pass a lv 4 greed synergy check you will get 500 soulgems with no cost.
  • Angrily criticized Dragonborn’s poor service attitude and asked him to apologize. -> If you pass a 100 strength check you will get 500 soulgems with no cost.
Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2154 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

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