Guide to Get 6+ Red Tactics
By Tedd Rex

Step 1: Inherit Red Tactics** from your Evotypes when you start a run.
Note: Only Specific Red Tactics will work. Which Red Tactics you inherit will matter, as only a select few can enable 6+ Red Tactic builds. You will see below.
Step 2: Start a run.
Step 3: Acquiring Tactics as you play. Which Tactics that you ultimately select during your run (and specifically, in what order) will determine if you can get 6+ Red Tactics in a run. If you mess up the order, you will miss the opportunity(s) to activate/unlock Red Tactics.
The remainder of this Post will be talking about which Tactics to get and why.
First, let’s talk about How exactly the Red Tactics work.
Be default (without inheriting), builds cannot acquire more than 5 Red Tactics in a run. To go beyond this “soft cap” of 5 Reds, you have to Unlock your Inherited Tactics. (Notice I use the word “Unlock” rather than “Activate”. More below).
Take a look at the picture below:
Sustained Radiance says
Unlock Requirements
- This Legacy Tactic is unlocked once you have obtained the following Tactics.
- Legacy Flash / Summon Radiance

So what that means is that once you have acquired Legacy Flash AND Summon Radiance, then Sustained Radiance will Unlock.
Now, here’s the catch:
Sustained Radiance takes up the “Legacy” Slot. Meaning, if you have no Red Tactic currently enabled in your Legacy Slot (Red Tactic), and then if you acquire:
- Legacy Flash AND Summon Radiance
Then you will automatically fill your Legacy Slot (Red Tactic) with Sustained Radiance.
Now, being aware of this mechanic, let’s ask ourselves this: What if I fill the Legacy Slot (Red Tactic) BEFORE I unlock Sustained Radiance (which will fill the Legacy Slot (Red Tactic)?
Ba dum tss.
- That’s the crux for getting 6+ Red Tactics in the game.
- The method of acquiring 6+ Red Tactics is first filling in your Slots with Reds BEFORE you Unlock your Inherited Tactics.
- And this is where order comes into play. See below.
Look at this example of how to acquire 7 Light Tactics:

- For this build, we Inherit Supreme Mark, Sustained Radiance, and Radiance Pull.
- Then as you play through a run, we follow the “Unlock Order.”
- As you can see, we must unlock Light Spear Lightwave and Flash Light Spear BEFORE we can acquire Radiance. If we unlock Radiance and/or Holy Dash too soon, we will eventually automatically unlock any of our Inherited Tactics before we can fill our Red Tactic slots.
In this case, if we unlock Radiance, then we will auto-unlock Radiance Pull, as it only requires Radiance to unlock as an Inherited Tactic. That’s no biggy, right?
But take a look at Sustained Radiance.
- It requires Legacy Flash + Radiance to unlock. If you somehow get Legacy Flash after you acquire Radiance, then you will automatically unlock Sustained Radiance, which will take up the Legacy Slot (Red Tactic). But if that happens, then we obviously can no longer activate Flash Light Spear, since it would also take up the Legacy Slot.
- So in this case, we need to activate Flash Light Spear before Sustained Radiance can unlock.
- Same for Supreme Mark. It requires Lightwave + Holy Dash to unlock. But we wait to activate Lightwave Fast Charging before we unlock Supreme Mark, since taking Holy Dash would automatically unlock Supreme Mark — if we have already acquired Lightwave.
But yeah, that’s basically the whole strategy.
Now of course, part of this strategy is knowing how exactly Inherited Red Tactics are unlocked (ex: If it requires Tactic A, or Tactic A + Tactic B, or Tactic C, etc etc.) and which Slot it will fill when unlocked.
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