Bendy: Secrets of the Machine – Progress Guide

This guide explains how to progress in the Bendy: Secrets of the Machine game.

How to Progress

Everything We Know About the Game


The door is now boarded up and you can’t progress anymore. The boards have been removed.

Happy 414

The text on the “escape the cage” sign was changed to: “Happy 414.” A reference to 14th of April as well as the number of loops henry steind did in BatIM.

Golden Bacon Soup

In the final update there was a small chance for bacon soup to become golden and glowing.

Moving Chair

There is a chair on the outside that moves closer to the building every update.

  • First Position: directly left of the gate
  • Second Position: right of the gate, at the trigger for the lightning strike
  • Third Position: still right but even closer to the building
  • Fourth Position: Chair was replaced by a sofa and move to the left of the building.
  • Fifth position: Chair and sofa were moved to behind spawn with a table that has a bacon soup can on it.
  • Sixth Position: Sofa and table were removed chair has moved further back and to the left.


Enter the Building titled the drawing board, once inside turn right and walk through the ink tunnel. In the room with the Bendy Podium in the middle click on the machine with a face and throw a soup can at both circular glowing windows. Now the door has opened. In the next room pick up the crayon and make a hight tallymark on the wall with the ages.

Then proceed to draw on all pages scattered on the floor. Afterwards the door will open and you have to go to the end of the school corridor. Turn around and go to the previous room. Draw another tallymark and pick up the page from the chair place it on the drawing desk. Pick up the letter which has fallen on the ground and go through the door. In Joey drew studios fill all pages and pick up the letter infront of Joey’s office head back and pick up the gent can.

Car Chase

Go Inside the drawing board angain, this time go straight ahead once there. Run away from the Car (wich also appeared in the mobile game). Once you get ran over the game progresses.

The Cinema

Go inside again, but once at the soup station throw three cans in the big pipe on the wall pipe to open the blockade. In the cinema throw a can at the screen. Now throw a can in the rectangular opening in the center room to open the door next to it. Destroy all carboard cutouts and bendy will kill you.

Bendy Jumpscare

Destroy all cutouts:

  • 2 in screen room
  • 4 in center
  • 2 in cinema

Bendy will kill you after you destroyed all of them once. If you are afk for too long he also kills you.

And finally if you press Shift+K+4+1+4 he also kills you.

Bendy Puppet

A new Puppet spawns and follows you around the main room when you look away.

If you look away from him you will hear whispers, if you reverse them you get the lyrics to build our machine.

Touch it with a golden soup can to teleport the can to the corridor outside.

Throw a golden soup can at it to teleport to spawn where now a huge bendy puppet appears behind you and explodes to crash the game.


Possible at any Point. Go into the circular room. throw a can in the rectangular hole and enter the room with a screen. You can now enter two codes by throwing cans at the pictures of the characters.

Bendy and the silent City

Ink Monster


Turn everyone angry except for bendy and throw a can at the light in the ceiling.


Silent City Cat

Make only Bendy evil.

BatDS Poster

After destroying the popcorn sign a BatDS poster appears which features a sticky note with the mystery box on it.

Stress Eating

You can eat cans by holding one and pressing RMB.

Peek-a-Boo Bendy

Bendy sometimes peaks through the rectangular opening.

Ragtime Giffi Poster

Appears after destroying the popcorn sign in the cinema, you can find it next to the screen room door.

Ragtime Giffi (Beans Guy) Crash

If you hit Ragtime giffi enough times with beans the game crashes.

Bendy 64

In one of the indents with sheving inside there is a Bendy 64 cartridge at the very bottom.

Podium Lights

Some Lights on the podium turned red, we currently assume, that they show our progress.

  • First Version: 2 Red, 1 White, 1 Red, 4 White
  • Second Version: 1 Red 7 White
  • Third Version: 1 White 7 Red
  • Current Version: 3 White 5 Red

Archway Titles

The Archway can randomly display one of six titles:

  • Reel Life
  • Illusion
  • Remember
  • Conceal
  • Discover
  • Regrets


If you click on the box 414 it flies up magically and falls down again.

