Simple explanations of things I currently understand about the game, I will try to update the guide over time.
Player Character
Your player character can level up by dealing damage, and then finishing that match/game.
Higher levels increase your Health and Damage that you deal, usually you will hit max level within 1 match as without specific tactics matches will drag on until one side grinds another down completely.
You can further promote your character once you reach max rank to reset your level progress and gain extra Squad member slots and extra Plastic(money) rewards from finished matches.
This I highly recommend since it reduces grind for Plastic to unlock further items, either squad units or battle equipment.
When it comes to unlocks your best choices as I can see are as follows:
Expensive at 50,000 Plastic cost but massive upgrade over the M16 you start with, you can safely remove the M16 from your starting loadout once you get this as it has best damage output and ammo capacity over every other automatic bullet weapon you can get.
M-21 Sniper
The very same sniper rifle that Sniper infantry uses, expensive but it allows you to snipe infantry units from anywhere you can see them, your best tool to dealing with enemy snipers.
Does about 1000 HP damage per shot if not exactly 1000 DMG, so you can 1-shot-kill Rifle Men, Medics, Mortar Men and Snipers.
The only sniper weapon you generally need, M-4 Burst is too weak and P-17 Sniper is too late game to properly supply with ammo despite it’s huge damage in comparison to M-21 Sniper.
Quad Rocket
Direct upgrade to the default M-20 Bazooka when it comes to anti-heavy damage, expensive but able to destroy even heavy tanks in 2-3 attacks.
Low ammo count and burst recoil make it a bit harder to use at longer range but it’s well worth the ability to delete enemy armor units near instantly.
M-2 Flamethrower
The best close range weapon by far. Expensive but for 50,000 Plastic it does insane damage vs everything due to being a fire weapon and melting enemies AND it comes with a lot of ammo per resupply.
Ignore shotgun, pistols, SMGs or rifles, even the minigun fades before the flamethrower when it’s in range.
Best in ambush around corners or vs buildings as it’s short range means enemy units will do a lot more damage to you until you get close enough to use it.
Gatling Gun
The golden-baby child of M-2 Flamethrower and Minigun.
It does universal fire damage so it hurts everything it hits and it can hit things from a far, if the enemy is too strong for Minigun but too far away for M-2 Flamethrower then Gatling Gun is what you use.
Expensive at 60,000 Plastic cost and has lower ammo per resupply than Flamethrower or Minigun but it is still a great weapon and I recommend you buy it as your first weapon, either in a match for reduced cost for that match or as a permanent unlock in the shop.
P-17 Sniper
Golden-baby cousin of Gatling Gun, with P-17 Sniper being a baby of M-21 Sniper and M-20 Bazooka.
Very expensive 100,000 Plastic upgrade of both the M-21 Sniper and M-20 Bazooka with only downside being very low ammo count per resupply.
P-17 Sniper kills most if not every light unit in 1 hit, including some defenses, if you need something dead then this is the gun for you as it still hurts even heavy tanks.
Most expensive, most accurate and most damaging gun per shot in the game, but stick to M-21 Sniper for sniping infantry units to save ammo, unless it’s an Engineer, use this sniper vs them.
Plastic Gun
Cheap “weapon” to permanently buy at only 20,000 Plastic, healing gun for your soldiers or when you need to emergency repair something as you do more healing than Medics with this gun.
Also does minor damage vs the enemy slightly better than the M-9 Pistol that has infinite ammo.
Grenade Launcher
Just an alternate fire version of M-20 Bazooka, Grenade Launcher is just hand-held player version of a Mortar.
Expensive and very niche use weapon for situations where you want to hit the enemy without coming out of cover, leave it for later if you got better things to unlock first.
M-60 LMG
The runt of your loadout weapon. Final permanent weapon to get to fill out your 9th weapon slot and the last thing you should unlock.
Best of the “worst” guns, fairly high ammo per resupply box so it pads out your ammo gain for when you get Spread Ammo boxes that give 1x resupply to every weapon you got in your inventory.
Basically the back-up weapon should you run out of ammo of every other weapon then this one should have enough stockpiled ammo to pull you through.
Cheap to buy and easy to use.
Just hide him in the HQ to repair it when it gets damaged, easy to keep alive and level up.
Mortar Man
Cheap to buy but harder to level. High range lets him farm XP mostly safe but low HP and high XP requirement mean he does require babysitting or hiding away in safe spots to prevent getting killed by enemy mortars or snipers.
Universal explosive damage with 65 CM range makes him however the best damage infantry you can get, an inaccurate glass cannon but he does great.
Expensive to buy but longest ranged unit in the game(120 CM range!) and bane of all infantry, very weak damage against everything else.
