Cemetery Mary – 100% Walkthrough Guide (with All Routes and Endings)

All Endings Guide

Before You Start

The prologue choices aren’t that necessary (ex. for a couple of them), you just need them to get the desired route. They don’t give you “relationship points” or something important for the main story and don’t affect the outcome. Though they give you points to start a correct route, the amount doesn’t really matter. For example, if you want to read the Crowven Route but also want to hang out with other characters a bit, you just need to make sure Crow’s “start points” are higher than Twy’s and Reggie’s.

You need at least 11 points for each good ending (to get the bad endings, plainly do everything vice versa, after you start the desired route). The choices for the True Ending are underlined (9 “true points” for Twy’s and Crow’s routes and 10 points for Reggie’s route).

I’d strictly recommend you to try to finish the game by yourself at least once, but well, if you’re already here and reading that, I guess it’s not an option for you, so let’s get started already.

Crowven Route

  1. Go to bed. (+1)
  2. “Will you tell me who you are?”
  3. The café (or you can hang out with Reginald and choose “Oh, just the boy I live with…”).
  4. “If she’s that bad, I’ll watch my back…”
  5. “Who you really are.”
  6. “Not today, I’m not hungry!”
  7. The time we had a Halloween party.
  8. Call Mystery Number–Was that you?
  9. Call Crowven–He’s family, he’ll know what to do!
  10. Win the arcade (+1, you need at least two correct options on that one):
  11. “Can you tell me who you are now, then?”
  12. “I’ve heard such great things about you!” (+1)
  13. “If you say so.” (+1)
  14. He doesn’t mean it. (+1)
  15. Refuse Twyla’s offer. (+1)
  16. “Is it because you’re scared?”
  17. “Yes.” (+1)
  18. “There’s families here!”
  19. “No, today was harder than normal.”
  20. “Okay, I’ll come with.” (+1)
  21. Walk away. (+1)
  22. “Do you know who I’m with?”
  23. “…” (+1)
  24. “What do you remember happening before this?” (+1)
  25. “I’m not cut out for this.” (+1)
  26. “Theo would’ve wanted you here.” (+1)
  27. “How did you feel?”
  28. “Everything does suck.” (+1)
  29. “How can I help?” (+1)
  30. “I just want to help you.” (+1)
  31. “It gets better.” (+1)
  32. “How can you make it better?”
  33. Call Mystery Number.
  34. Call Reginald.
  35. Watch a murder mystery movie.

    Enjoy your ending!

Twyla Route

  1. “Will you tell me who you are?”
  2. The library (or hang out with Crow if you want, and answer: “I want to be her friend…”).
  3. “I’ll try to distance myself from him.”
  4. “Who you really are.”
  5. “I’m meeting with a friend for breakfast!”
  6. My 13th birthday.
  7. Call Mystery Number–Was that you?
  8. Call Twyla–Could it have been the killer?
  9. “I guess you have a point…” (+1)
  10. Don’t keep Twy waiting for too long, i.e. don’t let the sailor book seller show his scrapbook to Mary. (+1) However, you can sacrifice that choice (if you do everything according to the guide, you’ll still have plenty of them) to become a bit closer to the True Ending: “I just wanted to say hi” / “Do you sell anything other than books here?” -> “That won’t be necessary” -> “I’ve got time!” But again, if you do everything according to my guide, you’ll still have enough of “true points” too, so it’s entirely up to you.
  11. “I suppose.” (+1)
  12. Stay silent.
  13. Lie x 3. (+3) If you are honest with her, you’ll get nothing but a bit different dialogue about “it certainly helps me a lot.” It has no impact on the story. If you’re interested, I’d recommend you to save here, check out the “honest dialogue” and then reload.
  14. “Telling me who you are.”
  15. “I’ll be at the cemetery by then, surely.” (+1)
  16. Handle the situation without her. (+1)
  17. “We don’t know each other.”
  18. “How did she die?” (+1)
  19. “There was an emergency today.”
  20. “Analysis?” (+1)
  21. It has to be here. (+1)
  22. “Do you believe in ghosts?”
  23. “You bring up a good point…” (+1)
  24. Girl. (+1)
  25. “I want to believe Twyla is a good person.” (+1)
  26. Go with Twyla. (+1)
  27. “Building a birdhouse.” (+1)
  28. “Well, no, but…” (+1)
  29. “Good night.”
  30. Pretend to do it. (+1)
  31. “And will I see you?”
  32. Call Mystery Number.
  33. “Life cut short.” (+1)

Enjoy your ending!

Reginald Route

  1. “Will you tell me who you are?”
  2. Be honest–a shoujo. (+1)
  3. The cemetery (if you want, you may hang out with Twyla instead and choose “Twyla, you’re definitely overreacting…”).
  4. “He’s my cousin.”
  5. “Who you really are.”
  6. “I’m just gonna pick up something while I’m out!”
  7. The married couple that came in…
  8. Call Mystery Number–Was that you?
  9. Call Reginald–He’s close by.
  10. Grab the correct items: Antifreeze, Axe, Rat poison, and Measuring tape. (+2) Don’t touch unlisted items.
  11. “I noticed you bought an axe.” (+1)
  12. “Why not?”
  13. “Are you trapped?”
  14. “Are you sure?” (+1)
  15. “I’m Reginald’s girlfriend!” (+1)
  16. “Can I lay down at your place?” (+1)
  17. “I’m scared you’ll stop responding.”
  18. “I’ll be okay.” (+1)
  19. “I will.”
  20. “If someone is trying to contact me?” (+1)
  21. “Are you still coming for me?”
  22. “Please don’t yell…” (+1)
  23. Reginald has to bring Mary an umbrella. (+1) There are a few ways to get this:
    “She’s right to be angry at me” -> “It was my fault.”
    “You know Twyla?” -> “But I still messed up” -> “But what do I do now?”
    “It’s my fault” -> “Please don’t…”
  24. “Caught in the rain?”
  25. “Why did you choose to come after me?”
  26. “Do you think I’m weird?” (+1)
  27. “I’ve always lived here.” (+1)
  28. “How can I trust someone like you?”
  29. “Do you not like living there?” (+1)
  30. “The manta ray” / “The pufferfish.” (+1)
  31. “It’s better than nothing.” (+1)
  32. “You’re my best friend.” (+1)
  33. Call Mystery Number.
  34. Watch a murder mystery / horror / romantic comedy movie. (+1)
  35. DUCK.

Enjoy your ending!

Thank You!

This visual novel is really worth the time I spent reading it, and I hope you’ll see it this way too.

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2154 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

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