Ash Echoes – Inheritance System Guide

How to Run a Engraving with a Basis Skill in Level 3?

By Yuue.

The actual inheritance system will be here on Jan. 2nd based on Global schedule, this is an early guide.


  • Enter your Nexus as always, who will be the leader? doesn’t matter. (I’m using Cyros for demonstration).
  • Let’s say we are aiming for the skill “Strength Works Miracle”.
  • Bringing all the MTs that has Strength Works Miracle as basis skill, as many as possible.
  • If you would like to do the auto-run (my recommendation), choose all skill paths.
  • Do your Nexus, pick your skills as normal as you would do when you are running Nexus.
  • Hooray! We finished!
  • When choosing your Basis skills, choose as many as possible, because your inheritance skill level depends on how many basis skills you have.
  • Nexus takes you to this page, try to get Strength Works Miracle in one of 6 Basis skills as inheritance skill for this engraving. (Totally RNG stuff, imagining you are rolling a dice, 1/6 chances to get Strength Works Miracle).
  • Well in this case, bad RNG, that’s not what I want!
  • Back to “Tactical Engraving” (I assume everybody know where it is).
  • Find the engraving you just ran, click on it. There is a botton which will be updated soon, the red circled botton is the place to reroll your inheritance skill.
  • In this page, you will spend the special chips (Well if you noticed, I only have 8) to reroll your skill from one of the 6 skills. Reroll it until you get Strength Works Miracle, congrats, you done (temporary).
  • Repeat the same process of leveling your skills, (make sure you put your engraving with level 1 Strength Works Miracle at the beginning page!) till you get level 3 Strength Works Miracle.


What’s the point of bringing “As many as possible” MTs that has Strength Works Miracle as the basis skill?

Increase the possibilities you get Strength Works Miracle, so you won’t overwhelmed when you trying to get Strength Works Miracle after thousand times of failure. Furthermore, if you are super lucky, you can level 2 in single run, it saves your time.

Why do we need that many skills when we choose basis skills with our skill points?

  • Based on the mechanic, number of basis skills that is lower than 7 will only takes you to Strength Works Miracle level 1, which means if you are doing Strength Works Miracle level 2 this time, you only get level 1 when you actually try to inherit it (if you only get level 1 for this time, then no worries, just ignore this sentence)
  • If the number of basic skills is between 7 to 13, even you have a level 3 Strength Works Miracle as inheritance skill and you are ready to run a boom boom engraving for your teams. You get level 2 instead of level 3 when you actually try to inherit Strength Works Miracle.
  • Therefore, make sure you have as many sub skills as possible just in the case(try to reach 14 or more than that), again, these engraving just for inheritance, use all of your skill points to level the sub skills is fine!

I have level 3 skill as my inheritance skill already, why am I getting level 2 when I inherit that!?

Go read the previous question.

What happened if I get level 2 Strength Works Miracle in single run? Should I level up all 2?

Absolutely, it will saves your time so you don’t have to do multiple runs for level 3!

How do I get those chips just like you said in step 12?

After the update, you can get them in weekly Nexus level! That’s the most stable way to get them!

Can I aim for multiple skills at the single run when I’m running level 1?

Sure, that can potentially helps you with your rolling/rerolling inheritance skills. But I don’t recommended if you have no ideas how does it works at all.

Based on what you said about “rolling one of the 6 skills, randomly” can I do choose less than 6 basis skills when I’m trying to get level 1 of Strength Works Miracle this time?

Well, technically you can do that. Since the announcement from from official says “If there are fewer than 6 Regular Engraving Skills, one will be randomly selected from the available Regular Engraving Skills”. Therefore, I encourage you to try that.

What happened if I inherited a level 3 skills already and I get it in Nexus again? Will the skill goes to level 4?

Good question, no. Vice versa.

How does Inheritance skill actually looks in Nexus run after I equipped them before the Nexus started?

There will be an extra plot(s), if you have your inheritance skills equipped.

Well, I follow your guides and meet level 1 of the skill that I want as inheritance skill, but I’m having troubles on how to do it to level 2 or even 3.

When you read my guides successfully and do that,congrats. One more step for you is to equip level 1 skill you just got from the previous run and try to reach that plot in Nexus while repeat the procedure to add up your skill levels by having corresponding MTs again.

For example: You inherited level 1 from previous run, and you gained another level from MT in this run:

  • 1+1=2, level 2 rn
  • Do level 3 with samething

With that being said, what should the entire route looks like when I’m running level3 inheritance skills?

(Procedure)→ Start another run with inheritance skill lvl1 (if you r lucky, lvl 2) and same MTs→ Get inheritance skills in certain plots→ finish the complete run→ if you lucky, the level of skills should be up bc MTs gained skill level for you→ (Procedure stuffs)… Till you have level 3 as inheritance skills.

Can you estimate how many runs we need for one/ all four inheritance skills?

Unfortunately I can’t, but I promise to you, bring more MTs. So you runs wouldn’t goes up to infinity because you cannot get the skills you want. For rolling and rerolling the inheritance skill after the Nexus…

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3641 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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