Bendy Bin (Removed)

Feed the bin in the center of the stage about ten cans and it will start spewing popcorn.


If you open the cinema, clench all three Hands(1. Screen room, 2. Main room indent, 3. Cinema), destroy the popcorn sign, eat exactly 25 bacon soups (NOT BEANS) and then throw a can at the little devil darling poster in the cinema you get to a rave. If you do it in this order it always works.

Loop Arrow

Directly behind spawn there is an arrow, if you follow it you will end up back at the start.


There are two Coffins stacked up next to the drawing board. Earlier there was one and even earlier none.

Summoning Room

A room with a summoning circle on the floor is at the very end of the starting corridor.

Roaches (Not the Song)

There are squishable roaches all around the starting corridor and since the recent update there are also some on the podium.

Machine and Chair (Removed)

In the second update they added a chair to the podium in the middle. In the third update they replaced it with a weird machine.


  • Target Lights
  • Podium Lights

Archived Versions


Simply download the File then replace it with your Downloaded game, if you try to open the game as it is then it will just open the game on steam.

So extract the .rar file in:

  • C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common

List (Versions are in Order)

Full Playthrough

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2154 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.


  1. Hey, your character burps loudly when they eat the golden bacon soup. I didn’t know I had the gold bacon soup until I accidentally discovered it, which is why I was so afraid when I tried to recreate it today. Anyhow, perhaps you guys can utilize that for something.

  2. Using the enormous costume, the ink demon jumpscare was set off, but it kept going back until it crashed.

  3. When I went outside with the gold can, I attempted to throw it at the side window, but it was unsuccessful. Instead, it fell onto something that was invisible above the coffins.

  4. You will receive the ink demon jump scare if you break every bendy cutout, including the one in the summoning room.

  5. I am aware that, at least up until now, destroying all of the bendy cutouts inside causes a bendy jumpscare; however, since there is currently a new, unfinished one at the pentagram, I’m not sure.

    • Mannequin Bendy will appear at the beginning when the ghost appears, and we can toss him a shining can. There, you can use it and observe the results.

  6. I’m not sure if this has been brought up before, but I’m fairly certain that the Peek-a-boo Bendy effect always happens when you approach the door with the two glowing windows and then look at the rectangular opening that appears. It’s not just a coincidence.

  7. Moreover, transform every character in the TV room—aside from Bendy—into their evil forms to see a fresh picture.

  8. In addition to the new summoning room, there are still the three hands that we can interact with; who knows, perhaps the hands will eventually protrude through the roof as well.

  9. As the pentagram continues to be refined with each new update, I believe it to be the main attraction at the moment. However, I have a feeling that the golden soup may also have a role in it.

  10. Two coffins beside the house, two pentagram symbols in a hidden chamber to the right of Gaskette’s spawn point, and the movable Bendy Mascot Costume

  11. I believe that the ability to keep the golden can after touching bendy is accidental, and that the correct method to unlock the eighth target is to touch bendy four times with a golden can to restart the game. After that, an outside can appears that can be used to hit the target. I believe that the most likely reason hitting every target is ineffective is that either A) we don’t know which order to hit them in, or B) we don’t know which combination of targets we should activate and which we shouldn’t. It is necessary to look into what other uses there might be for the can in addition to the fact that certain things can change depending on how many times you restart in a particular manner. My assumption—which still needs to be verified—is that the can spawns when you restart using the previously described method four times.

  12. There’s a can of beans out in the abyss that I can pick up; I have two cans out here. I just did the thing where you touch a golden can to bendy and get sent back to the beginning, I think four times in a row.

  13. The can will remain in your hand as you are transported back to the starting point if you follow Jill’s instructions and toss the golden soup at the costume. This will enable you to toss the can inside the pipe and strike the target.
    Sadly, it doesn’t seem to accomplish anything.

  14. The bendy costume vanishes in a cloud of smoke if you throw a golden bacon soup at it, and you are returned to the start.

