Darkwood – Accessing Wolfman’s Secret Weapons Cache

How to Unlock Easy Mode

There are two combination-locked crates at Wolfman’s 2nd hideout, the one in the Silent Forest. They are filled with TONS of good weapons & ammo, & will make the rest of your chapter 1 playthrough much easier, if you like. However, not only are the codes impossible to find in-game, they are also randomized for every new game.

I see this asked about a lot. It’s been explained a couple times in the middle of threads, but I’m going to lay it all out clearly in an OP. I might also try reformating this into a ‘proper’ guide later. First, I’ll give some tips for how to access this loot quickly from a fresh chapter 1 start. Feel free to skip the next two paragraph if that’s irrelevant to you, or if you want to reach the camp ‘naturally’.

Head towards the Silent Forest, almost always via the eastern chokepoint entry on the map. The combination code to access both doors at this entry house never changes: 3333.

You can easily avoid floor hazards & lurking savage(s) inside if you go straight from one code door to the other. Check the ‘sleeping figure’ outside for a quick mark on map for the new hideout. Try avoiding the Huge Dog lurking around the nearby trees.

Unlock & save at this new hideout via checking out & turning on the oven. At this point, you can either run around trying to find Wolfman’s camp yourself, or prep your base & wait until he visits you in the morning, he’ll mark it on your map then. If you’re impatient waiting, & also playing normal mode, feel free to run out & get yourself killed when night falls. Although you’ll have to pick up your **** dropped from inventory, and miss out on daily rep gain.

Try to leave as much behind at your base as possible, you’re gonna need lots of inventory space. So once you do finally arrive at his camp, how do you unlock the codes on his mysterious crates? You have only two options: go insane with brute-force guesses, or get meta and dig through the save files.

You have to open up your corresponding profile folder. ‘prof1’ for save 1, ‘prof2’ for save 2, etc. Open up the sav.dat file inside. NOT the savS.dat plural file. It might take awhile to load if you’re trying a simple notepad type program, so I recommend a word processor.

To find the location of current game’s sav.dat file in the first place, please refer bellow:

Default save path for current version 1.3 & earlier:

  • Windows: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Darkwood\Darkwood_Data\
  • OS X: ~/Library/Logs/Unity/
  • Linux: ~/.config/unity3d/Acid Wizard Studio/Darkwood/

For versions 1.4+, aka if you’ve downloaded the ‘publictesting’ beta:

  • Windows: C:\Users[your username]\AppData\LocalLow\Acid Wizard Studio\Darkwood\
  • OS X: ~/Library/Logs/Acid Wizard Studio/Darkwood/
  • Linux: same as earlier versions

Then, do a word search / find for each of these strings:

  • “currentCombination”:”4563″
  • “currentCombination”:”2665″

These numbers are what the two crates are always set to when you first find them.

The randomized number for your save’s codes, the ones that you WANT to put in to open the crates, are listed immediately before these two specific ‘currentCombinations’.

If you screw around with the codes before looking them up, replace the 4 digits with “0000” instead. There’s one crate in game that starts with the quad 0s, you’ll know it’s the wrong one if you see ‘doctor_wagon_container’ listed right after it.

Whenever the game saves after you’ve opened these crates or any other, the whole combo info will disappear from the save file, so don’t worry about that. Once you open up the crates, you get the following goodies, they’re always the same two sets:

Ammo Cache

  • x1 Medium Caliber Magazine.
  • x2 Small Caliber Magazine.
  • x4 Medium Caliber Bullets.
  • x2 Pellet Bullet.

Weapon Cache

  • Axe.
  • Shovel.
  • Assault Rifle.
  • Pellet Gun.
  • Pistol.
  • Double-barrel Shotgun.
  • Submachine Gun.
  • Single-barrel Shotgun.

This is an extremely early find for the extremely powerful axe. This is also the ONLY place to find the Pellet Gun & the Submachine Gun in the whole game.

None of these guns are loaded yet except for the Pellet Gun, & 1 measly bullet left in the Assault Rifle. Also note that the Pistol & the Submachine Gun both use the Small Caliber Magazine ammo, but the Medium Caliber Magazine is exclusive to the Assault Rifle. For all three ‘magazine-type’ guns, reloading will DESTROY any remaining ammo, so try to use it up.

  • Combining your gun & ammo haul together.
  • You now have 3 rounds for the Pellet Gun.
  • 2 rounds for the Submachine Gun (or the Pistol, if you insist).
  • And 1 round for the Assault Rifle.
  • Also, 4 Medium Caliber Bullets that you can’t use until you get the Hunting Rifle, plus two types of shotguns with no ammo.
  • A bit annoying, but beggers can’t be choosers when the haul is otherwise very nice.
  • Also I’m pretty sure there’s x2 shotgun shells you can loot at your Silent Forest base.

Feel free to (try to) kill Wolfman now, if you are okay with the consequences.

Or treat him as your best friend now, since he apparently doesn’t mind you taking his whole weapon stash.

Enjoy & have fun!

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2274 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

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