CivIdle – Early Game Guide

Learning the first steps and tricks in Cividle.

First Steps Tips

Short Keys

In options → shortcut add two keys for upgrading to the next 10 and for deleting a building.

  • Also with the middle mouse button you can put down the momentary selected building where you click.


Giving your buildings and resources colors will help you to see them fast on the map.

Understanding Rebirth

The great people that you recruite will “stay” after the next run. To be exactly it will increase the exp level of the great people, after rebirth.

You get for the first unlocked age 1 (Bronze Age) the next gives you 2 (iron Age) than 3 (classical Age) extra Great people at rebirth isn’t important. So aiming for it isn’t the best.

Setting Priority and Stockpile

Changing the priority to 10 for houses and to 8 for wheat farms are recommended, so that if you come into labor shortage, it don’t mess with your workforce.

Stockpile input should be set to 2x for all buildings and the housing Stockpile to 50x (max for every building that only consume and don’t produce).


Happiness increase your workforce, so less buldings are sometimes better than haveing tons of buldings.

Happiness vs houses

  • 10 houses with 10 happiness bring you around 12 workforce
  • 20 houses with 0 happiness = 20 workforce
  • 30 houses with -10 happiness = 24 workforce
  • 40 houses with – 20 happiness = 24 workforce (you probably don’t have enough aqueducts and the workforce now starts dropping with every new house)

Hut, House and Apartment

  • Huts are for the beginning nice because you don’t have to deliver food to it. At later game they are only good for exploration or destruction.
  • House is you main gain for worker.
  • Apartment sounds at the beginning nice, but because there isn’t a Great person (so fare as i have seen it) that it is increasing it, so it’s not so good as a house.

Building Upgrade Path and where to Build It

  • Short travel path (max 4fild distance) is good and you don’t come into resource problems because of path length.
  • The first buildings that you build should be upgraded to 5 or 6 (remember you need stone and wood for upgrade).
  • After that build all buildings that you want and all Buildings should be level 10.
  • Than upgrade first 2 buildings to level 20, than 3 to 20, 5 to 20, 7 to 20, 11 to 20, 16 to 20, the rest to 20.
  • Brickworks, Wheat farms and houses can be upgraded outside of the other upgrade face. Houses takes long and brickworks are needed for house upgrade.
  • Having your refinement buildings around different mines will help also.

Great Persons

Most important to less important persons:

  • Idle People to Research
  • Bussy people to reserach
  • Hut increases
  • Happiness
  • Wood/stone/water/wheat
  • Buldings that you use
  • Rest (increase of research if more than 50% of people are bussy)

When to Rebirth and what to Build and Research for It

If you go for example go for reaching the first middle Age Research before rebirth, I recommend only to research Classical Age (the previous Age) research only that what you need. (the upper path is in the most Ages the shortest)

When to change your max Age for the next one?

When your runtime is lower than what you want spend on one run. For active player if you need less than a hour to clear than I suggest to change to the next Age.

You will need than 4 to 6 times longer to reach it as the momentary one.

All building numbers are suggestion. If you mean i added to many buildings of one kind in. Just reduce it.

Classical Age

Reaching Classical Age is the first rebirth age that you should aim for.

Buildings (all level 10):

  • 3 huts for safety, if you mess up
  • Around 10 wood and/or stone buildings
  • 10 houses
  • 5 aqueduct
  • 4 Brickworks
  • 2 lumbermils
  • 4 to 6 wheatfarms

After you have all buildings start exploring the map for the 2 natural wonders.

Middle Age

Buldings (all level 20):

  • Around 12 wood and/or stone buildings
  • 20 houses
  • 8 aqueduct
  • 6 Brickworks
  • 4 lumbermils
  • 6 wheatfarms
  • 2 copper mines
  • 5 iron mines
  • 3 iron forges
  • 1 for eath resource for bulding the wonders that you can build

After you leveled all/most of your building up to level 20 build the wonders and than search for the 2 natural wonders.

Renaissance Age

  • Around 15 wood and/or stone buildings
  • 30 houses
  • 10 aqueduct (properly more if you reached level 20 with all of your houses)
  • 6 Brickworks
  • 4 lumbermils
  • 12 wheatfarms
  • 2 copper mines
  • 5 iron mines
  • 3 iron forges
  • 1 for earth resource for building the wonders that you can build.
Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2274 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.


  1. Re: Apartments. While it is true that there are no GP that increase the output of apartments, they do get to benefit from a chain of GP on their inputs.

    Playing around with spreadsheets, the ‘break even’ point for houses and apartments is around GP level 16/17, by which point the main argument against apartments is that they are overkill

    • There is also the suplly line, that you have to take into consideration.
      1 house take 1 water, 1 wheat farms
      1 aparment 1 chesse maker, 2 lifestock farm, 2wheat farms 1 flourmill, 1 bakery, 1 water. = 6 support buldings.
      that mean 2 houses = 4 support buldings vs 1 aparment 8 support buldings (that is the rotation that i have)
      Not a good idear, if you want rusch through the ages.

      • you aren’t just building 2 house versus 1 apartment. You are building 13 houses to match 1 apartment pre GP, so 26 support structures versus 8.

        After GP the numbers start going down for both, but houses don’t get to the same numbers as apartments for a long time.

        I do accept however that given where apartments are on the tech tree, they aren’t worth bothering with until you are pushing renaissance.

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