  15. The new space next to the taxi’s appearance. Unconfirmed, but I believe you have to finish the taxi section before you can unlock it. On the floor in front of him is a diagram and another Bendy cutout. The floor diagram in front of the recently installed Bendy cutout seems like it could contain a hint about the target location in the hallway. instructs you on which way to face and where to stand in order to see the target in the pipe. But there are still no tins to toss! The new area might not matter because we already knew where the target was.

  16. -A coffin that was not there before has appeared outside the house.
    -On the first hallway upon entering the home, a new room has become available. It only has some weird drawings and a curved cutout.
    -When you’re not looking at it, the “fake” bendy follows you and when it gets close, whispers to you.
    So far, that’s all I’ve found.

  17. There is a target in one of the ceiling pipes in the room where the taxi is chasing you; you can spin it, but I’m not sure how to hit it with a can.

  18. Hey, if you interact with the Riley door before smashing the windows, Little Bendy peeks through the window by the screen room! If you enter the theater and exit without interacting with the Riley door first, he appears in the window next to the can dispenser!

  19. Something occurred to me. Is it possible to phase a can through the locked front door? It has the ability to phase through objects.

  20. I’m going to attempt to open the door with a can and then I’m going to die from bendy. I’m hoping that when I respawn, the can will be in the hallway.

  21. I’ve tried several times to locate the can, but I seem to recall something about it appearing outside (other than the one that is impossible to grab). I’m wondering if the uncommon “regrets” title has anything to do with it. such as when “regrets” appear, the can might appear.

  22. Have we attempted to launch the Bendy 3 teaser on the screen? It could cause the environment to change in some way. Similar to the Projectionist cry for Easter eggs

  23. Not reading through EVERY comment, so I’m not sure if this has been mentioned, but the red lights spell out CAGE
    3 = C.
    1 = A.
    7 = G.
    5 = E.

  24. There are two pipes hanging on the ceiling in the hallway where you first enter, but I haven’t seen anyone mention this yet. One of those twisty turn buttons (lights?) like the ones in the main room (the one with the bendy face platform in the middle) can be found in the last pipe of the two. It can be turned even through the pipe, but as of right now, no can can get into this area, so I haven’t found any other uses for it. Although I would think the ones in the main room would have a purpose, I have also not discovered what it is. Does anyone know where I can find a can in the hallway or what I could use this for? Maybe it’s for a later release, but I wanted to make sure everyone was aware of it.

  25. Quickly checked inside. Nothing is different that i can see in the house. Haven’t checked the door to the main story. Has anyone found the can for the target outside the main room.

    Ps: I realized that I did not say this, but in the update before the condemning, you could avoid the car when it tries to ram you. Just go to the side of the wall. It seems to do nothing, but maybe there is something I missed

  26. Okay, so I had a few theories. consuming an abundance of golden soup in front of the door to cause it to open or in front of the other man to entice him to leave. or they remain after performing the gentle finish so you can position them close to the door and grab it before pressing the trigger to close it.

  27. additionally, the banner returned to escape your cage; this may be a problem on my end.

  28. curent lights. 3red 2white 1red 2white. no couch or chair. i missed e few things cause of sleep and school

  29. I just realized something I discovered while freeclimbing. I’m not sure why there was a number behind the theater screen when the game was playable because it didn’t seem to do anything. The numbers were 1 0 0 1 in the first update (Og release) and 0 0 1 0 in the update with the bendy bin. I don’t know why these numbers were there, and it seems like we’ll never know.

  30. One thing I noticed was that Ragtime Giffi was sitting on the porch wheelchair the next time I visited the beginning house, possibly unrelated to the fact that I destroyed the bendy cutouts and got jumpscared.

  31. In essence, I launched the Steam console, typed download_depot 622630 622631 596625844022165795, and all of the game’s prior files were downloaded. You then had to replace the files in the upgraded version with the ones you obtained from that command, and presto!

  32. It appears that even when started from another location, the game launches the one in the common folder, so I may be mistaken in thinking you need to replace all of the game files with the downloaded ones for it to function.

  33. Regarding the boarded-up house, I have some ideas, one of which is an Easter Egg.

    First of all, the house is walled up just like the Ink Machine Room was in BatIM’s first chapter.

    2: A humming that wasn’t there before is coming from inside the house.

