Capybara Go! – F2P Whisperer Guide

Whisperer Guide

By arUwUla.

This guide will ideally only look to establish a legendary+2 whisperer & all calculations & considerations have been done with the 35% weapon crit in mind.

Because of the nature of F2P, you are going to have to take a 6-week period where you ideally look to set your account up with the resources required to kick start a build.

In this 6-week period you will be offered 6 capygacha rotations. Each one of these rotations will offer you a total of 35 coins. Meaning in that 6-week period you can amass 210 coins from gacha challenges alone.

  • Dungeon dive will be providing the additional gacha coins needed to hit the 500.
  • During this 6 week period because we are going to need to compete for dark moon tickets.

It is strongly advised, you save all resources needed for leader board growth events. Only competing when you have a massive surplus because it can be potentially hard to place if your server has a lot of spending players and we are going to need at least 20 for Laputa.

You are going to need to collectively spend 160,920 gems into the angel bow rotation. Doing this is going to amass 3 pity chests as well as roll the internal pity timer of the rotation itself 9 times, potentially rewarding us with Judgment ring, Bloody grail or Dragon Breath Armour.

Make sure that once you have amassed 3 pity chests, you do not spend them on anything other than Whisperers. After spending all 3 of your chests you should be able to merge 3 for a legendary whisperer.

Equip yourself with Whisperer, Dragon Breath Armour, Judgment Ring, Guardian Ring, Bloody Grail, Bloody Grail.

Every 10 dungeon dive floors you are going to receive 20 gacha coins. To hit the internal pity timer for the capy gacha event you are going to need to clear 150 floors. This will reward you with 300 gacha tokens meaning in total you should now have 510.

Note: Because this guide is written for maximum efficiency due to the nature of F2P, we will be making certain decisions that wouldn’t be made by a dolphin or high spending player. For instance, anyone with 1000 gacha coins at this moment, should pick up Diego with Sphinx rather than the Luminous Dragon mount. However, F2P simply will not be able to generate the gacha coins & has to utilize luminous dragon.

  • Spend your 500 gacha coins on the capy gacha & claim luminous dragon with your 5 coins.
  • (Dolphins & high spending players would spend 1000 & claim Diego & Sphinx).

Equip Unicorn, Slime king, Elsa. (If you do not have access to Elsa then use Purple Demon Fox or in cases of poor survivability Elle.

You now return to the event saving guide whilst making sure you only participate in growth events you know you can place in whilst enjoying the game.

During this time you should be looking to spend another 107,000 gems into the angel bow rotation so that you can merge Legendary Dragon Breath Armour, Spending exactly this amount will ensure 2 pity chests whilst rolling the internal pity timer 6 times.

  • At the end of your spending should you have acquired a Legendary Dragon Breath Armour from your internal pity timers, you should be looking to upgrade 1 Bloody Grail to Legendary.
  • At this point, you should have 20 Dark moon Gold tickets to spend on Laputa as well as 30 Dark moon Silver tickets to spend on Kong.
  • Laputa is going to give us an 10% combo rate passive & Kong 10% counter rate passive.

When you hit hero, You are specifically going to level the Scout tree. The reason is because Insignias & Brands by extension put a hard constraint on books. The Harpy & Sharp Rogue Brand both require Ghost books. Judgement reaper Murlock require Skeleton. Knight of the end requires Knight. Meaning the only books, you are going to be able to amass & not want to spend in other areas are Ranger ones.

You can now spend whatever gems you generate into wishing looking for the below Insignias & Brands. (Note that Knight of the End should always be picked first when opening a Hero Brand Chest.


Your gear should now look like this:

  1. Whisperer +2, Dragon Breath Armour +2.
  2. Judgement ring +2, Guardian Ring +2.
  3. Bloody Grail +2, Bloody Grail +2.
  4. Luminous Dragon.
  5. Judgement Reaper. Knight of the end.
  6. Murlock. Harpy. Sharp Rogue (Unlocks at 61). Green Slime. (Unlocks at Chapter 81).

Prior to New world you shouldn’t need anti heal much. However if you do simply rotate Sharp Rogue for Green Slime as Rogues DPS output is terrible until it reaches Mythic rank & is used in unison with the Skyflame Ring.

I will now run you through the numbers of your gear briefly to help you understand what to pick on a travel as well as point you at some choices which will maximise DPS.

  • The Legendary +2 Whisperer is providing 35% Weapon crit, Weapon crit for all intents and purposes functions as Basic Attack & Rage move Crit%.
  • The Unicorn pet we have provides an 8.5% Crit Rate per round stacking up to 25.5%.
  • The Luminous Dragon Mount is providing 3% Crit rate per round stacking up to 15%. Accumulatively this leaves us with 35% missing Crit Rate.
  • After levelling the first node on the Scout tree you will now have an additional 10% Weapon Crit. This means that when in a travel, if we Select Crit Mastery, Our Basic attack & Rage skills should all have 100% Crit rate.
  • Do note that Weapon Crit doesn’t directly affect the daggers thrown because of the crits & you will need to find additional Skill Crit for that.

At this point you are basically free to enjoy the game, If you have any other questions DM me but making sure to still follow the events saving rules established before & congrats on remaining F2P.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3754 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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