B100X – Auto Dungeon RPG – Guide to All Materials

Materials #1

Essence 10
Blank essenceWhen using this as material item in Mix (Choose this as latter item in Mix process), extract an ability (Except unique abilities) as an essence from base item.21000
Forged steelWhen using this as material item in Mix (Choose this as latter item in Mix process), base item will become 2-Mixed item. (Can not use on already mixed items.)21000
Evil essenceWhen using this as material item in Mix, transform the base item into “Completed” item with additional performance. (Can not use on already mixed items. Result item can not be mixed anymore. Can be used only ★ or ★★)33000
Denatured scrollWhen using this as material item in Mix (Choose this as latter item in Mix process), create a same rarity item of the base item.33000
AbrasivestoneWhen using this as material item in Mix (Choose this as latter item in Mix process), remove an ability (Except unique abilities) from base item.33000
PearlWhen using this as material item in Mix, improve base item level +10. (Recalc all parameters.)33000
Purification crystalWhen using this as material item in Mix (Choose this as latter item in Mix process), revert it to an unmixed item.45000
Craft hammerWhen using this as material item in Mix (Choose this as latter item in Mix process), create a higher rarity item of the base item.410000
OrichalcumWhen using this as material item in Mix (Choose this as latter item in Mix process), base item will become 4-Mixed item. (Can not use on already mixed items.)550000
Arcane scrollWhen using this as material item in Mix (Choose this as latter item in Mix process), extract a Rune as an essence from base item with Rune.550000
Black steelWhen using this as material item in Mix (Choose this as latter item in Mix process), ”Complete” base item. (Abilities values become x1.2, Can not mix anymore)550000
Abstract scrollConvert an item to a specific Rune essence.550000
Evil RemnantWhen using this as material item in Mix, transform the base item into “Completed” item with additional performance. (Can not use on already mixed items. Result item can not be mixed anymore.)550000
MithrilWhen using this as material item in Mix, improve base item level +30. (Recalc all parameters.)550000
Ghost eater BugWhen using this as material item in Mix (Choose this as latter item in Mix process), remove all abilities (Except unique abilities) from base item.550000
Reification scrollWhen using this as material item in Mix (Choose this as latter item in Mix process), create a same rarity material item.550000
Oblivion OrbYou can get a refund of 1 job level for each consumption. (Cannot be used in item mix)5200000
Fruits of heavenWhen using this as material item in Mix (Choose this as latter item in Mix process), base item will become 2-Mixed item. (No restriction! Can use on already mixed items.)5100000
Jewel of Wild GodYou can create special equipment by mixing it with a “Rotten” item. (Use this as a material)5100000
Jewel of Dragon God$ja5100000
Jewel of Holy God$ja5100000
Jewel of Dark God$ja5100000
Jewel of Curse God$ja5100000
Jewel of Light God$ja5100000
Rotten gripYou can create special equipment by mixing it with a “Jewel” item. (Use this as a base item)5100000
Rotten shield$ja5100000
Rotten clothes$ja5100000
Rotten string$ja5100000
Chocolate BrownieWhen using this as material item in Mix, improve base item level +20. (Recalc all parameters.)51
Vessels of soulsWhen using this as material item in Mix (Choose this as latter item in Mix process), ”Complete” base item. (Abilities values become x1.3, Can not mix anymore)51
Enchant ScrollWhen used as a material, it gives additional ability to the base item. (Cannot be used on mixed items).33000
ChaosstoneWhen used as a material, reverses the order of abilities of the base item.550000
Jewel of Frozen God$ja5100000
Recycling BoxWhen used as a material for what has 200+ level, it converts base items into a random material.50
Vial of BathWhen used as a material, it consumes the target item and gains effects other than its unique effects as a permanent bonus to Holly. (Cannot be used on already mixed items)50

Materials #2

Rune of HeavenWhen used as a material, it gives runes to base items.51
Rune of Dragon$ja51
Rune of Power$ja51
Rune of Stone$ja51
Rune of Star$ja51
Rune of Holy$ja51
Rune of Wicked$ja51
Rune of Demonic$ja51
Rune of Bud$ja51
Scattered fragments of soulsWhen using this as material item in Mix, transform the base item into “Completed” item with additional performance. (Can not use on already mixed items. Result item can not be mixed anymore. Can be used only ★ – ★★★)41
Celebratory SushiWhen using this as material item in Mix, improve base item level +5. (Recalc all parameters.)21
Celebratory sashimi$ja41
Rotating Polishing Device$ja5200000
Pure Black Crystal$ja5200000
Great Crystal of Purification$ja5200000
Bound EvilWhen using this as material item in Mix, transform the base item into “Completed” item with additional performance. (Can not use on already mixed items. Result item can not be mixed anymore. Can be used only ★ – ★★★★)5200000
Scroll of DecayWhen used as a material, it reduces the item level by -20 (performance is also recalculated).33000
The Evil DistillerWhen used as a material, it rerolls the performance of the finished base item. (Completed only)550000
Jewel of the Sea God$ja5100000
Handmade CompassBy mixing it with a Treasure Beacon, you can discover a “Treasure Hiding” that has been given the properties of the beacon.50
Celestial Motion DeviceMixing with any equipment will invite weather with various situational effects. The type of weather and the duration depend on the performance of the equipment consumed.50
Rune of wave$ja51
Treasure BeaconBy mixing it with a handmade compass, you can discover a “Treasure Hiding” that has been given the properties of a beacon. In the “Treasure Hiding”, you can find items that are not available in other dungeons.50
Degeneration secret$ja5200000
Eternal fire$ja5200000
Ghost eater larva$ja5200000
Iridescent seedsWhen using this as material item in Mix, improve base item level +5. (Recalc all parameters.)5200000
Unobserved boxIf you use it as a material (combine with other items at the time of synthesis), you will get a random item. The items generated will change depending on the performance of the target.33000
Good baitWhen used as a material (combined with other items at the time of synthesis), you will get a captured monster.550000
Jewel of Forest God$ja5100000
Domination ChokerYou can use the captured monsters to challenge the monster-only dungeon “Ferocious wild”. Once a monster becomes causative monster, it cannot be returned to an item. In the “Ferocious wild”, you can also get items that are not available in other dungeons.50
Meat machineMake the mixed captured monster into Molded meat. Molded meat increases “Breeding: Tamed” of mixed captured monsters, and may be given additional abilities at higher levels.50
Molded meatIncreases ”Breeding: Tameed” of the mixed monster.50
Rune of Root$ja51
Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3641 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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