Critter Cove – Fishing Guide (Lures, Locations and More)

Locations and Lures

Hotter tropics

  • Green Spinner lure – batfish & FlipFlop
  • Red duster lure – fancy tail chomper & Flipflop
  • Butterfly lure – whiptail eel
  • Razorback lure – razertooth

Boomerang bay

  • Butterfly lure – flipflop

Five Crab Island (Within the islands, not into the ocean)

  • No Hook – Pizza Fish, Squidlette, Opapus
  • Red Duster Lure – Golden Snarf
  • Butterfly Lure – Razortooth

Locations Info

Location: Critter Cove

  • Approximate percentages, but evidence seems good enough.
  • Samples were taken from the platform beside the tourist dropping point.
  • Gupper and Squidlettes might have the same chance overall, but with special fish in play I always seemed to get less Guppers.

Okay, before the next location, I think I have fished enough “trash” to make a table for that.

Since some items have such low drop rates, I can’t say for sure what you can find on each location, since it can be just luck, but the most common ones seem to be found anywhere.

The combined chance for a “Salvaged Furniture” seems to be around 6%

Location: Sunken Ruins

  • Approximate percentages. It seems that special fish always share the same catching rates in this location, whatever the bait is.
  • With no bait, I actually got more than 30% trash this time. Don’t know if it was just RNG and it was supposed to be 30%.
  • Finally, samples were taken from the stairs inside the glass dome building, close to the gamer skeleton.

Location: Oh Cay

  • Seems it is missing some nuts and bolts, because either the percentages are kinda funky with this one or RNG was not on my side.
  • No numbers matched with each other this time, so here is the mostly unchanged values I got from fishing over 250 times with Barnacle saying fishing is nice by my side and other 250 times with him buried in the sand.

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2154 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

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