    2a: This makes me believe that, for whatever reason, the Ink Machine is currently housed in the house.

    3. The fact that lightning missed the house may indicate how the Machine’s complete presence has now controlled the Loop.

    4. The chairs are moving around like they are, and I don’t know why other than that they are possessed.

  34. I discovered that the machine produces luminous yellow cans of bacon soup. If you consume the glowing cans, you will burp like a goat.

  35. We are so close to solving that targets puzzle because we finally located a can outside. The can was being bonded to the table, and the house was closed up.

  36. I’m positive that the game is about that soup machine because it’s the first screenshot in the game description and it shows up in the teaser, and there hasn’t even been a hint of the ink machine yet.

  37. In order to enter the rave, you must consume 25 cans of bacon soup (bean cans, I believe, don’t count), and other people have told me that there is also a deadline for arriving at the rave after consuming the cans. As for the golden soup, some people—including myself—have already heard of it.

  38. Seems like the only major mystery left is the targets. 2 in the cinema. 5 in the podium area and 1 in the entrance hallway (8 in total). If they’re like the TV targets then you need to throw a tin at them rather then just touch them, but there doesn’t seem to be any way to get a tin out to the entrance hallway (door locks when you enter the podium area).

  39. If you destroy a number of bendy cutouts, you get a line from Alice saying “He hates it when I do that!”

  40. I really think the machine the game is talking about is that soup machine and not the ink machine. The description of the game says something along the lines of “subject #(some numbers which say machine in some way i think) property of Gent corporation. Do not touch or interact” and almost everything in the game has to do with the cans which come out of this machine which we interact with.

  41. BOYS, BOYS, BOYS!!! I just confirmed one guy’s theory! I was told that there is a hole near the entrance to the hall with a riddle with a monitor and game characters, little Bendy can crawl out of it! I just turned there and out of the corner of my eye I saw something hiding its head there!!!

  42. I think that projector easter egg was there before the most recent update, these podium lights must be about something else new then if there is only one white light leading right to this teaser room… That window where a bendy cutout can appear might be connected to what we need to find now.

  43. maybe theres a chance the can is gold, and another the can is beanz. maybe theres a small chance theres golden beans

  44. Something I’ve noticed is that when doing the Norman Polk EE it seems as if you control it as if you turn the light follows

  45. I just noticed when you activate that white light in the teaser room you have a screen effect for a few seconds and the sound which the projectionist makes plays, maybe he will return in the next game perhaps? Also the only white light is in the direction to the teaser room probably to guide you to this new easter egg.

  46. Specifically if you break 4 you get the voiceline after you broke all 15 from BATIM chapter 3

  47. maybe the real way to turn the last light red was the friends we made along the way

  48. i got something (duno if it is an update) where all but one light was red, with the text being replaced with “Happy 414”

  49. Guys, I found a secret. I don’t know how, but when I was eating beans, I got beans with bacon that glow.

  50. i got a fucking long shot, putting 414 cans of soup or hickory smoked beanz on the bendy pedestal in the middle

  51. I know I searched about everywhere that you can access outside and I can’t find it I think they could’ve gotten confused with the can of beans in the teaser room.

  52. You have to make everyone except for bendy their evil forms and then the eye will glow

  53. In the room with the teasers there is an eye above the door which glows, chuck a can at it causes something to happen

  54. Also, if you throw a can about 10 times at an old man standing near the entrance to the theater, he will disappear and the game will crash

  55. the chair is gone replaced by a couch on the left side, all lights except 1 are red, the escape your cage banner has been channged to happy 414, everytime the beans guy is in the wheelchair outside the house theres a can of beans you can collect. i havent noticed anything else though.

  56. Thats the tally marks on the wall correct aka the amount of times Henry went through his loop

  57. Also something to note is that the wheelchair has been steadily moving away from its original position

  58. By the way, most lights have been reset back to red, it seems there’ll be a new batch to look out for

  59. The “Escape Your Cage” poster has changed to “Happy 414”, there’s now a golden bacon soup that makes you burp

  60. The moving chair is to the left of the building pretty close and the podium lights are all red except for one which is still white now.

