Cobalt Core – Guide to Easy Setup for Defeating Cleo

1 Card and 2 Artifacts will guarantee this achievement for you.

Easy Setup for Defeating Cleo


Pretty simple. Cleo has 40 Hull and 10 Shield. His cannon attacks deal a total of 42 damage on the first turn. Bring Peri and Max, and focus on getting a Parry card.

Your two artifacts to find are Piercer and Lightspeed Boot Disk. Apply the Buoyant effect from the Boot Disk artifact onto Parry.

Going into the Cleo fight, you will top-deck Parry, and one-shot Cleo with a piercing Parry.

Neither artifact is completely necessary because of how much Parry will carry the fight, but having all of these will guarantee a kill. The earlier the better, as he will eventually switch to firing a total of 11 seeker missiles at once, making any stalling extremely difficult.

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2154 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.


  1. If you can’t get buoyant or piercer it’s worth taking cards that negate an opponent’s turn (Dizzy has EMP Charge and Drake has a similar one). I won by having a heavy card draw deck with some energy boosting cards/artifacts. I went for Parry B instead of A so that if I drew it before I was ready for a kill (or didn’t have 3 energy), I’d still be able to keep it in my hand.

  2. Also had an easy run in the Ares ship.
    Didn’t find the Lightspeed Boot Disk and my deck was big,
    but I found the event that duplicates a card a bunch of times made drawing Parry way easier.

  3. if you do somehow survive till the seeker missile phase, make sure to bring missile malware to turn the seeker missiles against cleo

  4. I beat him without taking any damage with an infinite combo using Books and Riggs. This combo also cleared all fights once I discovered it.

    Core cards for combo:
    Crystal Shard + Magi-Battery + Draw Shot/Quick Thinking + Overflowing Power

    Basically, thin your deck enough where you are always drawing Crystal Shards when you cycle your deck. I managed to do this by getting an early Jettison Hatch artifact. I don’t think Overflowing Power is necessary, but it sped the combo up.

    “Unpolished Crystal A”, Books’ Grimoire artifact and Riggs’ Quickdraw artifact helped with turn 1 consistency. I also had Riggs’ Flywheel artifact which helped.

  5. I managed to beat him by using the card that makes whatever part you shoot brittle, then using parry on it. Got lucky with my card draw and dealt a crisp 84 damage on the very first turn, killing him instantly.

  6. That should work! I did something similar to this yesterday on my first time with the Ares ship. Drew a Parry and Extra Battery cards in my first hand, turned on the second cannon, and it was over immediately. It was definitely a “wow did that just happen?” moment

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