Low XP requirement combined with longest range makes Sniper the easiest infantry unit to level up, the best unit you can get to deal with an enemy that is spamming Engineers or just has a lot of infantry.
Hook Gun
Best choice for the 2nd ability slot, gives you better mobility in all directions.
The other two guns for ability slots just aren’t good enough to not use Hook Gun or to abandon the Builder tools.w
M14 Grenade
A fire grenade that explodes on impact, does minor fire damage over time to anything it hits.
Best 2nd grenade option out of 3 total grenades and it’s fairly cheap to get as well to have it at start of the game.
M24 Cluster
Direct upgrade to the default MK2 Grenade you start with and best grenade you can have, fairly expensive unlock at 60,000 Plastic and you only get 1 per grenade ammo box, but it does great damage on it’s own and spawns 6 MK2 grenades to do cluster damage.
Bit tricky to use as it bounces instead of exploding on impact like Fire Grenade does.
Ammo Backpack
Expensive to get but it’s free ammo for whatever gun you’re holding in your hands.
Works best with big ammo guns like Minigun or Flamethrower.
Medic Backpack
It’s free passive healing wherever you go, if you don’t have ammo issues but your Medics keep dying it’s good to have.
Gives you access to map support abilities, either bomb your enemies or spawn 2 type of unit groups wherever you want.
Expensive and requires you have an economy to back the cost of the abilities.
Probably the best damage output item you can get in the game as long as you have Plastic to use it.
Mini Party Popper
It’s a toy jet-pack, lets you cross big distances right off the start of a match and get where you want to go without need for a vehicle.
Cheap for a backpack but it’s only mobility you already have in weaker but still good Hook Gun.
It’s just a superior version of the Parachute backpack and always take this over Parachute as that only gives you horizontal slow-fall but there is no fall damage in the game yet.
Game / Match Start and Spawn Functions and Mechanics
When you first start a match in Skirmish or Conquest (Not in Invasion as game starts right away) you are given a spawn zone, and some Planning Plastic to spend on respawn-able units and structures before the game begins.
Do note that Planning Plastic does not persist after the game begins, if you don’t use any of it then it is wasted and does not carry over to the active game.
For example in Backyard Picnic map for Skirmish you start off a bank of 50,000 Planning Plastic to spend, if you start the game right away you will not have 50,000 Plastic available to you as it is discarded.
Now to follow after Planning Plastic part and to the next respawn-able units and structures part.
Any unit or structure you place during the Planning Phase before you start the game are effectively “Permanent” as they will respawn free of charge after some time should they die.
During the Planning Phase some units and structures have spawn limits to prevent rushes and you also have some access to 2 buildings that are otherwise limit to specific build locations.
Those are Plastic Power Plant in the Production tab, limited to 4 max before game start and Sandbags in the Tower tab.
Plastic Power Plant is a building limited to 4 corner slots of a Plastic Factory building, but during the Planning Phase you can place down 4 of them in the spawn zone wherever you want without needing a Plastic Factory and they’ll be your Plastic production building for the rest of the match, even if they get destroyed they will respawn after some time.
Sandbags towers are limited to select few designated spots on some maps during active matches where you can build and upgrade them, but during the Planning Phase you can place them anywhere you want inside the spawn zone and at whichever upgrade level between 1-2-3 you want.
If you place down level 1 defensive tower and later upgrade it, it will respawn as level 1 should it be destroyed, so it is best to place Sandbags down as level 3 as they get a Fire-damage mortar at that level which turns this tower into a good jack-of-all-trades defensive structure.
Considering you can’t build Sandbags after match start I highly recommend placing at least few level 3 versions in direction of enemy spawns.
Additionally any unit or structure placed during Planning Phase do not count towards the population limit of should that unit or structure have one.
For example Engineers, Plastic Sweeper and Plastic Factory each have build limits of max 3, 5 and 5 respectively, both during Planning Phase and after during the game.
This does not apply to units or structures you build after the you start the game and the match begins, so you can have up to 6 Engineers, 10 Plastic Sweepers and 10 Plastic Factories if you chose to go with that build and had enough Planning Plastic to do so.
You can place down and move around every unit and structure during the Planning Phase, INCLUDING the HQ building itself as well as the player Buy&Sell shop, so if the initial location of the HQ doesn’t seem good just move it somewhere better before starting the game!
The placement is also nearly entirely generous as well, you can stack several buildings inside one another or at very odd locations you can’t building after Planning Phase depending on the map.
For example the Backyard Picnic map the player spawn is between a dog house and a plastic lawn chair, your spawn is close enough to the chair that you can access a very little spot on top of the chair in the forward right corner of it, even your HQ building!
I prefer to place 1 level 3 AA turret and 1 level 3 Mortar turret there as they get excellent vantage point to shoot at enemy aircraft and any ground units in range with bonus top-down accuracy.
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