    • (okay the chair is replaced with a couch didn’t notice the difference) but that bendy bin on the podium is gone too now!

  61. I don’t know if this is important but the bendy cutout and the beans can in the teaser room have switched sides

  62. There’s also eight lights on the podium. Hitting all the targets when they are all available might change the lights on that, and the “cagedevice” could rise from that podium.

    • no i dont think hitting all of them brings it up. i did it before it didnt do it. as well as if it needs a soupcan it cant be done as one is outside

  63. My guess with the red and white lights in the center podium is meant for updates, like how there’s only one red light so there may only be one update left

  64. theres another target hidden in the hallway area with the bugs, theyre presumably gonna activate something but we dont have access to the hidden one yet

  65. considering Joey stole bendy from Henry, i think he stole Gaskette from Riley and fired her. (Gaskette is the car from Bendys Nightmare Run, and the one we get run over by)

    • Might be but henry left the company to spend more time with his family and joey only was like:”bendy is my character”. he never threw him out, so i think Gent tried to get joey back for not paying his rent(in the books it is explained that the ink machine is rented) and refusing to give back the ink machine. They probavly made their own cartoons and brought them to life.

    • also on the wall in the hallway with the bugs there’s a japenese symbol that means “evil”

  66. If you turn around at the start where the arch is there is an arrow drawn in the ink

  67. When you enter the video room, throw a can just at the girl target on the bottom left. Now turn around and a light turns on just above the entry door. Throw a can and something lights up in your back, like some stobe lights.

  68. You can only see the rave once any attempts afterwards don’t work. You can still break the poster, but not see the rave. Plus it’s making my PC overheat too

  69. yall see the lights that spin when you hit them, there is one in the overhead pipes before you enter the main games rooms

  70. apperantly feeding the trashcan 10 more after it starts spewing popcorn makes it launch it out faster

  71. I’ve found a can of beans on the floor outside the house (between the archway and the house) twice now. When you pick it up it just disappears though. Not sure why it appeared. Possibly related to the Ragtime Giffi poster.

  72. sometimes the beans guy can spawn on the chair outside the thing with all the storms and stuff

  73. There are also 2 hidden holes you can throw cans in i found, one is right next to the can dispenser and the other is towards the tv room

  74. Bendy from BATDR also appears (the small cute one) in behind the walls in the main room, can’t figure out what triggers him though

  75. With the lights thing, i think its a timer saying how close were to The Cage game release, cause since i started playing, some of the lights are already red

  76. I’d like to say that the text on the arch doesn’t just change to “Regrets”. There are currently five other variations, namely:
    1. Illision
    2. Conceal
    3. Discover
    4. Remember
    5. Reel life

  77. You have to eat exactly 25 cans of Bacon Soup, then take a can of beans to destroy the poster with the bendy hand in the cinema

  78. i think you have to break the poster with bendys hand before breaking the popcorn to get the rave

  79. the first peice of paper that you draw the car on is in different spots each time ive played

  80. i just found in the cinema if you break one of the posters (dont remember which one) a hole appears and if you look through it, you get a rave with ink creatures

    • Fyl we haven’t figured out what they do yet either, but there is another one in the entry corridor at the very end in a pipe below the ceiling

  81. There’s 5 targets in the middle room and 2 in the cinema, so I assume they also do something but I don’t know what that is

  82. I feel like the dots circling the podium in the middle room can lead to something, since some lights are red and others are white. Not sure what it means yet though

  83. I barely see anyone talk about the little Easter Egg of the Bendy 64 game cartridge. You can find it to the left before entering the code room.

  84. this will not help you but you can stand in the little out crop things where the hall doors usally are that lead to the main rooms to avoid the taxi, you still have to die but you can get a good look at it

  85. also idk if it was there before but now there is an arrow point away from the build and its right under you when you spawn but it just leads to another building with the same arch name

  86. has any one been to “reel life” its replaces “remember” cus ive been there once and i cant get back

    • reel life is the standard, there is a random chance for illusion to replace it and it will be replaced by conceal after you get ran over

  87. if you click the mystery box 414 times it does an animation like its about to open and then falls down with a fart noise

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